I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

yeah remember lockdowns? hmmmmmm what do you think happened to the jobs market? Can you say Pandemic? I knew you could.

Almost every restaurant in the country shut down. Remember that? you think that belongs on Trump? hahaahahahahaahhaha China releases a virus and it's Trump? hahahaahahahhahaha

Still on Trump's watch.

MINUS 2½ jobs.

1.5% GDP growth.

Worst record since Herbert "Great Depression" Hoover (R)
Still on Trump's watch.

MINUS 2½ jobs.

1.5% GDP growth.

Worst record since Herbert "Great Depression" Hoover (R)
yep, under china pandemic that shut down the world economy. But trump's fault right? When one like yourself remains ignorant, a normal discussion is unachievable.
yep, under china pandemic that shut down the world economy. But trump's fault right? When one like yourself remains ignorant, a normal discussion is unachievable.

Poor baby. :itsok:

Oh, wait... I know... save up your allowance so you can buy Trump an asterisk for the history books!
Poor baby. :itsok:

Oh, wait... I know... save up your allowance so you can buy Trump an asterisk for the history books!
it will be there without my funding. Funny how you don't know about the pandemic! Probably because you were in a pandemic and lost your mind.
it will be there without my funding. Funny how you don't know about the pandemic! Probably because you were in a pandemic and lost your mind.


No, it won't. You think there's an asterisk next to Hoover's name?
again, you're using a pandemic to qualify yourself. Unrealistic values of nonsense directing away from the facts. I understand that demfks hate facts. Don't you? Cause facts can't align with demfks.
You made the comment it was the best economy since Reagan, not me. Now You’re trying to Explain why it wasn’t.
so you're saying the pandemic had no affect on the economy? hahahahahahahhaahahahaha you didn't write that with a straight face. hahahaahahahahahahaha. mandating people avoid work, and fighting and arresting those not complying, hilarious at the minimum.

Take your stupid to another forum, because we don't fall for that shit in here.
”Trump had the best economy since Reagan”
Your direct quote….you made it.
Obviously you’re FOS.
It was and why it survived the Chinese attack

  • The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
  • After-tax corporate profits went up
  • The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
  • The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
  • Home prices rose 27.5%,

the pandemic recovery was better than most all of the countries under Trump. Since creepy's been in office we have short shelves and double digit inflation. woooo whooo
You have it backwards.,Sure, after Trump left office. Inflation was WORLD WIDE and lower in the US than the nations of the G7. Employment numbers are best of any nation.
Libs and corrupt washington insider republicans are pissed that trump beat them at their own game
What game is that ? How to be impeached twice and indicted 4 times ? He now is standing trial. You’re right, Trump wins the “ most corrupt” politician ever.
Really ? Income taxes, Fed and state and payroll taxes are deducted from payroll checks from workers gross salary.
Geesus, how ignorant are you ?
yep, they never see that money, the company pays them enough to cover the costs of their taxes. The fact you ignore that fact is continued demofk stupidity. The company must pay those taxes. Must!!!!!!! dummasss
You have it backwards.,Sure, after Trump left office. Inflation was WORLD WIDE and lower in the US than the nations of the G7. Employment numbers are best of any nation.
Oh so global inflation covers joe’s mess but not the pandemic that created it under Trump and it’s all on trump. Way to stay a hypocrite
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What game is that ? How to be impeached twice and indicted 4 times ? He now is standing trial. You’re right, Trump wins the “ most corrupt” politician ever.
According to the wizards of smart in washington trump didnt stand a chance of winning the repub nomination much less beat hillary in the general election
What game is that ? How to be impeached twice and indicted 4 times ? He now is standing trial. You’re right, Trump wins the “ most corrupt” politician ever.
No one was impeached

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