I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

A global virus did that world wide everywhere and most of those million died on Joe's watch! And he even had the vaccine!

I thought Joe got all those back! Those jobs lost were all done so deliberately by democrat governor lockdowns.

Thank BLM and Antifa. When Trump tried to control them, you called him a dictator.

Leftwing kooks did it all.

Then why do you want him to drop out of the race? Why is Trump polling neck and neck with Biden even now?

Says a guy supporting a fraudulent imposter president who can't walk and chew gum without falling down or finish one coherent sentence.
You should stop asserting shit.

You're a moron.
Other than Obama's last 2 disastrous years, his GDP record is not actually his GDP record. The first 6 years are post-recession bounce, which would appear favorable no matter who was president.

Also the pandemic and shutdowns are equally atypical anomalies, which distort the overall picture of Trump's time in office.

The chart I posted looks past these anomalies, and show a V-GRAPH real picture of Obama/Trump contrast, with Obama's GDPs sinking like rocks, and Trump's GDPs rising like kites on a windy day.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Only EIGHT miserable years? Every single president since George Bush Sr mentioned the new world order by name and with glee....EXCEPT Trump. Trump was the first president to come along who actually threatened that despicable globalist empire. And look how the left responded, with Nazi-like propaganda and smear tactics. I graduated high school the year Bush Sr. coined the term "New World Order". There were a lot of miserable years between then and when Trump was elected and started to turn things around.

More like 27 years of misery.
Only EIGHT miserable years? Every single president since George Bush Sr mentioned the new world order by name and with glee....EXCEPT Trump. Trump was the first president to come along who actually threatened that despicable globalist empire. And look how the left responded, with Nazi-like propaganda and smear tactics. I graduated high school the year Bush Sr. coined the term "New World Order". There were a lot of miserable years between then and when Trump was elected and started to turn things around.

More like 27 years of misery.
We had 4 GOOD YEARS of America First.
Other than Obama's last 2 disastrous years, his GDP record is not actually his GDP record. The first 6 years are post-recession bounce, which would appear favorable no matter who was president.

Also the pandemic and shutdowns are equally atypical anomalies, which distort the overall picture of Trump's time in office.

The chart I posted looks past these anomalies, and show a V-GRAPH real picture of Obama/Trump contrast, with Obama's GDPs sinking like rocks, and Trump's GDPs rising like kites on a windy day.
Other than Obama's last 2 disastrous years, his GDP record is not actually his GDP record

Tell me how much econ you've taken.

Do you ever watch FOXBusiness?
Trump is well ahead of Biden in the polls, and with a greater lead since Biden's horrendous performance in Maui.

I just saw Hawaiians interviewed there who are incensed at Biden and are calling for the State of Hawaii to turn red. Wouldn't that be funny?
  • Joe Biden turns the Bluest state red.
  • Joe Biden turns half the countries against us to form their own competing world currency working against the US Dollar.
  • Joe Biden lets in 7 million illegal aliens to the point that blue sanctuary cities are screaming they won't take a single more migrant!
  • Joe Biden sues a top secret national space agency for not wanting to take in non-citizens as employees working for China.
  • Joe Biden uses the White House for nude sex and drug parties while aborting the American flag and groping little kids and women.
  • Joe Biden's family travels the world taking in millions of dollars through his son laundered through foreign banks in exchange for special favors.
  • Joe Biden weaponizes the federal government to harass and oppress, criminalize and arrest his political opposition like some 3rd world country.
  • Joe Biden ignores and insults his own people suffering national emergencies while piping billions of dollars to a criminal foreign government fighting an illegal war.
And the Left just love him.
We had 4 GOOD YEARS of America First.
I am truly interested in who these globalists root for in the Olympics? I will assume they do not root for the US because then that would make them America First nationalists. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm also amazed how they shit on americans like they are garbage or something. I've never quite grasped why that hate.
I just saw Hawaiians interviewed there who are incensed at Biden and are calling for the State of Hawaii to turn red. Wouldn't that be funny?
  • Joe Biden turns the Bluest state red.
  • Joe Biden turns half the countries against us to form their own competing world currency working against the US Dollar.
  • Joe Biden lets in 7 million illegal aliens to the point that blue sanctuary cities are screaming they won't take a single more migrant!
  • Joe Biden sues a top secret national space agency for not wanting to take in non-citizens as employees working for China.
  • Joe Biden uses the White House for nude sex and drug parties while aborting the American flag and groping little kids and women.
  • Joe Biden's family travels the world taking in millions of dollars through his son laundered through foreign banks in exchange for special favors.
  • Joe Biden weaponizes the federal government to harass and oppress, criminalize and arrest his political opposition like some 3rd world country.
  • Joe Biden ignores and insults his own people suffering national emergencies while piping billions of dollars to a criminal foreign government fighting an illegal war.
And the Left just love him.
It is funny to watch the shit show out there and how in lock step all the authority folks are, Mayor, Cop Chief and governor. The talking points are spoken without miss so far. I watched a you tuber who was trying to ask the Mayor how come he doesn't give an update on the children harassed by the cops. Proves they have no interest in working this transparent. Zero evidence to date 17 days later.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Geesus, you started right off with made up shit. If trump was incredibly successful, he would have won re-election instead of losing by 10 Million.
Geesus, you started right off with made up shit. If trump was incredibly successful, he would have won re-election instead of losing by 10 Million.
let's go pull the actual ballots and let's put em through a physical audit? Let's look at the machines?

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