I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Listen you Russian troll, I don't need no graph telling me about the economy during covid. I lived it. And the economy didn't grow! It collapsed. In large part to your Russian oligarch Donald Trump.
wrong, the chinese released covid on the world to destroy our economy and save theirs, with the help of idiots like you, it worked. Trump exposed it and you libs are trying to blame him.
I'm in another discussion with another poster regarding the actual TOPIC.

Your posts have been DEMOLISHED, by me and BY YOU YOURSELF. I'm not intersted in talkmg with lightweights like you, who hang yourself.
Man, you got bitch slapped. :auiqs.jpg: Yea, it is best to run away when that happens. :itsok:
That's true, but have you ever watched him shaking his tiny hands around like that? Without the benefit of rhythm? It's not disgusting, but pretty damn close.
I’ve been watching him knock snot out of every anti trumper
Man, you got bitch slapped. :auiqs.jpg: Yea, it is best to run away when that happens. :itsok:
HA HA. Not hardly. And there was was no complexity to the discussion. I provided the US govt data, which made my case. Obama's economy sunk, with 2 consecutive recessions. Trump restored it back up to 4.1 GDP, in 4 consecutive GDP increases. Ho hum. :biggrin:

Obama's back to back recessions >>

Trump's rescue>>>
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WRONG! Looks like the liberal media has you DUPED to the hilt. JUST THE OPPOSITE of what you said, is what is true. Here is the CORRECTION >>

View attachment 812138

As we can all plainly see, Obama's final years were SINKING GDPs of 3.3 to 2.3 to 1.3 to 0.6.

Secondly, not only did Trump NOT "drive it into the ground", he did JUST THE OPPOSITE. He brought GDPs UP from the ground, where Obama drove them.
Look at Trump's GDPs (2017/2018) compared with Obama's GDPs of 2015/2016.
Trump's GDP's went UP >>1.7 to 2 to 3.4 to 4.1.
Thirdly, Trump did not only give tax cuts to the rich, he gave bigger tax cuts to the lower income groups. On 3 low income groups, 28% dropped to 24%,...........25% dropped to 22%..............and 15% dropped to 12%.

Strike 3. Obviously, you are just a brainwashed DUPE, you don't know what you're talking about, and everything you said was WRONG.

Fourth, saying > "That's all he did!", shows the astounding IGNORANCE of information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media. One of the main things these liberal medias OMIT, is the list of positive Trump accomplishments, benefitting the American people, which made him one of the greatest presidents in US history, Here they are.
READ AND LEARN, airhead liberals >>
Do You Realize That Trumpâs GDP Growth Rate Is Only 0.3% Greater Than Obamaâs

Fucking MAGAPILL...
1 Million dead from Covid.
A global virus did that world wide everywhere and most of those million died on Joe's watch! And he even had the vaccine!

65 Million jobs lost
I thought Joe got all those back! Those jobs lost were all done so deliberately by democrat governor lockdowns.

riots in the streets
Thank BLM and Antifa. When Trump tried to control them, you called him a dictator.

assaults on Democracy
Leftwing kooks did it all.

No one misses Trump except for the die hards who can't admit they made a mistake.
Then why do you want him to drop out of the race? Why is Trump polling neck and neck with Biden even now?

It's why half your party wants to move on to DeSatan and hope that no one notices he's a twit.
Says a guy supporting a fraudulent imposter president who can't walk and chew gum without falling down or finish one coherent sentence.

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