I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

You aren't qualified.

I'm not qualified to make decisions for my own health?

Funny...some doctors feel the same way. I would be dead right now if I had followed everything they said.

Last time I blindly followed doctors orders I ended up needing hernia surgery.

Did the doctor suffer the pain or expense? Nope...I DID!
I'm not qualified to make decisions for my own health?

Funny...some doctors feel the same way. I would be dead right now if I had followed everything they said.

Last time I blindly followed doctors orders I ended up needing hernia surgery.

Did the doctor suffer the pain or expense? Nope...I DID!
What doctor's advice caused your hernia?
This should be good!😂
I'm not qualified to make decisions for my own health?

Funny...some doctors feel the same way. I would be dead right now if I had followed everything they said.

Last time I blindly followed doctors orders I ended up needing hernia surgery.

Did the doctor suffer the pain or expense? Nope...I DID!
Oh, lahwd....spare me the anecdotes of the Stupid.
So after over a thousand bitter sore-loser posts from the Trump cultists ... Trump is still going to prison. Biden is still romping to an easy win. Hillary is still laughing hard.

All that effort, all those tears, wasted. It accomplished nothing.

Maybe another thousand posts can change that. We know the Trump cultists will try. What else can they do? It's not like they can talk about issues and facts.
What doctor's advice caused your hernia?
This should be good!😂

Doc...this lisinopril is giving me a bad cough.

Well, keep taking it and HANG IN THERE! ("hang in there" is code for do exactly opposite of what the doc tells you).

Doc...this bad cough gave me a hernia.

OK...you can stop taking the lisinopril now.
Doc...this lisinopril is giving me a bad cough.

Well, keep taking it and HANG IN THERE! ("hang in there" is code for do exactly opposite of what the doc tells you).

Doc...this bad cough gave me a hernia.

OK...you can stop taking the lisinopril now.
So, you knew better than to take your doc's advice, did the opposite, and blamed a medication for your hernia? OK. I'm surprised you lived as long as you have. Carry on.
So, you knew better than to take your doc's advice, did the opposite, and blamed a medication for your hernia?


You are one fucked up individual!

Are you one of those LGBTQ's?
Funny...I listen to the doctors and then MAKE MY OWN decision!

It's not the doctor that's gonna suffer the pain and the expense if they fuck up...it's YOU!

And lets just admit it...you took the vax because TV told you to.

That's pretty stupid of you, with no training or education in medicine or biology.

The ONLY people saying the vaccines were dangerous, were quacks and con artists like the doctors promoting ivermectin, which they were selling, please click on the link below this video.

80% of Canadians were vaxxed by January of 2022. That's 72,000,000 shots, and fewer than 100 claims of injury from the vaccine - less than 1 chance in 720,000 shots. Versus a 11% chance of having long term health impacts from covid. With over 100 million Americans having had the virus, that's 11 million Americans having long term health impact from covid.

No country in the first world suffered the level of death, disease or economic displacement, much of which could have been avoided with actual leadership from the White House.
Biden's "dementia" isn't an "act", it's a Republican LIE. Biden has never claimed to have dementia. Only the Trump Cult, and right wing media say he has dementia, and RWM know it's a lie.

Biden's has been made laughable gaffes all of his political life. It's because of the brain processes he's always used to overcome his stutter lifelong stutter. These aren't "acts", nor are they a sign of a cognitive deficiency.

I've had 80 year old employers with the energy and intellectual capacity of a 50 year old. They never seem to slow down, physically or mentally. Joe Biden appears to be one of them. Slim, relatively fit, certainly mentally sharp.

Donald Trump does not. He can't put a sentence together and his speeches are rambling. Transcripts make little to no sense at all. Trump is famous for sleeping six hours or less a night, has a diet of unhealthy fast foods. Both raise the risk of Alzheimers. His skin, underneath the orange spray tan, is pasty and white. Trump's speech and vocabulary is at a Grade 5 level. He no longer speaks like a Wharton Graduate. Last but not least, his father died of Alzheimer's and it is hereditary.

The belief in conspiracy theories, the paranoia, the false accusations, rewriting the past, are all signs of Dementia, as are the rages, threats, and driving loved ones away. I watched it all happen with my MIL. She died miserable and alone lashing out at anyone who came near her. A doctor friend told me that dementia for people who are "difficult" to begin with, is a process where they become abusive to everyone around them.

Trump's wife and children have all abandoned him. The Republican Party is now suing to keep him off the ballot in the 2024 primaries. Trump and everyone around him are facing indictment for the crimes they committed trying to keep him in power.

And Trump's still lying about a "stolen election".
Stuttering :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
I know a hundred people who stutter and show no signs of dementia! That was the most Democrat lie ever made up. Congratulations for the stupidest response of the century!
That's NOT what they said.

Yes it is. They are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans!

Why would the MSM vilify people as "anti-vaxers" before the vax was even available?

Why would they lie to us and say it has been FDA approved when no covid vax that has been FDA approved has been manufactured yet? That means you and I can't possibly get an FDA approved covid vax.

Why would they lie? (if you don't believe me...ask them for the "insert" that comes with the vax...it will read INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.

Why did people have to choose between the vax and their jobs when the vax DOES NOT STOP TRANSMISSION OF THE VIRUS?

You are one fucked up individual!

Are you one of those LGBTQ's?
You thought for yourself and needed surgery!
How fucking stupid are you?
That's right! You know more than your doctor!
You ARE fucking stupid!
I hope you did the surgery without a mask!🤣🤣🤣
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

Is it as bullshitty as your econ?
Calling my economics "bullshit", is an open admission by you, that YOU are bullshit (economics and everything else) 😐

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