I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Of course they do non aware person. How long have you been under a rock? You are hilariously out of touch with reality.

Picture perfect example of a loser...

Of course they DON'T. Gotten any psychological testing lately ? Pheeeew!

But then this is to be expected from leftists, who hate cops & law enforcement, let criminals out of prison, or dont send them there at all, and riot in the streets, burning buildings, looting, etc.
Of course they do non aware person. How long have you been under a rock? You are hilariously out of touch with reality.

Picture perfect example of a loser...

lol. So what? He's got a record in Government that is the envy of the world!!! THAT will be A focus as well as "MAGA".......cool hey!!!

Of course they dufus. How long have you been under a rock? You are hilariously ignorant.
You are more than ignorant (and DUPED). You're an idiot.

Nobody has rights to kill people (except the government in capital punishment cases)
Of course they DON'T. Gotten any psychological testing lately ? Pheeeew!

But then this is to be expected from leftists, who hate cops & law enforcement, let criminals out of prison, or dont send them there at all, and riot in the streets, burning buildings, looting, etc.
Sure, Trump was really impressed he bragged about his test. Now he couldn’t remember that there were no airports during the Rev war.....but that’s another story.

You are more than ignorant (and DUPED). You're an idiot.

Nobody has rights to kill people (except the government in capital punishment cases)
Nope, you made that ignorant statement, and now you realize you were wrong. You’re still wrong. Seriously, you never served in the military ? You never heard of police. You never heard of self defense ? .....and on it goes. None of those were “capital punishment.”

YOU bozos justify gun deaths all the time by private citizens , even the killing of innocent children by accident During war is justified.....and don’t get us on how gun a holics excuse unauthorized gun deaths by the thousands as necessary to preserve the 2@. Imo, the General consensus maga crowd does too.
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Sure, Trump was really impressed he bragged about his test. Now he couldn’t remember that there were no airports during the Rev war.....but that’s another story.

There have been thousands of cringeworthy orange moments since Escalator Day, but the way he bragged and went into such proud detail about a basic cognitive test is WAY up there.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
As you just pointed out, the 8 years of racial turmoil, the guy that divided the US on race and politics, Obama.

The more Leftwing someone is, the more fragile, sensitive, and subjective they are. In the whole history of America, it has never witnessed such an unhealthy obsession of hate towards one guy, Trump. And it's not just down to Joe public, even some "experts" have been having meltdowns too.

There's a correlation between those who are crying over Trump and those crying over the climate.
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Nope, you made that ignorant statement, and now you realize you were wrong. You’re still wrong. Seriously, you never served in the military ? You never heard of police. You never heard of self defense ? .....and on it goes. None of those were “capital punishment.”

YOU bozos justify gun deaths all the time by private citizens , even the killing of innocent children by accident During war is justified.....and don’t get us on how gun a holics excuse unauthorized gun deaths by the thousands as necessary to preserve the 2@. Imo, the General consensus maga crowd does too.
Killing in war is SOMETIMES justified, other times NOT (ex. Vietnam, Russia in Ukraine). Of course, self defense killing is justified. Liberals (with no concept of self-defense) are the ones who argue against that. Like the idiots who argue against arming teachers and other school staff, thereby creating a gun-free zone, and giving an open invitation to mass shooters.

Yes, I served in the military (Army). 2 honorable discharges.

You bozos argue that gun deaths are NOT justified (when they are). You are generally non police, non military veterans, who have never touched a gun, and faint at the sight of one.
There have been thousands of cringeworthy orange moments since Escalator Day, but the way he bragged and went into such proud detail about a basic cognitive test is WAY up there.
And your assessment of the cognitive state of Joe Biden is ?????

(that's where the thousands of cringeworthy moments are)
Killing in war is SOMETIMES justified, other times NOT (ex. Vietnam, Russia in Ukraine). Of course, self defense killing is justified. Liberals (with no concept of self-defense) are the ones who argue against that. Like the idiots who argue against arming teachers and other school staff, thereby creating a gun-free zone, and giving an open invitation to mass shooters.

Yes, I served in the military (Army). 2 honorable discharges.

