I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

I see no source link to support that, and it sounds HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Sounds like one of those totally ridiculous lines that leftists come out with, to cover their tracks.

I don't see how fossil fuels could even come close to birds killed by wind turbines. Not hardly.
Of course you don’t , you never looked
They pulled it outta their ace. They are taking this nation closer and closer to it's destruction, and it's all due to their permeation of weakness and ridiculousness. They do this as a new screwed up culture and society.

God won't allow for it to stand, and that's a fact. No way does he allow such a newly depraved people to boaster or lift themselves up into high places for much longer, and especially while they say to themselves "look at me, look me", and it's all about me, me, me, me, me, me, as they kiss their own hands, and claim that they are god's.
People must always remember that liberals will SAY ANYTHING. :rolleyes:
I never looked at leftist propaganda on CNN & MSNBC. Correct.
Us department of wildlife, the people who’s job it is to track this shit says not only fossil fuel pits but buildings and cats kill more, dufus
Oh, says the bogus fools who support trickle down, anti vac, anti climate change ,anti elections and Putin. You idiots are the cult of denial conspiracy nimrods.
I support none of those things. I also don't support privileges for LGBTs, CRT, mutilation of kids without parental knowledge. Unrestricted immigration, gun-free zones, or cancelling oil leases causing huge inflation.
I support none of those things. I also don't support privileges for LGBTs, CRT, mutilation of kids without parental knowledge. Unrestricted immigration, gun-free zones, or cancelling oil leases causing huge inflation.
Than, you believe in climate change
Than, you believe in climate change
It's quite evident, but leftists exxagerate it.
And your beliefs ? Support privileges for LGBTs, CRT, mutilation of kids without parental knowledge ??? Unrestricted immigration, gun-free zones, or cancelling oil leases causing huge inflation ???

How about all the good things Trump did for poor and working class folks, and minorities ? You support all them ? Or did the information never get to you, through the left wing media's screen-out machine ?

Simple solution to that >>> MAGAPILL
Us department of wildlife, the people who’s job it is to track this shit says not only fossil fuel pits but buildings and cats kill more, dufus
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They, (deep in cahoots with the green energy movement) are full of shit.

I used to feed homeless cats at my apartment complex. I fed then almost every night for 8 years. I watched them closely, when they were not feeding. I also got many of them fixed, with the Humane Society.

In 8 years, I never once saw a cat kill a bird, and only twice did I find the aftermath with feathers on the ground. That's TWO occurances in 2,922 days. I saw more cats killed by people (cars) than birds killed by cats.

Liberals believe anything their con job masters say. Poor souls.
They, (deep in cahoots with the green energy movement) are full of shit.

I used to feed homeless cats at my apartment complex. I fed then almost every night for 8 years. I watched them closely, when they were not feeding. I also got many of them fixed, with the Humane Society.

In 8 years, I never once saw a cat kill a bird, and only twice did I find the aftermath with feathers on the ground. That's TWO occurances in 2,922 days. I saw more cats killed by people (cars) than birds killed by cats.

Liberals believe anything their con job masters say. Poor souls.
What an iggy you are. There is NO ONE but the wildlife fish and game department that would have access to such information. This is typical....the deep state bull shit. So you never saw a cat kill a bird. What a dufus thing to say. As if you’re a collector of information.
And you worked for the fossil fuel industry and powerline maintenance department. You’re a hilarious liar.
They pulled it outta their ace. They are taking this nation closer and closer to it's destruction, and it's all due to their permeation of weakness and ridiculousness. They do this as a new screwed up culture and society.

God won't allow for it to stand, and that's a fact. No way does he allow such a newly depraved people to boaster or lift themselves up into high places for much longer, and especially while they say to themselves "look at me, look me", and it's all about me, me, me, me, me, me, as they kiss their own hands, and claim that they are god's.
What if god does allow it? You'll lose your mind, wont you?
They, (deep in cahoots with the green energy movement) are full of shit.

I used to feed homeless cats at my apartment complex. I fed then almost every night for 8 years. I watched them closely, when they were not feeding. I also got many of them fixed, with the Humane Society.

In 8 years, I never once saw a cat kill a bird, and only twice did I find the aftermath with feathers on the ground. That's TWO occurances in 2,922 days. I saw more cats killed by people (cars) than birds killed by cats.

Liberals believe anything their con job masters say. Poor souls.
What does your dumb anecdotal story have to do with anything? Oh wait its another right wing nut job saying if I didnt see it, it doesnt happen. Your kind is absolutely stupid. Go feed your 100 cats and let the sane adults handle things.
What does your dumb anecdotal story have to do with anything? Oh wait its another right wing nut job saying if I didnt see it, it doesnt happen. Your kind is absolutely stupid. Go feed your 100 cats and let the sane adults handle things.
Ha ha. Exactly
Oh, wait, he’s driven by power lines too and hasn’t seen any dead birds. And he lives in the country with no large buildings. He’s an expert, so to speak.
Ha ha. Exactly
Oh, wait, he’s driven by power lines too and hasn’t seen any dead birds. And he lives in the country with no large buildings. He’s an expert, so to speak.
The only thing he's an expert at is being mentally ill.
What if god does allow it? You'll lose your mind, wont you?
Glad you wrote the word god with the little g, because yes I definitely would be in despair if your god has his way over us for much longer. My God won't allow it, so don't get to comfortable in your sin. A day of reckoning is coming.
Glad you wrote the word god with the little g, because yes I definitely would be in despair if your god has his way over us for much longer. My God won't allow it, so don't get to comfortable in your sin. A day of reckoning is coming.
The voices in your head isn't God.

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