I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Where is it ? you have control of the house, they can subpoena any of this shit. Nope, you’re just babbling. Why didn’t you send all your evidence to Barr ?
Now you are being ridiculous, because you know what's been going on.. Hey you ain't stupid. You may act it, but it's only when needed eh ?
Now you are being ridiculous, because you know what's been going on.. Hey you ain't stupid. You may act it, but it's only when needed eh ?
So people should just fill in the massive voids in your case with whatever you don't feel the need to even describe?
You did ? Really ? And somehow all your proof never got into the hands of the Trump admin to actually use....geesus, how fking incompetent are you guys ? It’s like your bogus ideas of trickle down and climate change denial and more guns producers less gun violence.... It doesn’t work cause your side is ignorant, incompetent and criminal
They HAD all that proof, and more.

I don't have any ideas about trickle down, but the more money corporations make, the better it is for their workers. Duh!

Of course, more guns produce less gun violence. Every mass shooting in America was done in a gun-free zone, and when mass shooters were questioned about their targets, they said they chose the ones without armed defense. Odd how this should even be debated.
Here's how criminals see gun-free zones >>
But you can‘t name where it comes from can you ? All you bozos do is grab ass onto slogan regardless of how bizarre it is. Why does it ALWAYS happen you blame Dems for shit with no evidence while your criminals are being indicted for the same shit with evidence galor…oh, deep state.
All elites in the WHO! Black rock and many others,

Those who paid for the Georgia stones
You're full of shit.

Looks like without knowing what you were talking about, you gambled that I might be full of shit. Well YOU LOST, (and made a fool out of yourself) because I certainly DID post PAGES & PAGES of 2020 election fraud in various battleground states.
Here' s link to it (see Posts 589....590....591....592....594....595....596) >>>

After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
January 6, 2021.
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Hilarious, you weren’t smart enough to convince Trump appointed judges or his own attorney general… what a bunch of turds….
That some people who Trump appointed, turned against him, doesn't mean a thing. This happens normally in life.
Trump first President to oversee Job losses...
Increased borrowing...
Didn't build the wall
Highest Covid deaths in first world per captia...
Take a MONTH to read this >>>

Trump gained 10 million votes because, as history shows, more people voted.
This is no special accomplishment.
It's not a success when 26 Million Additional People vote and trump only got a bit over 40% of those Additional votes.
That's called LOSING, bigly.

Now, go ahead and cry some more about FAKE NEWS ballot dumps, illegal votes, fraud and rigged election.

Trump Lost, getting 10 million more votes in 2020 than 2016 is still losing.

View attachment 820395View attachment 820396
Trump WON.
Stolen ? Yup….keep telling yourself that while Trump gets another indictment for ELECTION FRAUD. How does that work ?
It works by corrupt & unscrupulous Democrat election officials who CHEAT, whenever they have the chance ( which is most of the time). And don't think Biden wasn't in on it, right from the beginning.

I remember wondering why he chose to sit in his basement and not campaign. I thought about it, and then I said UH OH! This is not gonna be good.
TV told them to hate so they hate.

It really IS that simple.

I figured that out when leftists told me to my face that "walls don't work". Then to my horror they all rolled up their sleeve and allowed an EXPERIMENTAL SOMETHING to be injected into them by an $8 an hour walmart employee.


Because TV told them to.
Who told TV to do this?

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