You bozos argue that gun deaths are NOT justified (when they are). You are generally non police, non military veterans, who have never touched a gun, and faint at the sight of one.
Amazing. You’re now claiming a person is anti police and military when we were. You think the left is composed of anti police and military when many of us did serve. That’s another bone head statement. Keep making up shit though to cover your asteroid.

Now, keep listing your exceptions and eventually you’ll get to a doctor’s and mother’s decision to save one life by taking another. In reality, we as humans and especially many in the right justify TAKING LIVES WITH ALACRITY, especially when it comes to the poor. So don’t preach to us you hypocrite.
Amazing. You’re now claiming a person is anti police and military when we were. You think the left is composed of anti police and military when many of us did serve. That’s another bone head statement. Keep making up shit though to cover your asteroid.

Now, keep listing your exceptions and eventually you’ll get to a doctor’s and mother’s decision to save one life by taking another. In reality, we as humans and especially many in the right justify TAKING LIVES WITH ALACRITY, especially when it comes to the poor. So don’t preach to us you hypocrite.
And your assessment of the cognitive state of Joe Biden is ?????

(that's where the thousands of cringeworthy moments are)
We know the maga crowd including Trump is INSANE.
THEY NEARLY ALL, believe in trickle down, more guns means fewer gun deaths, the election was a scam, and trump himself is not a scam artist, self confessed fraud and some of you, don’t even think he was impeached and is being tried in courts of law. You’re all in fking denial which is polite way of saying, BIDEN IS SANE and you’re a crowd of sanctimonious idiots. Yup, MAGAs and Trump flunk the insanity test, daily.
You bozos argue that gun deaths are NOT justified (when they are). You are generally non police, non military veterans, who have never touched a gun, and faint at the sight of one.
You’re one who just said no one has the right to kill.
Nobody has rights to kill people (except the government in capital punishment cases)
This is your quote. Then you included the gov.
Now you’re slowly giving all these exceptions, except to a woman, her family and doctor.....
You bozos argue that gun deaths are NOT justified (when they are). You are generally non police, non military veterans, who have never touched a gun, and faint at the sight of one.
Really ? Hypocrite ? You’re saying no one on the left ever routinely, serves in the military, never served as a cop or doesn’t carry a firearm ? You just failed the insanity test.
But keep posting, you’re getting funnier.
As you just pointed out, the 8 years of racial turmoil, the guy that divided the US on race and politics, Obama.

The more Leftwing someone is, the more fragile, sensitive, and subjective they are. In the whole history of America, it has never witnessed such an unhealthy obsession of hate towards one guy, Trump. And it's not just down to Joe public, even some "experts" have been having meltdowns too.

There's a correlation between those who are crying over Trump and those crying over the climate.
You’re right on that one statement. We are right and you are batshit crazy. People looking for justice to apply to Trump and AGW supporters are 100% sane, you deniers are insane. Case closed. We have a world filled with evidence, you have nothing. You literally have to argue, you have no evidence of any with your bullshit.
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You mean like $2 a gallon gas, high Workforce Participation rates, record LOW unemployment, NO WARS....yeah; THOSE reruns!!!

Gee, gas used to be 20 cents a gallon long before Trump. He’s been awful. He had higher unemployment rates compared to Biden’s record lows. Where do you get your information, a cereal box ?
the whole history of America, it has never witnessed such an unhealthy obsession of hate towards one guy, Trump
Oh, Trump and the maga crowed luved the, according to you guys, “ Kenyan born Obama and and the child porn sex ring promoter Hillary” ? Talk about absessiins.
Of course they DON'T. Gotten any psychological testing lately ? Pheeeew!

But then this is to be expected from leftists, who hate cops & law enforcement, let criminals out of prison, or dont send them there at all, and riot in the streets, burning buildings, looting, etc.

Amazing. You’re now claiming a person is anti police and military when we were. You think the left is composed of anti police and military when many of us did serve. That’s another bone head statement. Keep making up shit though to cover your asteroid.

Now, keep listing your exceptions and eventually you’ll get to a doctor’s and mother’s decision to save one life by taking another. In reality, we as humans and especially many in the right justify TAKING LIVES WITH ALACRITY, especially when it comes to the poor. So don’t preach to us you hypocrite.
Not bonehead statement one bit, Of course, the left is anti-police. This has shown up in riots, mayors and city councils approving defund police leg, CRT classes, you name it. Hiw about the leftist idiots who marched in New York chanting " What do we want ? Dead cops! When do we want it ? Now!"

