I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Man do you rubes sure like to blow the thick brown smoke up your asses! By your cracked logic, every election, candidates should gain 10-15 million more voters and set new voting standards, just for running!

You sure are in for a rude awakening next year. :lmao:
Cā€™mon dopey
Are you denying that 26 million additional voter voted?

Or are you claiming there was millions of Fake votes.
Letā€™s hear it dude. Itā€™s not likely to increase in those numbers every year.
Did you sleep through the ā€œget out the voteā€ campaigns from both sides.
Thatā€™s it ? No evidence just claims and made up shit.
Money controls everything ?, I thought you were suppose to be experts on the economy ?,

You mean, youā€™re out of money ? Thatā€™s your excuse for incompetency ?,
Money runs everywhere everything and most everyone except Trump and that just pisses off those people with money cause they canā€™t control him! Dude, you remain stupid, I canā€™t help you if you havenā€™t figured it out
Trump team was taped organizing the fake electors.ā€¦.Did they play it on Fix News ?
I know, you think itā€™s cheating using real evidence against Trumpā€¦.who says he was 6-3 and weighed 215. Geesus, his fat ass alone must weight 215.
Hitlery did just that, doubt me? Psst she wasnā€™t a president
Money runs everywhere everything and most everyone except Trump and that just pisses off those people with money cause they canā€™t control him! Dude, you remain stupid, I canā€™t help you if you havenā€™t figured it out
But you canā€˜t name where it comes from can you ? All you bozos do is grab ass onto slogan regardless of how bizarre it is. Why does it ALWAYS happen you blame Dems for shit with no evidence while your criminals are being indicted for the same shit with evidence galorā€¦oh, deep state.
But you canā€˜t name where it comes from can you ? All you bozos do is grab ass onto slogan regardless of how bizarre it is. Why does it ALWAYS happen you blame Dems for shit with no evidence while your criminals are being indicted for the same shit with evidence galorā€¦oh, deep state.
Your opinion, but of course you are a leftist.
Really want a job in the Deep State.... They must be huge as they seem to be in charge of everything... They must be great to work for because no one seems to be unhappy working there, never hear about sexual harrasment or bullying...

Wond do they have dental?
The deep state is like the brown shirts of the Reich. They don't advertise. First criteria is to be a leftist or a Rhino who holds his or her nose while selling their souls for a pound of gold either to go along with or join.

In the comfort of Judas they all sit.
I can show you the tape, you canā€™t show any laptop.

Your party controlling the evidence of the laptop or do you claim that it doesn't exist, you know, sort of like the deep state doesn't exist either right ??

It all exist. Let's just see who is bad enough to bring it all forward as evidence finally.
The deep state is like the brown shirts of the Reich. They don't advertise. First criteria is to be a leftist or a Rhino who holds his or her nose while selling their souls for a pound of gold either to go along with or join.

In the comfort of Judas they all sit.
The deep stateā€¦..hilarious. The so called deep state comes and goes with your made up shit. Itā€™s Pense, itā€™s Barr itā€™s whomever disagrees with the lying cultist Trump and his merry buffoons.
You still canā€˜t tell us where all this money comes from.
You talking about the money Joe and his boy supposedly received from foreign governments ? Yeah where did they stash that money ? The IRS ought to be all over their aces, but cricket's eh ?
Your party controlling the evidence of the laptop or do you claim that it doesn't exist, you know, sort of like the deep state doesn't exist either right ??

It all exist. Let's just see who is bad enough to bring it all forward as evidence finally.
Where is it ? you have control of the house, they can subpoena any of this shit. Nope, youā€™re just babbling. Why didnā€™t you send all your evidence to Barr ?
The deep stateā€¦..hilarious. The so called deep state comes and goes with your made up shit. Itā€™s Pense, itā€™s Barr itā€™s whomever disagrees with the lying cultist Trump and his merry buffoons.
Any of them can support it depending on their money goals and power grabs needed. The deep state does have highs and lows, it just depends on the needs and goals set, and who unifies together at any given time to form the tornado when it is called upon to drop. The contents in character making up the deep state are the same as the tornado as it picks up it's miscellaneous debris.

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