I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Doc...this lisinopril is giving me a bad cough.

Well, keep taking it and HANG IN THERE! ("hang in there" is code for do exactly opposite of what the doc tells you).

Doc...this bad cough gave me a hernia.

OK...you can stop taking the lisinopril now.

Why are you still going to a doctor you think is incompetent? You seem dumber and dumber with each post.
Calling my economics "bullshit", is an open admission by you, that YOU are bullshit (economics and everything else) šŸ˜
Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump's Administration was an economic success is too stupid to be one person, or that it addressed the basic issues of income and wealthy disparity in the USA, which is the worst in the First World.

In fact, Trump's tax cuts worsened the economy for working people, and crashed the economy when the pandemic hit. 60% of American workers can't deal with a $500 emergency.

His trade wars and tariffs, raised prices on basic goods, and did NOTHING for your exports. The Trade Deficit was nearly $2 billion dollars higher when he left office than when he was elected.

The minimum wage hasn't been raised since 2009, when Obama was in office, and Democratss held the House and Senate. That's 14 years with no raise for the poorest workers in the USA.

Republicans keep claiming they're better for the US economy, but every economic indicator proves that they're lying.
Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump's Administration was an economic success is too stupid to be one person, or that it addressed the basic issues of income and wealthy disparity in the USA, which is the worst in the First World.

In fact, Trump's tax cuts worsened the economy for working people, and crashed the economy when the pandemic hit. 60% of American workers can't deal with a $500 emergency.

His trade wars and tariffs, raised prices on basic goods, and did NOTHING for your exports. The Trade Deficit was nearly $2 billion dollars higher when he left office than when he was elected.

The minimum wage hasn't been raised since 2009, when Obama was in office, and Democratss held the House and Senate. That's 14 years with no raise for the poorest workers in the USA.

Republicans keep claiming they're better for the US economy, but every economic indicator proves that they're lying.
Itā€™s falling on deaf ears as far as republicans and the economy is concerned. The Govt is the big bad intruder in your life, heā€™s not the fireman, policeman or road repairman or woman. The Govt is the person who takes your money not the one who gives you service, SS or Medicare. . Republicans spend all their time separating the two and their minions end up falling for it. Unfortunately so donā€™t a lot of other non republicans.

Unfortunately cutting taxes can get literally anyone elected, regardless of whoā€™s taxes your cutting. The less aware you are the less you can see any connection between taxes and services. So you call, taxes, big brother and the other, services....communism or socialism and make you afraid of it. Thatā€™s how you get elected.

The state of denial is obvious with Republicans.
They canā€™t even see that social security is a forms of democratic socialism.....even though ā€œsocialā€ is in-the name.
Itā€™s an example of one of many word games they play to remain ignorant
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Itā€™s falling on deaf ears as far as republicans and the economy is concerned. The Govt is the big bad intruder in your life, heā€™s not the fireman, policeman or road repairman or woman. The Govt is the person who takes your money not the one who gives you service, SS or Medicare. . Republicans spend all their time separating the two and their minions end up falling for it. Unfortunately so donā€™t a lot of other non republicans.

Unfortunately cutting taxes can get literally anyone elected, regardless of whoā€™s taxes your cutting. The less aware you are the less you can see any connection between taxes and services. So you call, taxes, big brother and the other, services....communism or socialism and make you afraid of it. Thatā€™s how you get elected.

The state of denial is obvious with Republicans.
They canā€™t even see that social security is a form of democratic socialism.....even though ā€œsocialā€ is in-the name.
Itā€™s an example of one of many word games they play to remain ignorant
Believe it or not I agree with a lot of your post.
1. SS and Medicare are going bankrupt and neither Republicans nor Democrats are trying to fix them.
2. The Republican tax cuts without spending cuts was criminal. All that did was raise the $32T DEBT.
3. Democrats want to hand out free stuff and borrow more to pay for it, like the $400b student loan giveaway
4. Joe Manchin was the only one in DC who actually said he'd remove the cap on SS to fix it. I hope he runs 3rd party.
Itā€™s falling on deaf ears as far as republicans and the economy is concerned. The Govt is the big bad intruder in your life, heā€™s not the fireman, policeman or road repairman or woman. The Govt is the person who takes your money not the one who gives you service, SS or Medicare. . Republicans spend all their time separating the two and their minions end up falling for it. Unfortunately so donā€™t a lot of other non republicans.

Unfortunately cutting taxes can get literally anyone elected, regardless of whoā€™s taxes your cutting. The less aware you are the less you can see any connection between taxes and services. So you call, taxes, big brother and the other, services....communism or socialism and make you afraid of it. Thatā€™s how you get elected.

