I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

People, don't reply to this obviously subverted demoralized zombie.
Facts and reality have no sway in changing its programming.
This poster not only has terminal TDS, but now refers to Ron DeSantis as "DeSATAN".
It doesn't matter who is the opposition, to brainwashed Marxists like this one, they are as EVIL as they are. It's all PROJECTION. The demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies automatically FEEL that everyone is as FUCKED in the head just like them.
Stay away from the children, JOE B!!!!!!
Yeah, Joe is a major league douchebag.
sorry to burst your bubble, but I am 100% correct and you are wrong on all points. I have facts, you have rhetoric and propaganda. the sad thing is that you believe it and are too dumb to check it out.
The horse is smarter than the rider.
sorry to burst your bubble, but I am 100% correct and you are wrong on all points. I have facts, you have rhetoric and propaganda. the sad thing is that you believe it and are too dumb to check it out.
Do I have to take a screenshot of the citation?
You may show us the difference in the two now. Because there is a huge difference when it's a one sided affair.
Had you read it, you would have seen that it was a decision handed down by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with 7 judges voting
Had you read it, you would have seen that it was a decision handed down by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with 7 judges voting
7 of what kind of judge's ? Regardless without both sides having representation in a courtroom or hearing, it couldn't be and isn't a fair proceeding or ruling whatsoever. That's why any of this stuff needs to go to trial, and a full trial would then proceed for all involved..... Both sides undoubtedly are scared of a full on trial, because it's probably impossible to get a fair trial for anything anymore.
7 of what kind of judge's ? Regardless without both sides having representation in a courtroom or hearing, it couldn't be and isn't a fair proceeding or ruling whatsoever. That's why any of this stuff needs to go to trial, and a full trial would then proceed for all involved..... Both sides undoubtedly are scared of a full on trial, because it's probably impossible to get a fair trial for anything anymore.
Stop bluffing now.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
First of all, Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama and drove it into the ground! The only thing he did in office, was give tax cuts to the rich. That's it! That's all he did! The majority of his Presidency, was committing crimes against the people of the United States.
First of all, Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama and drove it into the ground! The only thing he did in office, was give tax cuts to the rich. That's it! That's all he did! The majority of his Presidency, was committing crimes against the people of the United States.
First of all, Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama and drove it into the ground! The only thing he did in office, was give tax cuts to the rich. That's it! That's all he did! The majority of his Presidency, was committing crimes against the people of the United States.
WRONG! Looks like the liberal media has you DUPED to the hilt. JUST THE OPPOSITE of what you said, is what is true. Here is the CORRECTION >>


As we can all plainly see, Obama's final years were SINKING GDPs of 3.3 to 2.3 to 1.3 to 0.6.

Secondly, not only did Trump NOT "drive it into the ground", he did JUST THE OPPOSITE. He brought GDPs UP from the ground, where Obama drove them.
Look at Trump's GDPs (2017/2018) compared with Obama's GDPs of 2015/2016.
Trump's GDP's went UP >>1.7 to 2 to 3.4 to 4.1.
Thirdly, Trump did not only give tax cuts to the rich, he gave bigger tax cuts to the lower income groups. On 3 low income groups, 28% dropped to 24%,...........25% dropped to 22%..............and 15% dropped to 12%.

Strike 3. Obviously, you are just a brainwashed DUPE, you don't know what you're talking about, and everything you said was WRONG.

Fourth, saying > "That's all he did!", shows the astounding IGNORANCE of information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media. One of the main things these liberal medias OMIT, is the list of positive Trump accomplishments, benefitting the American people, which made him one of the greatest presidents in US history, Here they are.
READ AND LEARN, airhead liberals >>

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WRONG! Looks like the liberal media has you DUPED to the hilt. JUST THE OPPOSITE of what you said, is what is true. Here is the CORRECTION >>

View attachment 812138

As we can all plainly see, Obama's final years were SINKING GDPs of 3.3 to 2.3 to 1.3 to 0.6.

Secondly, not only did Trump NOT "drive it into the ground", he did JUST THE OPPOSITE. He brought GDPs UP from the ground, where Obama drove them.
Look at Trump's GDPs (2017/2018) compared with Obama's GDPs of 2015/2016.
Trump's GDP's went UP >>1.7 to 2 to 3.4 to 4.1.
Thirdly, Trump did not only give tax cuts to the rich, he gave bigger tax cuts to the lower income groups. On 3 low income groups, 28% dropped to 24%,...........25% dropped to 22%..............and 15% dropped to 12%.

Strike 3. Obviously, you are just a brainwashed DUPE, you don't know what you're talking about, and everything you said was WRONG.

Fourth, saying > "That's all he did!", shows the astounding IGNORANCE of information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media. One of the main things these liberal medias OMIT, is the list of positive Trump accomplishments, benefitting the American people, which made him one of the greatest presidents in US history, Here they are.
READ AND LEARN, airhead liberals >>
I believe them to be the most dishonest corrupt party in the history of this nation now.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Troll thread.
WRONG! Looks like the liberal media has you DUPED to the hilt. JUST THE OPPOSITE of what you said, is what is true. Here is the CORRECTION >>

View attachment 812138

As we can all plainly see, Obama's final years were SINKING GDPs of 3.3 to 2.3 to 1.3 to 0.6.

