I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Where did I discuss Obama? He inherited a disaster and simply stepped back and let the Treausury and Fed do what they had to do.

You don't know what you're talking about. This is my profession.
Trying to hide Obama eh ? He's fair game in the conversation when dealing with the historical numbers, so stop coddling your Master. Oh and stop leaving COVID out of the mix. You people are so readable.
Nothing has stopped you from showing.

Doing so is costing Pillow Guy 5 mill.

Not doing so cost FOX 787 mill.

Doesn't look like a sound strategy.
Yeah, and this is why y'all fear Trump so bad, otherwise you know what's coming if he gets back in office. He will right the ship, and stop it from leaning to the left with the aid of 285 million people + American patriotic citizens who want their country and kids back.

Trying to hide Obama eh ? He's fair game in the conversation when dealing with the historical numbers, so stop coddling your Master. Oh and stop leaving COVID out of the mix. You people are so readable.
Too funny. You got all that out of my post? You people are nuts.
It's your claim, junior, you back it up! And no, there is no proof out there. These are just bullshit right wing lies.
You sit confident in your deep state lies, otherwise that weren't ever empowered as being truth by a proper trial that should have occurred over something important as an election, but the truth won't be held back forever. Fact..............
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
I haven't participated in this thread before, but feel it is time to put in my two cents worth.

1. Those caught up in leftist group think must set aside the obvious and dutifully repeat the Democrat and/or leftist line, talking points, doctrine, propaganda.

2. Those caught up in leftist group think must set aside any standard of ethics or ethical principles they might otherwise have.

They are not upset about Trump. They are required to hate him because he has an R after his name, because his policies that they despise were so successful to actually help people, because he exposed their empty, self-serving people, policies, conduct, rhetoric as ineffective and damaging to the point people were beginning to take notice and put their neo-Marxist ambitions in jeopardy. They don't care about due process or ethics or even basic right and wrong. Attack and destroy the "enemy" whatever it takes and by any means necessary is the only standard they follow these days. Their surrogate media refused to report the many successes of the Trump administration and only put out 98% negative news re Trump.

The old guard, NWO and sometimes deep state Republicans are little better. He embarrassed them by a) winning the Presidency over their stable of darlings and b) showing them up for the ineffective, feckless people they too often are. He did many things they said couldn't be done or wouldn't do.

They aren't upset about Trump. The neo-Marxists see him as their "enemy" who must be destroyed by any means necessary however unethical, wrong, evil.

And the group thinkers who aren't part of the neo-Marxist movement but are caught up in group think personality cult would throw the baby out with the bath water and allow a neo-Marxist to be voted in just to punish somebody they don't like or who offended them about something. And that's really pathetic. And that ultimately is what will bring this country down.
Yeah, and this is why y'all fear Trump so bad, otherwise you know what's coming if he gets back in office. He will right the ship, and stop it from leaning to the left with the aid of 285 million people + American patriotic citizens who want their country and kids back.
You could only get 25% of that on the Grifty Train in 2020...when the scent of his loserstink filled the air.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Trump first President to oversee Job losses...
Increased borrowing...
Didn't build the wall
Highest Covid deaths in first world per captia...
Gee, dude, is that your physics degree showing through again?? Trump gained nearly 10 million votes over 2016, getting the most votes of any sitting president ever in history! You don't consider that a success?! And clearly, millions of Biden votes were illegal and faked. But even at that, the difference amounted only to SEVEN million votes counted, Fool, not TEN million.
Trump gained 10 million votes because, as history shows, more people voted.
This is no special accomplishment.
It's not a success when 26 Million Additional People vote and trump only got a bit over 40% of those Additional votes.
That's called LOSING, bigly.

Now, go ahead and cry some more about FAKE NEWS ballot dumps, illegal votes, fraud and rigged election.

Trump Lost, getting 10 million more votes in 2020 than 2016 is still losing.

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You sit confident in your deep state lies, otherwise that weren't ever empowered as being truth by a proper trial that should have occurred over something important as an election, but the truth won't be held back forever. Fact..............
Pony up the evidence and I will change my mind.
Hahaha you still don’t get it!! Trump has no alliances
Any you celebrate someone who is so despicable, he can’t appoint people to not hold Trump accountable to the constitution ? That’s your point ? They, his appointees, all had to take an oath of office not to Trump but to the constitution…and that upsets you.
Any you celebrate someone who is so despicable, he can’t appoint people to not hold Trump accountable to the constitution ? That’s your point ? They, his appointees, all had to take an oath of office not to Trump but to the constitution…and that upsets you.
I celebrate the guy who isn’t the elites friend. Maui is my evidence
You sit confident in your deep state lies, otherwise that weren't ever empowered as being truth by a proper trial that should have occurred over something important as an election, but the truth won't be held back forever. Fact..............
Really want a job in the Deep State.... They must be huge as they seem to be in charge of everything... They must be great to work for because no one seems to be unhappy working there, never hear about sexual harrasment or bullying...

Wond do they have dental?
Really want a job in the Deep State.... They must be huge as they seem to be in charge of everything... They must be great to work for because no one seems to be unhappy working there, never hear about sexual harrasment or bullying...

Wond do they have dental?
Now you know money controls everything

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