I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

It works by corrupt & unscrupulous Democrat election officials who CHEAT, whenever they have the chance ( which is most of the time). And don't think Biden wasn't in on it, right from the beginning.

I remember wondering why he chose to sit in his basement and not campaign. I thought about it, and then I said UH OH! This is not gonna be good.
I agree. I think this dementia of Biden’s is all an act. He knows perfectly what he’s doing. The dementia is an act to use as plausible deniability. So, he does these fake routines in front of the cameras while all along, he and Jill cooked up this extortion and bribery schemes.
I agree. I think this dementia of Biden’s is all an act. He knows perfectly what he’s doing. The dementia is an act to use as plausible deniability. So, he does these fake routines in front of the cameras while all along, he and Jill cooked up this extortion and bribery schemes.
Sounds highly plausible. I think it's part waht you said, and part just Biden being the jerk that he is, like when he talked to Maui fire victms about his Corvette. And when he gave them $700 each, when they just lost their homes (while putting his FEMA people in 5 star hotels at $1000/day)
Looks like without knowing what you were talking about, you gambled that I might be full of shit. Well YOU LOST, (and made a fool out of yourself) because I certainly DID post PAGES & PAGES of 2020 election fraud in various battleground states.
Here' s link to it (see Posts 589....590....591....592....594....595....596) >>>

Is it as bullshitty as your econ?
Looks like without knowing what you were talking about, you gambled that I might be full of shit. Well YOU LOST, (and made a fool out of yourself) because I certainly DID post PAGES & PAGES of 2020 election fraud in various battleground states.
Here' s link to it (see Posts 589....590....591....592....594....595....596) >>>

Read and inform yourself, please.

Sounds highly plausible. I think it's part waht you said, and part just Biden being the jerk that he is, like when he talked to Maui fire victms about his Corvette. And when he gave them $700 each, when they just lost their homes (while putting his FEMA people in 5 star hotels at $1000/day)
All the other hotels are full, stupid.
It works by corrupt & unscrupulous Democrat election officials who CHEAT, whenever they have the chance ( which is most of the time). And don't think Biden wasn't in on it, right from the beginning.

I remember wondering why he chose to sit in his basement and not campaign. I thought about it, and then I said UH OH! This is not gonna be good.
Gee, you have no evidence. Hilarious.
January 6, 2021.
Caused by the insurrecting Democrat's since before 2016 or before Trump came down the escalator. Hell it's still going on (the insurrection by the Democrat's), but it's being ignored while in comparison "Rome" steadily burns.
Who told TV to do this?
That won't be known (if ever), until the conservatives take back over the government, but even then it'll be weighed against national security verses the truth, so it may never be known.
TV told them to hate so they hate.

It really IS that simple.

I figured that out when leftists told me to my face that "walls don't work". Then to my horror they all rolled up their sleeve and allowed an EXPERIMENTAL SOMETHING to be injected into them by an $8 an hour walmart employee.


Because TV told them to.
No...you're a moron.

I know Grifty because I lived in NYC in the 80s.
You watched a few episodes of Reality TV and think you know the man.

I took the vaxx because I delegate medical decisions to medical experts....
That won't be known (if ever), until the conservatives take back over the government, but even then it'll be weighed against national security verses the truth, so it may never be known.
Why didn't you get that done while Grifty was in office?
The bed wetters hate Trump because they're told too.

Just like they switched from loving/hating/loving James Comey according to the media matters directives.

If Trump said and did all the same shit, but ran as a democrook in 2016, beating hitlery and all the republicrats. The bed wetters would have burned cities down if the GOP did nothing different and simply undermined him the same way.
I agree. I think this dementia of Biden’s is all an act. He knows perfectly what he’s doing. The dementia is an act to use as plausible deniability. So, he does these fake routines in front of the cameras while all along, he and Jill cooked up this extortion and bribery schemes.
You know, this could actually be true. Playing dumb or handicapped definitely could be something used to cool down the heat when his detractors start getting closer and closer to the truth.

It is strange how he plays this I'm just this frail little oblivious Biden game on various occasions, and then somehow he's giving these long speeches at world leader events without his harness on ?

Then again he does cause his handler's to look like idiot's in the aftermath trying to deal with his gaff's made.

Who knows, he may be coming and going. That's a Hallmark symptom of early stage Alzheimer's.

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