The state of denial is obvious with Republicans.
They canā€™t even see that social security is a forms of democratic socialism.....even though ā€œsocialā€ is in-the name.
Itā€™s an example of one of many word games they play to remain ignorant

Truly brilliant post. To which I would add that having retired to the same kind of small town I grew up in, after living all of my adult life in downtown Toronto, gave me a much clearer understanding of the urban/rural divide.

Out here, the "welfare bums" are the bunch of middle aged druggies who hang out in the town square. Welfare cheating is a way of life, for poor ne'er do wells. Drugs or alcohol are nearly always at the root of poverty. Help for the poor or those going through troubles, well my church out here raised $20,000 at their annual Christmas Bazaar.

In the city, people are poor because rents are so much higher, and low wage jobs are inadequate to provide the necessities of life. Drugs and alcohol are factors in long term, generation poverty, but most poverty due to lack of education or opportunities, not drugs or alcohol. And my congregation in the City raised $2000 to help the poor at their Christmas Bazaar. There is a lot less "community" and awareness of our neighbours. Government assistance is a necessity for these issues.
3. Democrats want to hand out free stuff and borrow more to pay for it, like the $400b student loan giveaway

When will right wing Americans stop referring to government programs which aid low income citizens as "free stuff"? The willingness of Republican voters to buy into the vilification of low income working American verges on a criminal con.

You rail against "Obama phones" for the poor, without a thought as to why they're a good idea. How does the school get in touch with a parent in the event of an accident or illness if the family has no phone. Does someone have to go to their home or their work to find them? How do social workers get in touch with them? How can an unemployed poor person apply for work without a phone?

What about a parolee? If he has no phone, how can he find work, or arrange interviews? How does he check in with his parole officer? If he fails to check in, his parole officer will have to drive to his address to look for him. Wasting time and resources.

What does this free phone program cost? What are the benefits? It's cheaper to give these people phones, than to keep them cut off and unable to find work, and have government workers chasing around looking for them.

The goal of today's Republicans is to complete the conversion to Milton Friedman's toxic and failed "capitalism on steriods" theories, which have been debunked and repudiated everywhere else in the world. Friedman believed that all government programs should be eliminated completely. That includes free education, healthcare and government pensions.
That which the right would terminate, they first make so bad that everyone cheers when they destroy it. They're working on public education right now. Make parents pay for their own children's education. Fuck the poor.

But tax breaks for the wealthy, or big corporations. Or give-aways like the big tax cuts Trump gave to corporations, that they used to buy out small investors and minority shareholders and further concentrate wealth at the top???? All on the national credit card????

80% of the wealth of the nation is held by the top 20% of corporations and individuals. This is unsustainable and is driving your nation into second tier status, with corporations and oligarchs in control. Your middle class is shrinking because working and middle class Americans are subsidizing low wages paid by corporations, and big government is a wasteful way to redistribute wealth.

You could end a lot of "Free shit" if your workers were paid a living wage.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

By "4 years of incredible successes," you mean losing 2Ā½ million jobs and producing just 1.5% annualized real GDP growth.

Better known as the worst economy by any president since Herbert Hoover.
When will right wing Americans stop referring to government programs which aid low income citizens as "free stuff"? The willingness of Republican voters to buy into the vilification of low income working American verges on a criminal con.

You rail against "Obama phones" for the poor, without a thought as to why they're a good idea. How does the school get in touch with a parent in the event of an accident or illness if the family has no phone. Does someone have to go to their home or their work to find them? How do social workers get in touch with them? How can an unemployed poor person apply for work without a phone?

What about a parolee? If he has no phone, how can he find work, or arrange interviews? How does he check in with his parole officer? If he fails to check in, his parole officer will have to drive to his address to look for him. Wasting time and resources.

What does this free phone program cost? What are the benefits? It's cheaper to give these people phones, than to keep them cut off and unable to find work, and have government workers chasing around looking for them.

The goal of today's Republicans is to complete the conversion to Milton Friedman's toxic and failed "capitalism on steriods" theories, which have been debunked and repudiated everywhere else in the world. Friedman believed that all government programs should be eliminated completely. That includes free education, healthcare and government pensions.
That which the right would terminate, they first make so bad that everyone cheers when they destroy it. They're working on public education right now. Make parents pay for their own children's education. Fuck the poor.

But tax breaks for the wealthy, or big corporations. Or give-aways like the big tax cuts Trump gave to corporations, that they used to buy out small investors and minority shareholders and further concentrate wealth at the top???? All on the national credit card????

80% of the wealth of the nation is held by the top 20% of corporations and individuals. This is unsustainable and is driving your nation into second tier status, with corporations and oligarchs in control. Your middle class is shrinking because working and middle class Americans are subsidizing low wages paid by corporations, and big government is a wasteful way to redistribute wealth.

