I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Now you know money controls everything
That’s it ? No evidence just claims and made up shit.
Money controls everything ?, I thought you were suppose to be experts on the economy ?,

You mean, you’re out of money ? That’s your excuse for incompetency ?,
Trump gained 10 million votes because, as history shows, more people voted.
This is no special accomplishment.

Man do you rubes sure like to blow the thick brown smoke up your asses! By your cracked logic, every election, candidates should gain 10-15 million more voters and set new voting standards, just for running!

You sure are in for a rude awakening next year. :lmao:
Man do you rubes sure like to blow the thick brown smoke up your asses! By your cracked logic, every election, candidates should gain 10-15 million more voters and set new voting standards, just for running!

You sure are in for a rude awakening next year. :lmao:
So, still bragging that Trump lost in a landslide. Hilarious.
Typical….you answer incompetency with cartoons.

Hey, I have to stick within the limits of what your lofty Yale and MIT physics degree in advanced automotives allows you to under stand.
Man do you rubes sure like to blow the thick brown smoke up your asses! By your cracked logic, every election, candidates should gain 10-15 million more voters and set new voting standards, just for running!

You sure are in for a rude awakening next year. :lmao:
You said that before the last election.
Stick wearing the tinfoil hat jerking off telling yourself that stolen elections are AOK just so long as a democrat got in office, eh? View attachment 820519
Stolen ? Yup….keep telling yourself that while Trump gets another indictment for ELECTION FRAUD. How does that work ? Trump was president and commander in chief while democrats stole the election from HIM ? What a Fking dufus. And, what a dufus for following this nut job.
Stolen ? Yup….keep telling yourself that while Trump gets another indictment for ELECTION FRAUD. How does that work ?
Just ask any tyrannical dictator, the kind you support. Democrats work best by accusing their detractors who would shed light on their crimes by instead trying to accuse THEM of what they do. But then, I realize that is about as far over your head as 2+3 = 5.

Trump was president and commander in chief while democrats stole the election from HIM ?
Moron. The Democrats all bragged about it and wrote up a big article naming names telling step by step just how they did it, and you STILL don't know a fucking thing. Especially about cars.

Of course, they spin the article like they were saving the world as a good thing, not that they were essentially stealing an election overturning democracy by engineering a desired outcome for themselves regardless of how the people voted.
Of course, they spin the article like they were saving the world as a good thing, not that they were essentially stealing an election overturning democracy by engineering a desired outcome for themselves regardless of how the people voted.
Tell us how they stole the election.
Just ask any tyrannical dictator, the kind you support. Democrats work best by accusing their detractors who would shed light on their crimes by instead trying to accuse THEM of what they do. But then, I realize that is about as far over your head as 2+3 = 5.

Moron. The Democrats all bragged about it and wrote up a big article naming names telling step by step just how they did it, and you STILL don't know a fucking thing. Especially about cars.

Of course, they spin the article like they were saving the world as a good thing, not that they were essentially stealing an election overturning democracy by engineering a desired outcome for themselves regardless of how the people voted.
Was this before or after Trump team organized fake electors to steal votes in purple states.
Just ask any tyrannical dictator, the kind you support. Democrats work best by accusing their detractors who would shed light on their crimes by instead trying to accuse THEM of what they do. But then, I realize that is about as far over your head as 2+3 = 5.
Now wait, who was president during the last election….loser Trump.

And all that evidence you say you posted here, you couldn't send to Trump DOJ in DC.

Did you forget their address ? Thats Washington DC.
Care of Bill Barr, DOJ.

Oh, you need stamps ?
Trump team was taped organizing the fake electors.….Did they play it on Fix News ?
I know, you think it’s cheating using real evidence against Trump….who says he was 6-3 and weighed 215. Geesus, his fat ass alone must weight 215.
The people who promise them welfare handouts hate Trump. That's why they follow suit....in anticipation of free shit. Plus they are afraid of being judged and persecuted so they cave to the masters' outlook. That's what makes them Sheeple.

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