I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Fact: Trump leads Biden 44% to 41%

Meanwhile in one Premise poll, Trump led the president 45 to 44 percent while he took a slightly larger lead of 44 to 41 percent in a second poll, both of which were shared on March 6.
Cool, your shiny poll says this,^^^, fact is, it's a POLL. Not actual Results.
FACT is, over 50% of the voting population rejected trump.
I simple said.......

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 8.47.20 AM.png

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About :dunno:

It's because you wear Blinders, and you believe all the team trump propaganda.
Oh.....and you are a team trump Cult member.

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About :dunno:

Let me ask you this.....

IF, all this evidence against was actually true ( not what the court determined ), but ACTUALLY TRUE.
Would you want trump brought to justice?

I'll answer this other question now, before anyone asks me.
IF, all this evidence against was actually true ( not what the court determined ),
Would I want biden brought to justice.
My answer is 100% YES.

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It's because you wear Blinders, and you believe all the team trump propaganda.
Oh.....and you are a team trump Cult member.
So rather than post worthless rhetroic, how about addressing the title of the thread ? >>

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About :dunno:

So rather than post worthless rhetroic, how about addressing the title of the thread ? >>

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About :dunno:

1). He attempted to STOP the certification of a Presidential Election.
Is this a fact to you or not. Did trump try to STOP the certification of a Presidential Election or NOT?

I got more.
Let's address this one and ONLY this one right now.
Let me ask you this.....

IF, all this evidence against was actually true ( not what the court determined ), but ACTUALLY TRUE.
Would you want trump brought to justice?

I'll answer this other question now, before anyone asks me.
IF, all this evidence against was actually true ( not what the court determined ),
Would I want biden brought to justice.
My answer is 100% YES.

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If all WHAT "evidence" (against Trump) were true ? There isn't any.
1). He attempted to STOP the certification of a Presidential Election.
Is this a fact to you or not. Did trump try to STOP the certification of a Presidential Election or NOT?

I got more.
Let's address this one and ONLY this one right now.
He attempted to stop the certificaton of a presidential election, because it was being certified wrongly. So if he had not done that, he would have been in the wrong. Certifications should have been referred to the state legislatures - so says the Constitution.

Who certified the so-called "certifications" ? - A bunch of Democrat election officials ? (same ones who were responsible for the DUMPs) ?

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If he had such incredible successes how come 90% of his former cabinet members refuse to come forward and endorse his reelection attempt?
The threats against them because they were part of trump. Fk I’d expect you to figure that out
Let me ask you this.....

IF, all this evidence against was actually true ( not what the court determined ), but ACTUALLY TRUE.
Would you want trump brought to justice?

I'll answer this other question now, before anyone asks me.
IF, all this evidence against was actually true ( not what the court determined ),
Would I want biden brought to justice.
My answer is 100% YES.

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IF? Hahaha hahaha hahaha
No it isn't, fool. YOUR chart is % change. (which is a relatively meaningless stat). My chart is what the GDPs were for the quarters shown. Do you think that Trump's 2020 Q3 (35.3%) was only 35.3% more than the previous quarter - when GDP went from MINUS 29.9 (the shutdown economy) to 35.3 when Trump reopened the economy? HA HA HA HA.. Oh man, we're gonna have a field day with this idiot.

Hmmm. I notice your chart is not showing 2015 (when Obama's GDPs SUNK like a lead ball > 3.3.......2.3.......1.3......0.6. You only showed ONE year of Obama (2016) when his GDPs shrunk less. So you're actually changing the subject. This discussion started off with Billo_Really ludicrously claiming > "Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama and drove it into the ground!" Which was exactly the OPPOSITE of what happened.
I posted a BEA chart showing 2015 - 2018, where Obama's GDPs sunk badly, and Trump took over bringing GDPs back up again > 1.7......2......3.4.....4.1

I am surmising that you listen to talking heads on MSNBC, CNN, PBS, etc. who go on the air and flat out bullshit to the viewers, aware that most of the people they're talking to are total airheads, who are unable to discern the difference between a truthful report, and a bunch of concocted gobbledegook, just designed to make Democrats look good. :rolleyes:

And then you come in here and repeat the nonsense, thinking that you know what you're talking about. Maybe I can help free you from those con jobbers. You said > "our data is QoQ percent change, just like mine"
Yeah ? Well if your data was just like mine, the numbers would be the same, but they're not. Not even close. Your % change graph in 2016, shows 1.9 for Q1. my GDP graph shows 2.4 for that quarter. Your Q2 shows 1.8. My graph shows 1.2 for that same quarter, They're NOT the same. in 2017, your graph for Q4 shows 3,5. Mine shows 4.1.