Secondly, not only did Trump NOT "drive it into the ground", he did JUST THE OPPOSITE. He brought GDPs UP from the ground, where Obama drove them.
Look at Trump's GDPs (2017/2018) compared with Obama's GDPs of 2015/2016.
Trump's GDP's went UP >>1.7 to 2 to 3.4 to 4.1.
Thirdly, Trump did not only give tax cuts to the rich, he gave bigger tax cuts to the lower income groups. On 3 low income groups, 28% dropped to 24%,...........25% dropped to 22%..............and 15% dropped to 12%.

Strike 3. Obviously, you are just a brainwashed DUPE, you don't know what you're talking about, and everything you said was WRONG.

Fourth, saying > "That's all he did!", shows the astounding IGNORANCE of information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media. One of the main things these liberal medias OMIT, is the list of positive Trump accomplishments, benefitting the American people, which made him one of the greatest presidents in US history, Here they are.
READ AND LEARN, airhead liberals >>
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you trying to say Trump grew the economy during covid? Man, are you off your rocker!
WRONG! Looks like the liberal media has you DUPED to the hilt. JUST THE OPPOSITE of what you said, is what is true. Here is the CORRECTION >>

View attachment 812138

As we can all plainly see, Obama's final years were SINKING GDPs of 3.3 to 2.3 to 1.3 to 0.6.

Secondly, not only did Trump NOT "drive it into the ground", he did JUST THE OPPOSITE. He brought GDPs UP from the ground, where Obama drove them.
Look at Trump's GDPs (2017/2018) compared with Obama's GDPs of 2015/2016.
Trump's GDP's went UP >>1.7 to 2 to 3.4 to 4.1.
Thirdly, Trump did not only give tax cuts to the rich, he gave bigger tax cuts to the lower income groups. On 3 low income groups, 28% dropped to 24%,...........25% dropped to 22%..............and 15% dropped to 12%.

Strike 3. Obviously, you are just a brainwashed DUPE, you don't know what you're talking about, and everything you said was WRONG.

Fourth, saying > "That's all he did!", shows the astounding IGNORANCE of information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media. One of the main things these liberal medias OMIT, is the list of positive Trump accomplishments, benefitting the American people, which made him one of the greatest presidents in US history, Here they are.
READ AND LEARN, airhead liberals >>
You conveniently edited the real data.

Trump and GOP passed massive multi-trillion dollar spending bills that blew up the deficit to unsustainable levels and Trump got a small short lived bump in GDP (due to his deficit spending and stimulus), then it fell back down and settled into the same levels as Obama, BUT with much more debt and deficit.

Screen Shot 2023-08-07 at 12.07.11 PM.png

Trump had a debt and stimulus fueld mediocre economy, that was pretty much the same as Obama's. Worse yet, Trump's mediocre economy crashed in 2H of 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2%, then Trump had to beg the FED for more stimulus, and even QE 4, more fake money printing.

Strong economies don't need FED fake money printing. The reality is you are a gullible sheep that believes any lie you are told and has no clue how to analyze economic data or debt and deficit.
You conveniently edited the real data.

Trump and GOP passed massive multi-trillion dollar spending bills that blew up the deficit to unsustainable levels and Trump got a small short lived bump in GDP (due to his deficit spending and stimulus), then it fell back down and settled into the same levels as Obama, BUT with much more debt and deficit.

View attachment 812369

Trump had a debt and stimulus fueld mediocre economy, that was pretty much the same as Obama's. Worse yet, Trump's mediocre economy crashed in 2H of 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2%, then Trump had to beg the FED for more stimulus, and even QE 4, more fake money printing.

Strong economies don't need FED fake money printing. The reality is you are a gullible sheep that believes any lie you are told and has no clue how to analyze economic data or debt and deficit.
And you being a gullible Biden voter says all anyone needs to know about how dumb you are. It's amazing how in comparison to the Biden economy therefore killing any hope for the middle class to recover, just shows how nefarious you are when trying to counter someone else.

And you being a gullible Biden voter says all anyone needs to know about how dumb you are. It's amazing how in comparison to the Biden economy therefore killing any hope for the middle class to recover, just shows how nefarious you are when trying to counter someone else.
say what???
I post facts and truth, everything I post is verified by facts.
You just make up lies, like when Trump lost the election and then lied and said there was fraud as a perfect example.

Biden has a good and strong economy with the best labor market in US history and solid GDP growth, higher than Trump's average, and he has lowered the defict form the massive mega deficit he inherited from Trump. Also Biden has alot of BS to deal with hurting the global economy like Putin's war in Ukraine and the post covid problems still lingering.

Trump had a mediocre economy that was the same as Obama's, BUT had much higher deficits and needed even more FED fake money stimulus and rate cuts. Trump's economy crashed when they tried to inc rates to a little 2%, then they had to cut rates big time AND started QE4 in 2019, that is not a strong economy at all.

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