I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Seething is only part of it. The SADNESS of seeing what has happened to our country, now being run by criminal thugs, and how far we've descended, is another aspect. The strangeness of many people actually accepting this madness, is also difficult to get a handle on.
The study of Sodom & Gomora would be a requirement at this stage in the game.
LOL your "study" of cats is as good as any ever done? You are truly a lunatic. Hey look now you dont know the difference between looking out your back door and an actual scientific study. Go back to studying your cats you moron. And stay out of society away from people.
HA HA. This is a perfect example of what I just said. You are programmed to believe that what you call a "study" is "scientific", and therefore irrefutable.

How would you like me to show you how flimsy and stupid some of your so-called "scientific "studies", actually are ? I could do that quite easily. You'll get an education.

"Listen BOZO. You dont have the foggiest idea what your illustrious oh-so-scientific studies are all about. DId you actually study the criterea ? NO! Do you KNOW what is really going on in them ? NO! You just take their word for whatever they say, just because they are in line with your warped politics.

"an actual scientific study": HA HA HA HA.

You are the kind who is so warped, that if you SAW things happening right before your eyes, you would deny they happened, if a "study" wasn't in agreement. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:

And people wonder why this country is such a mess.
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No I took science in 7th grade and learned what the scientific method is. Sounds like you're about ready to have a mental break. Good luck dont hurt anyone.
The scientific method is observation, analysis, and report. As stated in Wikipedia, it can take place anywhere from a garage, to a remote mountaintop, to CERN's Large Hadron Collider. You aren't astute enough to know that.
True. But you expect this psycho to conduct a legit scientific experiment? LOL I dont think so.
That's because you are a loose tongue IDIOT, who doesnt have the slightest idea what you're talking about. Now would like me to show you how fallible your high-faluting, illustrious, "scientific" LAUGHABLE studies are (fully accepted by the New York Times), or would you prefer to remain ignorant ?
Really ? Trump is over 50% in the primary polls, that’s half of the repugnant registered voters which is 29% of the electorate. You you bozos make up 15% of the registered voters…..yup. 15% of the electorate are retards. We‘ll buy that.
Buy this >> In the Real Clear Politics collection of 8 polls (most of the Democrat polls), Trump leads Biden 45% to 44%.

Since Republicans generally don't answer polls, the true numbers are witn Trump having a very large lead.

That is a big assumption to make. I could be here for many reasons besides caring what you say. A couple of which I just listed.
No. If you respond to a poster's post, that is indicative that YOU CARE about what he says (or you wouldnt respond) . Not a very good attempt to wiggle out of it.
They, (deep in cahoots with the green energy movement) are full of shit.

I used to feed homeless cats at my apartment complex. I fed then almost every night for 8 years. I watched them closely, when they were not feeding. I also got many of them fixed, with the Humane Society.

In 8 years, I never once saw a cat kill a bird, and only twice did I find the aftermath with feathers on the ground. That's TWO occurances in 2,922 days. I saw more cats killed by people (cars) than birds killed by cats.

Liberals believe anything their con job masters say. Poor souls.

I had the white cat in my avatar for the first 3 years I lived here, although he didn't go outdoors for the first year. This cat was "free fed" for all of his life. His bowl was never empty. The woman who tended the gardens complained of all of the dead bodies she had to remove. After she left and I had to clean up after my own cat, I dubbed him a dangerous "serial killer". Mice, voles, birds, even a bat. Every morning he'd come in and drop a dead body in front of the stove, as if to say "I brought you a nice breakfast", and go off to sleep for the day.

The black cat, I've only had for the past 2 1/2 years. She belonged to a neighbour when that picture was taken. She came to live with me when the neighbour got sick. She's not quite the prolific hunter the white cat was, but I've disposed of more than a half dozen birds just this year, mostly young ones, just leaving the nest.
I had the white cat in my avatar for the first 3 years I lived here, although he didn't go outdoors for the first year. This cat was "free fed" for all of his life. His bowl was never empty. The woman who tended the gardens complained of all of the dead bodies she had to remove. After she left and I had to clean up after my own cat, I dubbed him a dangerous "serial killer". Mice, voles, birds, even a bat. Every morning he'd come in and drop a dead body in front of the stove, as if to say "I brought you a nice breakfast", and go off to sleep for the day.

The black cat, I've only had for the past 2 1/2 years. She belonged to a neighbour when that picture was taken. She came to live with me when the neighbour got sick. She's not quite the prolific hunter the white cat was, but I've disposed of more than a half dozen birds just this year, mostly young ones, just leaving the nest.
My experience, over 8 years, every day, was exactly the opposite. I dont believe a word you said here. Birds are simply too keen sighted, too wary, and too fast for cats.
Of course you think everything you say is rational and there is no way to prove to you that you are delusional. You expect me, who is not a psychiatrist, to prove to you, the irrational, delusional psycho that you are in fact those things? Sorry pal that isnt my area of expertise. That's why you probably need to be under a 72 hour psych hold.

Well if it's not your area of expertise enough to back up what you claim, than it;s simple > Don't claim it. IOW, :anj_stfu:
Buy this >> In the Real Clear Politics collection of 8 polls (most of the Democrat polls), Trump leads Biden 45% to 44%.

Since Republicans generally don't answer polls, the true numbers are witn Trump having a very large lead.

It means NOTHING. WAIT till next year. 9 months before the 2020 election, Trump and Biden were running neck and neck…and Biden won by 7 million votes. You‘re a year out. You’re in a primary and Trump is getting free publicity. Wait till the reruns of Trump and his bullshit start playing * out over the air next year. Biden will start looking lIke a genius.
How do you think Trump will sound on the witness stand with a fking felony charge.
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So you don't like different points of view. I thought democrats loved democracy?
The election has little to do with democrats and republicans. It’s won or lost by the vote of independents who out number each PARTy DUFUS. AND, you spent two years screwing Women's rights. You lost after the first year because if it, you’ll lose again.

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