Two different graphs, showing two different things, with the graph showing the actual GDPs (mine) being the only one showing the strength of the economy during these time periods.

So you can call names, act tough, pretend to control this debate, when you are just another leftist joke, spouting out the leftist jibberish that is commonly fed to you from liberal OMISSION media. Ho hum. yawn*****

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WOW !!!
You have burried yourself here.

My chart is what the GDPs were for the quarters shown.

What the fuck do you mean by this?? What are you saying?? What the fuck do you mean by actual GDP??

Do you think that Trump's 2020 Q3 (35.3%) was only 35.3% more than the previous quarter - when GDP went from MINUS 29.9
WOW !!!!
You have buried yourself retard, that is exactly what it means, the economy shrank by 29.9% QoQ in Q2, then grew only by 35.3% QoQ, and GDP growth was negative for the year. You are too stupid to even read your own graph.

Well if your data was just like mine, the numbers would be the same, but they're not.
My data is REAL GDP (which means inflation is subtracted out) which is more accurate, and I posted this repeatedly (its says it right on the chart). Your data is not adjusted for inflation, that is why it is different you dumb fuck.

I have gutted you here. You have been killed, and you are bleeding out. You are so stupid you don't even know what you are posting. Its sad that people as dumb as you are allowed to vote.

You have completely embarrassed yourself here yet again, like always.
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He attempted to stop the certificaton of a presidential election, because it was being certified wrongly. So if he had not done that, he would have been in the wrong. Certifications should have been referred to the state legislatures - so says the Constitution.
ok. Great.

So you agree that trump tried to stop the certification of a Presidential Election.
Done. ✅

Now, we can argue forever IF what he did was legal or not.
But that is up to team trump and Jack Smith.
WOW !!!
You have burried yourself here.

What the fuck do you mean by this?? What are you saying?? What the fuck do you mean by actual GDP??

WOW !!!!
You have buried yourself retard, that is exactly what it means, the economy shrank by 29.9% QoQ in Q2, then grew only by 35.3% QoQ, and GDP growth was negative for the year. You are too stupid to even read your own graph.

My data is REAL GDP (which means inflation is subtracted out) which is more accurate, and I posted this repeatedly. Your data is not adjusted for inflation, that is why it is different you dumb fuck.

I have gutted you here. You have been killed, and you are bleeding out. You are so stupid you don't even know what you are posting. Its sad that people as dumb as you are allowed to vote.

You have completely embarrassed yourself here yet again, like always.
I'm in another discussion with another poster regarding the actual TOPIC.

Your posts have been DEMOLISHED, by me and BY YOU YOURSELF. I'm not intersted in talkmg with lightweights like you, who hang yourself.
ok. Great.

So you agree that trump tried to stop the certification of a Presidential Election.
Done. ✅

Now, we can argue forever IF what he did was legal or not.
But that is up to team trump and Jack Smith.
No, not up to Jack Smith, It is up to the Constitution * Trump had his own electors to submit, so it was a question not of stopping certification, becase Trump was willing to go ahead with certifiction but with his electors, whom he contends were the valid ones.

So the issue here is not stopping a certification, but rather which certification is valid. (as Trump contended the certifactions that Pence accepted, were invalid.

US Constitution Article 2, Section 1 -"Each state shall appoint in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct a number of electors,"

The trouble with the electors that elected Biden, is they didnt come from the legislatures, they came from Democrat election officials, and thus, were unconstitutional. Trump wanted the certifications to be referred to the legislatures (as the Constitution requires)
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IF? Hahaha hahaha hahaha
Yup, IF.....why you got a problem with that.

IF the evidence against OJ Simpson was Factual, not what some lame jury decided. IF OJ in fact did it, would you support hime being found guilty.

I'm sorry this goes over your head.

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