I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

I like teaching the really ignorant like you. The lack of a response is always your play, instead you insult and deflect
Insult the fool who thinks Trump was never impeached-and corporations pay everyone’s income taxes for them ? Nah, you can act the fool all on your own.
Insult the fool who thinks Trump was never impeached-and corporations pay everyone’s income taxes for them ? Nah, you can act the fool all on your own.
Did Trump leave office prior to the election? No. So no impeachment. You think the word means something. Explain what it means?
Naw, that’s the gift you came in with!! See you’re still off topic and insulting rather than debate
What’s the debate ? You’re ignorant. Why should I even debate someone who’s is as scatterbrained as you ? Trump wasn’t impeached ? Trump had the greatest economy since Reagan ? And, you’re employer pays all your income taxes for you. Either your stupid or you just look forward to getting a response. I’ll show you how interested I am debating a fool. Ready ?
If the employer didn’t pay the withholding they are
What a dumb remark…you’re employer pays nothing. He withholds PART OF YOUR SALARY under YOUR DIRECTION . THATS why they call it “withholding“. You are stupid.
No excuses for the traitorous behaviors of January 6, 2021 are being accepted by those outside your base.

Your ignorant, arrogant, lying, cheating, traitorous Orange Baboon-God now faces nearly a hundred criminal charges.

And he has the better part of two dozen co-defendants.

Several of which will be key players in his traitorous behaviors and actions, and who are likely to flip on him.

To the devil with your Orange Piece-of-$hit.

No excuses.

No more debate prior to indictments.

Your boy - a modern-day Benedict Arnold - is going down - deservedly so - righteously so.
Yeah, y'all really gottem this time don't you ? We'll see ... Already the charges are highly suspect, because y'all love to manipulate words and quotes to your liking, but in a high profile case the deep state won't get away with it. Have already seen the manipulating lies unfolding in the charges, so good luck with that... 😳
What doctor's advice caused your hernia?
This should be good!😂
Duh, the advise didn't cause it knucklehead, but the advise to get surgery was the wrong advise given him at the time, otherwise that is what he was saying I bet. Hard to believe your comprehension is so leftist, but then again not really... 😂

I haven't read his response yet to you, but I'd almost bet my comprehension is better than your's when I read the exchange between both of you.
Why are you still going to a doctor you think is incompetent? You seem dumber and dumber with each post.
Because Obama lied and said he could keep his good doctor maybe ? So now he's probably dealing with an incompetent Obama care doctor. lol
You’re the stupid one. Trump had the best economy since Reagan ? When shown he didn’t, you defend him. Guess he didn’t have the best economy since reagan. More made up shit, hilarious. You stepped into that one.
Are you looking at it year by year or in a 4 year or 8 year period total ? Many president's can beat out their predecessors on a year to year basis.

Then all depending on if the next year didn't have a major upset (COVID for example), then we can assume that under normal operations Trump was on track to beat many president's records.
Are you looking at it year by year or in a 4 year or 8 year period total ? Many president's can beat out their predecessors on a year to year basis.

Then all depending on if the next year didn't have a major upset (COVID for example), then we can assume that under normal operations Trump was on track to beat many president's records.
But he didn’t. So he didn’t have the best economy since Reagan.

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