I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

What year did they raise interest rates under Trump?
Trump disagrees with you. He thinks he was the reason for the subsequent inflation….
Trump tweet while HE WAS IN OFFICE. Even he knew he was screwing the economy,.
The Fed's reckless policies of low interest and flooding the market with dollars needs to be stopped or we will face record inflation.
From the employee’s savings account.
Let's just go full retard Aztec and do human sacrifice to appease the weather gods.
You people are LUNATICS!!!!!
Really ? The deniers think every climate change research facility, every govt and every accredited institute of higher learning and all major related corporations are wrong, and Tucker is right. Deniers are the lunatics…
Hilarious. So you still can’t name one Climate institution, country or related corporation.

Your own reference doesn’t sho them. You can’t produce one list of these so called scientists. NONE are working climate science and few are even alive….most are from grave stones. No one sees theses list of bullshit artists.
It’s all lie dufus,
Hilarious. So you still can’t name one Climate institution, country or related corporation.

Your own reference doesn’t sho them. You can’t produce one list of these so called scientists. NONE are working climate science and few are even alive….most are from grave stones. No one sees theses list of bullshit artists.
It’s all lie dufus,
1,600 scientists are not good enough for you? GFY troll.
Trump disagrees with you. He thinks he was the reason for the subsequent inflation….
Trump tweet while HE WAS IN OFFICE. Even he knew he was screwing the economy,.
The Fed's reckless policies of low interest and flooding the market with dollars needs to be stopped or we will face record inflation.
Nothing still huh?

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