I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

He's a pitiful little troll. Wakes up every morning with Trump playing ping pong in his head. Sad life.
It worked last time….loser Trump will lose again. Come next time next year, most republucans will be ashamed to vote for Trump. The anti Trump republicans and women will be a bigger factor than last election. You’d better run a gold fish if repugnants want any chance.
Clearly not, Dems want to RIG elections. Let's be honest, Democrats don't want another 4 year dose of Trump he stomped the shit out of them last time and they still haven't recovered.
Of course we have evidence of Repugnants trying to rig election ….did you present any in front of sixty judges. Nope. In every case Trump was brought before a judge, they set a fking trial date.
Really ? You think he was never charged and isn’t going to trial, Dorothy ?
Here's your man, we are not worried about you people.

Of course we have evidence of Repugnants trying to rig election ….did you present any in front of sixty judges. Nope. In every case Trump was brought before a judge, they set a fking trial date.
No longer matters, we will destroy Democrats at the polls in 2024. Your ancestors will feel the beating.
It means NOTHING. WAIT till next year. 9 months before the 2020 election, Trump and Biden were running neck and neck…and Biden won by 7 million votes. You‘re a year out. You’re in a primary and Trump is getting free publicity. Wait till the reruns of Trump and his bullshit start playing * out over the air next year. Biden will start looking lIke a genius.
How do you think Trump will sound on the witness stand with a fking felony charge.
Biden lost by landslide. 90% of his phony "votes" were fabricated. It's amazing that people could be so stupid as to think Biden actually won a legit election. Why do you think he didn't campaign ? That never occured to you ?

Trump is looking great with felony indictments, The more he gets, the more popular he is.

Biden look like a genius ? Wow, you are in mental turmoil.
The election has little to do with democrats and republicans. It’s won or lost by the vote of independents who out number each PARTy DUFUS. AND, you spent two years screwing Women's rights. You lost after the first year because if it, you’ll lose again.
Nobody has "rights" to kill people.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Did you see those people in NY "heckling" AOC

Yelling Send them back!

We can't handle all these needy people (or something to that effect)
It means NOTHING. WAIT till next year. 9 months before the 2020 election, Trump and Biden were running neck and neck…and Biden won by 7 million votes. You‘re a year out. You’re in a primary and Trump is getting free publicity. Wait till the reruns of Trump and his bullshit start playing * out over the air next year. Biden will start looking lIke a genius.
How do you think Trump will sound on the witness stand with a fking felony charge.
So it's out, otherwise it was a leftist plan all along eh ? Thanks for your honesty.
Did you see those people in NY "heckling" AOC

Yelling Send them back!

We can't handle all these needy people (or something to that effect)
Biden's vote baiting plan is backfiring, because his attempting to con the black's into believing that he has their best interest at heart is failing big time....... Him and his cronies figured by bringing in millions of people across the southern border that it would begin to shore up the Democrat vote, but only if they figure out how to make them legal without it looking so obvious in what they've done... Problem is however , is that they will basically over run the poorer black populations and white populations in their Jobs and in their communities faster than they can spit.

Then what black American's and white Americans ?? Then what ?
Did you see those people in NY "heckling" AOC

Yelling Send them back!

We can't handle all these needy people (or something to that effect)
40 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates, it is way past time to tax the rich and invest in America again. We have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world by far. A total mess. GOP is a catastrophe with a lying idiot bunch of politicians and media......
40 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates, it is way past time to tax the rich and invest in America again. We have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world by far. A total mess. GOP is a catastrophe with a lying idiot bunch of politicians and media......
Wasn't nearly as bad when Trump was president. Inflation was near zero, median income was highest ever, unemployment for blacks, hispanics, disabled people, and people without a high school diploma, was lowest in US history. We were #1 energy producer in the world - Saudi Arabia was irrelevant. Gas at the pump was $1.89/gallon. Rents for 1 bdrm apts were $600/month. Now they're $1500.

As for taxes, the lower classes got more of a tax break than the rich. Liberals come in here and spout off all the gobbledegook they hear on left media shows. Have no idea how dumb they sound.
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Show the proof. Obviously 60 judges including Trump appointed ones didn’t think so. You’re a loser. That’s what losers do. They whine when they lose.

HA. I've refuted the dumb "judges" line 100 times in this forum. I've also produced & posted mountains of evidence for 4 years now, of the 2020 election fraud in 7 different states. You been living in a closet ?

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About​

And the Trump opponents dont know what they're upset about either. :rolleyes:
It means NOTHING. WAIT till next year. 9 months before the 2020 election, Trump and Biden were running neck and neck…and Biden won by 7 million votes. You‘re a year out. You’re in a primary and Trump is getting free publicity. Wait till the reruns of Trump and his bullshit start playing * out over the air next year. Biden will start looking lIke a genius.
How do you think Trump will sound on the witness stand with a fking felony charge.
You mean like $2 a gallon gas, high Workforce Participation rates, record LOW unemployment, NO WARS....yeah; THOSE reruns!!!


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