I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

If he had such incredible successes how come 90% of his former cabinet members refuse to come forward and endorse his reelection attempt?
Because Trump demands people to be highly structured and highly successful in their duties, but many unfortunately couldn't get used to be demanded to work efficiently for the American people by a boss that demanded it. They became complacent, lazy, stuck in many political status quo rutt's for many years until Trump came along to represent the American people again ... What a shock it was, and it stood Washington on it's head. That's what the people needed, and it should be what they demand from their President.
Because Trump demands people to be highly structured and highly successful in their duties, but many unfortunately couldn't get used to be demanded to work efficiently for the American people by a boss that demanded it. They became complacent, lazy, stuck in many political status quo rutt's for many years until Trump came along to represent the American people again ... What a shock it was, and it stood Washington on it's head. That's what the people needed, and it should be what they demand from their President.
Because Trump demands people to be highly structured and highly successful in their duties

You watched a lot of The Apprentice?

get used to be demanded to work efficiently for the American people by a boss that demanded it.

yea....people like Cohn, Tillerson, McMaster and Mattis really needed a lesson on manliness from a guy who spends more time on his hair than he does reading.

They became complacent, lazy, stuck in many political status quo rutt's for many years until Trump came along

The guy who showed up for work at 11, then was locked up in the Oval Office with a box of non toxic crayons?
You watched a lot of The Apprentice?

yea....people like Cohn, Tillerson, McMaster and Mattis really needed a lesson on manliness from a guy who spends more time on his hair than he does reading.

The guy who showed up for work at 11, then was locked up in the Oval Office with a box of non toxic crayons?
You done trying to win a star in kindergarten class now ? 👎
Yea...apparently that dumbass crap is making the round at Slack Jawed Imbecile sites...

Whom will he subpoena?

One of his Unindicted Co-Conspirators?
simple, in order to defend against the false charges all he has to do is present the video evidence of 2020 vote fraud in several states. They are claiming he knew there was no fraud, presenting evidence in court to prove vote fraud defeats their false case. Trump wins again, get ready and the stupid dems set this all up because they are scared shitless of being exposed for their corruption and treason in a second Trump term, but its coming dems, and you idiots set yourselves up.
simple, in order to defend against the false charges all he has to do is present the video evidence of 2020 vote fraud in several states. They are claiming he knew there was no fraud, presenting evidence in court to prove vote fraud defeats their false case. Trump wins again, get ready and the stupid dems set this all up because they are scared shitless of being exposed for their corruption and treason in a second Trump term, but its coming dems, and you idiots set yourselves up.
the false charges all he has to do is present the video evidence of 2020 vote fraud in several states

That's all he has to do.

presenting evidence in court to prove vote fraud defeats their false case.

let's say so, for the sake of argument.

Trump wins again

But every time he contested the election with his "evidence" in court, he lost.
That's all he has to do.

let's say so, for the sake of argument.

But every time he contested the election with his "evidence" in court, he lost.
wrong, not one vote fraud case was ever presented and heard in any court in any state. They were dismissed for bullshit reasons like "no standing" or "insufficient evidence". cop outs because the judges knew that the evidence was solid and were threatened by the establishment if they allowed any case to go forward. Our country has been destroyed by the leftist socialist democrats and the DC establishment, and fools like you cannot even see it as it happens before your eyes.

If you think any vote fraud case was heard in any court give us the cites and findings--------or STFU
wrong, not one vote fraud case was ever presented and heard in any court in any state. They were dismissed for bullshit reasons like "no standing" or "insufficient evidence". cop outs because the judges knew that the evidence was solid and were threatened by the establishment if they allowed any case to go forward. Our country has been destroyed by the leftist socialist democrats and the DC establishment, and fools like you cannot even see it as it happens before your eyes.

If you think any vote fraud case was heard in any court give us the cites and findings--------or STFU
ever presented and heard in any court in any state. They were dismissed for bullshit reasons

cop outs because the judges knew that the evidence was solid and were threatened by the establishment
You're a fucking idiot.
prove it, give us the cites where voter fraud cases were presented in a court and decided by a jury or judge. you can't because there were none.
They were never presented in court because judges dismissed them for 'procedural' issues.
Lack of merit.
No, the courts said Trump had a lack of standing, in these cases the court need not consider merit. Lack of standing is a very low bar and can include what the court considers filing errors or procedural errors. Politifact is lying to you.
No, the courts said Trump had a lack of standing, in these cases the court need not consider merit. Lack of standing is a very low bar and can include what the court considers filing errors or procedural errors. Politifact is lying to you.
Here's one

In the 4-3 ruling, the court’s three liberal justices were joined by conservative swing Justice Brian Hagedorn who said three of Trump’s four claims were filed too late and the other was without merit. The ruling ends Trump’s legal challenges in state court

Wisconsin Supreme Court tosses Trump election lawsuit
Here's one

In the 4-3 ruling, the court’s three liberal justices were joined by conservative swing Justice Brian Hagedorn who said three of Trump’s four claims were filed too late and the other was without merit. The ruling ends Trump’s legal challenges in state court

Wisconsin Supreme Court tosses Trump election lawsuit
I read your link and nowhere is there a quote from the court that says one case had lack of merit. That was the AP making shit up. Tell me, just what EVIDENCE did the court have to dismiss on lack of merit if they said there was 'lack of standing?'

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