You could end a lot of "Free shit" if your workers were paid a living wage.
Here in the US we have a Constitution that says what can happen.
Communists steal from those who have and give to those who need.
Here in the US we have a Constitution that says what can happen.
Communists steal from those who have and give to those who need.
communists put their political oppositions in jail.
Why are you still going to a doctor you think is incompetent? You seem dumber and dumber with each post.
exactly right? why would we listen to a CDC and WHO that can't direct effectively either? Seems strange you didn't understand the issue.
Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump's Administration was an economic success is too stupid to be one person, or that it addressed the basic issues of income and wealthy disparity in the USA, which is the worst in the First World.

In fact, Trump's tax cuts worsened the economy for working people, and crashed the economy when the pandemic hit. 60% of American workers can't deal with a $500 emergency.

His trade wars and tariffs, raised prices on basic goods, and did NOTHING for your exports. The Trade Deficit was nearly $2 billion dollars higher when he left office than when he was elected.

The minimum wage hasn't been raised since 2009, when Obama was in office, and Democratss held the House and Senate. That's 14 years with no raise for the poorest workers in the USA.

Republicans keep claiming they're better for the US economy, but every economic indicator proves that they're lying.
Trump had the best economy since Reagan

I wish you idiots would learn about tariffs.

Without tariffs no competitive products made here. All youā€™re doing is showing your global self! Iā€™m all about American made
Trump had the best economy since Reagan

I wish you idiots would learn about tariffs.

Without tariffs no competitive products made here. All youā€™re doing is showing your global self! Iā€™m all about American made

Sure, if you ignore he finished up with 2.6 million fewer jobs than when he started; and gave us just 1.5% GDP growth.
Sure, if you ignore he finished up with 2.6 million fewer jobs than when he started; and gave us just 1.5% GDP growth.
first president that had a country go to lockdown. An anomaly never seen before. We're lucky the market didn't crash cause dummasses attempted to take our country down outside the president's office. An inner coup by the CDC and demofk governors.
first president that had a country go to lockdown. An anomaly never seen before. We're lucky the market didn't crash cause dummasses attempted to take our country down outside the president's office. An inner coup by the CDC and demofk governors.

Excuses noted. He still lost 2Ā½ million jobs and had just 1.5% annualized GDP growth.
Excuses noted. He still lost 2Ā½ million jobs and had just 1.5% annualized GDP growth.
hahahaahahahhahahahahahaha name another lockdown scenario that was better than Trump's?

BTW, how many jobs impacted in 1929?
hahahaahahahhahahahahahaha name another lockdown scenario that was better than Trump's?

BTW, how many jobs impacted in 1929?
Wait, you just said he had the best economy since Reagan. Now youā€™re excusing him for not have the best economy.
So, you just started off with a fking lie.
Believe it or not I agree with a lot of your post.
1. SS and Medicare are going bankrupt and neither Republicans nor Democrats are trying to fix them.
2. The Republican tax cuts without spending cuts was criminal. All that did was raise the $32T DEBT.
3. Democrats want to hand out free stuff and borrow more to pay for it, like the $400b student loan giveaway
4. Joe Manchin was the only one in DC who actually said he'd remove the cap on SS to fix it. I hope he runs 3rd party.
Both social security and Medicare parts A and B ARE SOLVENT and have been for decades.
The surplus always and does now go into the general fund through the purchase of Treasury notes.

The rights claim that Medicare and SS are going bankrupt stems from one fact. The Fed will no longer be able to steal from a the surplus they had.
What you fail to acknowledge is that the long generated surplus will never be used by SS and Medicareā€¦.

Free stuff ? For decades republicans cut taxes but never cut spending because THEY ARE THE PARTY OF FREE STUFF. No one increased the deficits as much as republicans so they could reward their donors with FREE STUFF. Nope, repugnants are the party of not paying their bills and free stuff.
Both social security and Medicare parts A and B ARE SOLVENT and have been for decades.
The surplus always and does now go into the general fund through the purchase of Treasury notes.

The rights claim that Medicare and SS are going bankrupt stems from one fact. The Fed will no longer be able to steal from a the surplus they had.
What you fail to acknowledge is that the long generated surplus will never be used by SS and Medicareā€¦.

Free stuff ? For decades republicans cut taxes but never cut spending because THEY ARE THE PARTY OF FREE STUFF. No one increased the deficits as much as republicans so they could reward their donors with FREE STUFF. Nope, repugnants are the party of not paying their bills and free stuff.
"Welfare benefits" amount to 5-8 cents of the federal tax dollar. Tax subsidies, grants, loans, etc to multi-billion dollar corps cost about 45 cent out of every tax dollar. Who gets the free stuff?

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