I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Thanks for proving I am correct that you are an insulting asshat.
It's really hard to believe that these types of characters are actually in any kind of important role in our society, otherwise for which has strangely boosted their rebellious ego's to the heights in which they've been foolishly boosted to over the years, and we conservative Christians are scratching our heads constantly now..
It's really hard to believe that these types of characters are actually in any kind of important role in our society, otherwise for which has strangely boosted their rebellious ego's to the heights in which they've been foolishly boosted to over the years, and we conservative Christians are scratching our heads constantly now..
It's not about faith.
How did Trump's energy executive orders have anything to do with Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Trump had no control at all over the oil business... Further, in 2020 over 200 domestic producers declared bankruptcy. There was no demand for oil worldwide during COVID.
The U.S. became a major exporter.
Not true. They vote for democrats,which are all of the above.

Tea Party | Join the Movement. Support Tea Party.​


(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – A brand new campaign ad from former President Donald Trump has hit the internet and it's absolutely amazing. The ad creatively...

Former president Donald Trump is facing a total of 78 charges across three criminal cases. They include 44 federal charges and 34 state charges, all of them felonies, in three jurisdictions. Trump has denied wrongdoing in each case.2 days ago

Breaking down the 78 charges Trump faces in his three ...​

11 Trump associates have now been charged with crimes. ...​

https://www.cnn.com › tom-barrack-trump-arrested

Jul 21, 2021 — There's an old saying that goes something like this: You can judge a man by the company he keeps. Which spells trouble for Donald Trump.

Scandals of the Ronald Reagan administration​

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Scandals_of_the_Ron...

The presidency of Ronald Reagan was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment or conviction of over 138 administration ...
That's all he has to do.

let's say so, for the sake of argument.

But every time he contested the election with his "evidence" in court, he lost.
your last line is a blatant lie, the evidence was never allowed to be presented in any court in any state. the 2020 election was a coup of the US government, a subtle coup, but a coup none the less.
your last line is a blatant lie, the evidence was never allowed to be presented in any court in any state. the 2020 election was a coup of the US government, a subtle coup, but a coup none the less.
It is a fact that you are a moron.
The bed wetter's don't know either. They're drones, vacuous NPC's that react how they're programmed to. If the elites actually wanted a semi-liberal smaller gov republicrat they had a real moderate, dare I say RINO in Trump. He would have compromised on the 2A, and all sorts of things "the right" would have been furious over.

Instead, the DNC criminal syndicate went to war with the country, indoctrinated their drones to hate, which is their starting gear anyway and ensured they got nothing done. This helped promote prosperity as much as anything Trump did.
if posting facts and disagreeing with the dictated mandated opinion makes me a moron, then I plead guilty.

you cannot refute my facts, so like all libs, you resort to juvenile insult attempts, you fail again.
You have no facts..

You are wrong.

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