I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

The dem party is on a path to destroy the USA and its constitution in order to protect their corrupt leaders. This country is about to explode. I don't know if it will be a secession or a revolution, but something bad is coming and the dems are causing it. I don't want or support or condone either, but sadly it looks inevitable.
lowest unemployment rate in decades
no new wars
secure borders
NATO paying its fair share
China paying tariffs on imported goods
billions to US farmers
US companies expanding in the USA and returning to the USA
tax cuts for everyone that pays taxes
low inflation for 4 years
pride in america
strong military

more than 3, can you post 3 Biden successes? we'll wait while you ask CNN for some talking points.
What if I start at the top?

lowest unemployment rate in decades


So 3.4 would be better, right?

Unemployment rate 3.4 percent in April 2023 : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

But you don't know a fucking thing about the Jan. 6th hearings because you did EXACTLY what you were told to do...like a good shill.

You averted your eyes.

Now that it has resulted in Grifty's well deserved indictment, you feign outrage.....with memes....like a good shill.

Face it, you're a shill.
/——-/ I don’t have to watch All Star Wrestling to know it’s fake. Just the fact no cross examination was allowed and testimony was given behind closed doors tells me enough. You believe it because it confirms your hatred of President Trump.
/——-/ I don’t have to watch All Star Wrestling to know it’s fake. Just the fact no cross examination was allowed and testimony was given behind closed doors tells me enough. You believe it because it confirms your hatred of President Trump.
I don’t have to watch All Star Wrestling to know it’s fake

Did you give that any thought?

Any thought at all?

Go ahead....double up by asking me to elaborate...

Just the fact no cross examination was allowed

That's how Committee hearings work...they aren't trials, or even judicial proceedings.

They can only refer, not indict...

you literally don't know a thing about it.

testimony was given behind closed doors tells me enough

Depositions are ALWAYS "behind closed doors", ya twat.

You believe it because it confirms your hatred of President Trump

Donald Trump has always been a fraud, grifter, moron and asshole....I figured that out by 1987...
Did you give that any thought?

Any thought at all?

Go ahead....double up by asking me to elaborate...

That's how Committee hearings work...they aren't trials, or even judicial proceedings.

They can only refer, not indict...

you literally don't know a thing about it.

Depositions are ALWAYS "behind closed doors", ya twat.

Donald Trump has always been a fraud, grifter, moron and asshole....I figured that out by 1987...
/---/ So you think All Star Wresting is legit? Do you watch it every week cheering for your favorite?

Anyway, I believe Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, whom no one ever accused of being a MAGA Trump supporter. But, you're going to ignore this and believe what you want to believe. So, have a nice day, Sparky.

Dershowitz: Jan. 6 Panel 'Doctored the Tape,' Edited Out Trump's Words​

(Newsmax/''Spicer & Co.'')

By Nicole Wells | Friday, 10 June 2022 08:01 PM EDT

Constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Friday that the Jan. 6 committee's public hearing on Thursday night was ''not a fair proceeding'' in that it was ''one-sided'' and ''unethical.''
''Take, for example, President Trump's speech on Jan. 6,'' Dershowitz said on ''Spicer & Co.'' ''He said at the end of the speech he wanted people to show their voices patriotically and peacefully.
''They doctored the tape,'' he continued. ''They edited those words out. If a prosecutor ever did that, they'd be disbarred. You can't present part of the tape and deliberately omit the rest of the tape in order to mislead the audience, especially when the other side has no opportunity to cross-examine, no opportunity to present its own evidence.''
/---/ So you think All Star Wresting is legit? Do you watch it every week cheering for your favorite?

Anyway, I believe Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, whom no one ever accused of being a MAGA Trump supporter. But, you're going to ignore this and believe what you want to believe. So, have a nice day, Sparky.

Dershowitz: Jan. 6 Panel 'Doctored the Tape,' Edited Out Trump's Words​

(Newsmax/''Spicer & Co.'')

By Nicole Wells | Friday, 10 June 2022 08:01 PM EDT

Constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Friday that the Jan. 6 committee's public hearing on Thursday night was ''not a fair proceeding'' in that it was ''one-sided'' and ''unethical.''
''Take, for example, President Trump's speech on Jan. 6,'' Dershowitz said on ''Spicer & Co.'' ''He said at the end of the speech he wanted people to show their voices patriotically and peacefully.
''They doctored the tape,'' he continued. ''They edited those words out. If a prosecutor ever did that, they'd be disbarred. You can't present part of the tape and deliberately omit the rest of the tape in order to mislead the audience, especially when the other side has no opportunity to cross-examine, no opportunity to present its own evidence.''
Anyway, I believe Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, whom no one ever accused of being a MAGA Trump supporter

Shill, please.......

So you think All Star Wresting is legit? Do you watch it every week cheering for your favorite?

Do you recall whom Grifty appointed to head the SBA?

Find a clue quickly, because this will get much worse....
you were quoting UE stats. look up what it was from 2016 to 2020. And for the record, senile crooked joe did not win the 2020 election and my first amendment rights allow me to say that wherever and whenever I want.

Didn't U3 make a comeback in time to become Grifty's sole "achievement"?

"3.5" became a mantra....until Bad Brandon stoked up the job creation machine and posted a 3.4.

And for the record, senile crooked joe did not win the 2020 election

I never doubted your estrangement from reality.
Didn't U3 make a comeback in time to become Grifty's sole "achievement"?

"3.5" became a mantra....until Bad Brandon stoked up the job creation machine and posted a 3.4.

I never doubted your estrangement from reality.
Biden was at 8.9% inflation last year, where are you getting this shit? SS recipients got a huge cola raise thanks to senile joe's inflation. UE under Trump was at record lows, especially for blacks, hispanics, and women.
Didn't U3 make a comeback in time to become Grifty's sole "achievement"?

"3.5" became a mantra....until Bad Brandon stoked up the job creation machine and posted a 3.4.

I never doubted your estrangement from reality.
funny, but the indictment of Trump will allow the fraud in the 2020 election to be brought forth in court for all to see. the dems just shit in their hats and are too dumb to realize it.
funny, but the indictment of Trump will allow the fraud in the 2020 election to be brought forth in court for all to see. the dems just shit in their hats and are too dumb to realize it.
Yea...apparently that dumbass crap is making the round at Slack Jawed Imbecile sites...

Whom will he subpoena?

One of his Unindicted Co-Conspirators?
/----/ You're either a shill or just playing stupid to get attention.
He's a shill.... Plenty of them on here.

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