I suppose maybe you think it's conservatives who go around calling cops "Pigs", right ? Your posts are too dumb to even be dignified with responses.

I was a radical leftist for 40 years. That's how I know you guys so well. That isnt needed though, Everyone knows the left hates police, law enforcement, and the military. It's one of their primary defining characteristics.

Abortion to save a mother's life has never been in contention. It is when there is no reason for an abortion other than convenience, that abortion is murder. and it s nit a decision between only a woman and her doctor. It is a decision between them, AND the unborn person, who has the highest level of say in what happens (spoken for by anti-abortion conservatives).

Although I can guess, I'd love to know where you came up with this gem >> "many in the right justify TAKING LIVES WITH ALACRITY, especially when it comes to the poor" Pheeew! Wow. You guys are getting more & more deranged by the minute.
We know the maga crowd including Trump is INSANE.
THEY NEARLY ALL, believe in trickle down, more guns means fewer gun deaths, the election was a scam, and trump himself is not a scam artist, self confessed fraud and some of you, don’t even think he was impeached and is being tried in courts of law. You’re all in fking denial which is polite way of saying, BIDEN IS SANE and you’re a crowd of sanctimonious idiots. Yup, MAGAs and Trump flunk the insanity test, daily.
I have never spoken to a MAGA person who even mentioned trickle down economics. Every time I hear it, it is from a leftist. Straw man stuff looks like.

Of course more guns (in the right hands) means fewer deaths, you numbskull. Arent you aware that every mass shooting has been in one your moronic gun-free zones ? And that when interviewed by police, mass shooters have revealed that they chose their SOFT targets based on the absence or lack of guns there ? God, you guys are stupid.

Yes, the election was a scam - I have proven that dozens of times in this forum, Mr Unaware.
Sure, we know your propaganda has Trump painted as a scam artist, but every time you are challenged on that, you fail to produce anything (other than your own laughable leftist propaganda)

"Self-confessed fraud" Yeah ? Let's see something to back THAT up.

Of course, he wasn't impeached. He was simply disparaged by looney joke Democrats. Ho hum. yawn***

Tried in courts of law ? HA HA HA HA.
There they go with the :lame2: brain "court challenges" line again, as if that had some worthy foundation to it.
"Court challenges" is what Democrats keep harping about, but they have a hollow argument. Ho hum. Some judges were biased Democrats. Some were anti-Trump RINOs, including a few whom Trump appointed. And some, like the Supreme Court, just didn't want to bring politics into the courtroom. And not "ALL" US courts ruled against Trump. Some ruled favorable to him. The "courts" argument doesn't have an ounce of credibility.

What DOES have credibility is THIS >>> I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Post # s >>> 548....549.....550.....551 which you know nothing about.

Leftists flunk the insanity test daily, there is NO QUESTION about that. Here's the crowd of lunatics who teach schoolkids that LGBT is normal. Who mutilate kids sexually, without even notifying ther parents. Who have nutjob doctors implanting vaginas in nutjob men. Who allow men posing as women to enter women's bathrooms and locker rooms. Who allow disgraceful men too cowardly to compete with other men in sports, compete against women. Who defund police, and then refund them, when criminals start running wild. Who allow criminals to loot stores in gangs. Who teach kids that whites are inherently racist, and that 2023 whites bear guilt for US slavery. Who are OK with letting millions of unvetted, unvaccinated foreigners stream into the country. Pheeeew.
I could go on and on with this, but I'm starting to feel sick just thinking bout it.
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Wasn't nearly as bad when Trump was president. Inflation was near zero, median income was highest ever, unemployment for blacks, hispanics, disabled people, and people without a high school diploma, was lowest in US history. We were #1 energy producer in the world - Saudi Arabia was irrelevant. Gas at the pump was $1.89/gallon. Rents for 1 bdrm apts were $600/month. Now they're $1500.

As for taxes, the lower classes got more of a tax break than the rich. Liberals come in here and spout off all the gobbledegook they hear on left media shows. Have no idea how dumb they sound.
So rentals didn't go up under your trump?

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