I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Geesus, you started right off with made up shit. If trump was incredibly successful, he would have won re-election instead of losing by 10 Million.

Gee, dude, is that your physics degree showing through again?? Trump gained nearly 10 million votes over 2016, getting the most votes of any sitting president ever in history! You don't consider that a success?! And clearly, millions of Biden votes were illegal and faked. But even at that, the difference amounted only to SEVEN million votes counted, Fool, not TEN million.

Gee, if you can't even count the difference between 7 and 10 on your toes, how can we trust you to get our order for curly fries right? :21:
Gee, dude, is that your physics degree showing through again?? Trump gained nearly 10 million votes over 2016, getting the most votes of any sitting president ever in history! You don't consider that a success?! And clearly, millions of Biden votes were illegal and faked. But even at that, the difference amounted only to SEVEN million votes counted, Fool, not TEN million.

Gee, if you can't even count the difference between 7 and 10 on your toes, how can we trust you to get our order for curly fries right? :21:
Not when he loses dufus. You like congratulating losers ?
So, you accuse Biden winning with election fraud with NO PROOF, yet Trump and his bozo buddies are indicted for election fraud. You must live in Oz….munchkin.
Not when he loses dufus.
Did you lose your dufus? Didn't your mommy tell you to keep your dufus tied to your mittens, physicist?

You like congratulating losers?
Yes, congratulations.

So, you accuse Biden winning with election fraud with NO PROOF,
No, there is a mountain of proof out there that everyone can see. That big diploma of yours in physics must be blocking your view.

yet Trump and his bozo buddies are indicted for election fraud.
That is what tyrants do when they can't win honestly, they arrest and put their political enemies on trial for imaginary crimes.
Geesus, you started right off with made up shit. If trump was incredibly successful, he would have won re-election instead of losing by 10 Million.
Gessus, you are waaaay off the mark. This will bring you up to to date on trump;sseccess.accomplishments as president > take about a month t rwad through it (includint the source links.

As for the election, he won it by about 20 million. Even people in Guatemala know that. as they told Kamala Harris when she visited there.

Other than Obama's last 2 disastrous years, his GDP record is not actually his GDP record. The first 6 years are post-recession bounce, which would appear favorable no matter who was president.

Also the pandemic and shutdowns are equally atypical anomalies, which distort the overall picture of Trump's time in office.

The chart I posted looks past these anomalies, and show a V-GRAPH real picture of Obama/Trump contrast, with Obama's GDPs sinking like rocks, and Trump's GDPs rising like kites on a windy day.
The first 6 years are post-recession bounce, which would appear favorable no matter who was president

A) Nobody's GDP would be theirs

B) Normally recessions are followed by fiscal stimulus. Obama received the least lift from federal spending of any POTUS addressing one since 1970.


which distort the overall picture of Trump's time in office

I cut Grifty all the slack possible by stopping in Feb 2020.

Obama's GDPs sinking like rocks, and Trump's GDPs rising like kites on a windy day.

We were heading into recession in the winter of 19/20.
B) Normally recessions are followed by fiscal stimulus. Obama received the least lift from federal spending of any POTUS addressing one since 1970.

We were heading into recession in the winter of 19/20.
Serious post-recessions get normal bounce no matter what govt does.

I already addressed 1st quarter of 2020 - it was pandemic/shutdown Fauci economics, not Trump. Q3 of 2020 tells the story.
Not when he loses dufus. You like congratulating losers ?
So, you accuse Biden winning with election fraud with NO PROOF, yet Trump and his bozo buddies are indicted for election fraud. You must live in Oz….munchkin.
Amazing how after I posted PAGES & PAGES & PAGES of exactly the PROOF they keep yammering about, they come back here in 2023 saying there isn't any. And I posted it over and over again.

What does it take to get through to their thick skulls ? Sheeesh!! :rolleyes:
Amazing how after I posted PAGES & PAGES & PAGES of exactly the PROOF they keep yammering about, they come back here in 2023 saying there isn't any. And I posted it over and over again.

What does it take to get through to their thick skulls ? Sheeesh!! :rolleyes:
You did ? Really ? And somehow all your proof never got into the hands of the Trump admin to actually use....geesus, how fking incompetent are you guys ? It’s like your bogus ideas of trickle down and climate change denial and more guns producers less gun violence.... It doesn’t work cause your side is ignorant, incompetent and criminal

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