I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About


You're so fucking stupid, it's funny. Employees pay their own federal income tax...

Income tax withholding based on information provided by employees on Form W-4. This tax is paid exclusively by employees.
from your own fking link....

Employers are required to deposit employment taxes and report these taxes on a quarterly basis in most cases.

no where does it say employees must deposit. you're fking welcome.
from your own fking link....

Employers are required to deposit employment taxes and report these taxes on a quarterly basis in most cases.

no where does it say employees must deposit. you're fking welcome.


Retard, "deposit." The employee pays it. Their company "deposits" it for them.

Like I said, you're so fucking stupid, it's funny.
But he didn’t. So he didn’t have the best economy since Reagan.
All depends on the outcome if he were able to stay on track before the China Virus was unleashed by the (cough) accidental release.

Speaking about that - I hope it's not found that Biden's relationship with the Chinese had some sort of play in all of that situation, especially after all the rhetoric the Democrat leadership (Chuck Schumer etc), were once speaking about when they said "all options were on the table".

I hope the Democrat's weren't fool enough to believe that an American citizen was so poisonous that he had to be dealt with in an "any means necessary" kind of way.

I hope that it's still not taking place with everything that's going on right now with the radical minded thinkers who have been led by ??????? Into believing that Trump is an existential threat to this nation after knowing what we all know about the Democrat's now, and what we all know about the Biden's now.

In fact this bull shite is unprecedented in American history as it unfolds. Guess we'll see where it all goes, but for this kind of stuff to have taken place over an agenda that was thought to be overtaking this nation by storm, is unbelievable really.

Retard, "deposit." The employee pays it. Their company "deposits" it for them.

Like I said, you're so fucking stupid, it's funny.
whose money is deposited? The employee never ever touched any of it. The employer is paying the employee with their money.
Wait, you just said he had the best economy since Reagan. Now you’re excusing him for not have the best economy.
So, you just started off with a fking lie.
The data is adjusted to fit the Article of Faith.
And if I do, what will your response be ? Trump got a huge amount done in just two year's before the pandemic. Now gauge that in the first two years of a Reagan administration if you will.
Give me something to compare.
whose money is deposited? The employee never ever touched any of it. The employer is paying the employee with their money.


The employee's money, ya flamin' retard.

nope, employer's money.

Nope. It's part of the employee's salary, which is already earned when their paycheck is cut; some of it earned even before the paycheck is cut. It's the employee's money.

You are astoundingly stupid.
Nope. It's part of the employee's salary, which is already earned when their paycheck is cut; some of it earned even before the paycheck is cut. It's the employee's money.

You are astoundingly stupid.
Burden's all the employers.

Employer Responsibilities​

Employers are required to accurately report employee wages and taxes withheld. They must file Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return. Additionally, they are expected to deposit all withheld amounts as well as the employer's share of FICA taxes in a timely manner. A failure to correctly report and pay FICA taxes can result in both civil and criminal penalties for employers. Late deposits can incur a penalty from 2 percent to 15 percent of the tax due, depending on how many days past due the payment is received. Employers who willfully fail to deposit withheld taxes can be charged a penalty of 100 percent of the tax owed, effectively doubling the employer's liability.
Burden's all the employers.

Employer Responsibilities​

Employers are required to accurately report employee wages and taxes withheld. They must file Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return. Additionally, they are expected to deposit all withheld amounts as well as the employer's share of FICA taxes in a timely manner. A failure to correctly report and pay FICA taxes can result in both civil and criminal penalties for employers. Late deposits can incur a penalty from 2 percent to 15 percent of the tax due, depending on how many days past due the payment is received. Employers who willfully fail to deposit withheld taxes can be charged a penalty of 100 percent of the tax owed, effectively doubling the employer's liability.


Dumbfuck ... AGAIN, you're showing how it's the employer's responsibility to "deposit" the employees tax obligation; which comes out of the employee's paycheck. It's the employee's money.

On December 14, 2020 Donald J Trump was served an eviction notice from the premises where he lived on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC, United States of America.

“Vox politi” served the notice.

Trump refused to leave lawfully and peacefully. and the incoming resident was constitutionally mandated to move in on January 20, 2021.

So, if you have ever been a landlord, with a lowlife scum tenant like that, you would understand why we hate the asshole.

How very hard is that to understand?

How many weeks did it take you to come up with that ?

Trump is the rightful occupant of the White House - on Jan 20 2021, and right now as well. Joe Biden is a highjacker.
Keep saying it and each time you appear more stupid than before.
“Only three U.S. presidents have been formally impeached by Congress—Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. One of those presidents, Donald Trump, was impeached twice during his single term. No U.S. president has ever been removed from office through impeachment.”
Only wokey wacky leftists would consider Trump to have ever been impeached. Those who voted for it, belong in mental institutions.
So obviously you’re now admitting AGAIN that Trump did not have the best economy since Reagan.
He did have the best economy, up until the pndemic, and the pandemic wasn't his. It was created and maintained by Democrats. And when Republicans discovered they were being had, Trump responded with the best economy (Q3-2020) in US history (35.3% GDP)
He did have the best economy, up until the pndemic, and the pandemic wasn't his. It was created and maintained by Democrats. And when Republicans discovered they were being had, Trump responded with the best economy (Q3-2020) in US history (35.3% GDP)
The economy was at 2.3% when COVID hit. That's a fact. Look it up.

And that's WITH TRILLIONS in help from the Fed, and MASSIVE spending that Trump signed and applauded.

I know you've been told differently in your world, but that's reality.

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