I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Wasn't nearly as bad when Trump was president. Inflation was near zero, median income was highest ever, unemployment for blacks, hispanics, disabled people, and people without a high school diploma, was lowest in US history. We were #1 energy producer in the world - Saudi Arabia was irrelevant. Gas at the pump was $1.89/gallon. Rents for 1 bdrm apts were $600/month. Now they're $1500.

As for taxes, the lower classes got more of a tax break than the rich. Liberals come in here and spout off all the gobbledegook they hear on left media shows. Have no idea how dumb they sound.
Yep, Trump did not ruin the Obama recovery until he did with the worst pandemic response in the world based on vaccine fear. We are pumping more oil now than we did under Trump, Super Dupe
Lib please, Dems RIGGED and CHEATED in 2020 and everyone knows it. Joe Biden the blabbering idiot got 80M votes riiiiiiiiight. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump, your media and ignoramuses like you are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States internally. Absolutely full of Anti American disrespectful garbage....and violent about election BULLSHITTE!!! and racism...Politically of course. Otherwise I'm sure you're fine, it's 72% trump here in New York. Change the channel or whatever
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Clearly not, Dems want to RIG elections. Let's be honest, Democrats don't want another 4 year dose of Trump he stomped the shit out of them last time and they still haven't recovered.

Democrats don't have to "rig elections". There are far more people voting Democrat than Republicans. They just need the be able to vote and get a fair count, with no gerrymandering.
No one is obsessed in gaining power by making up shit as todays gop party here in the US.

You're in the UK ? You have fking universal healthcare that every developed nation in the world does, and it’s because of the fraud gop here that we don’t. Trump is a walking cesspool of lies and a huge detriment to the UK. If you don’t see it, you’re out of touch with reality. Putin would be knocking at your door if Trump had his way.,
It's about you, not your usual American mental clichés about the UK.

Until you get a grip within your own borders......
Lib please, Dems RIGGED and CHEATED in 2020 and everyone knows it. Joe Biden the blabbering idiot got 80M votes riiiiiiiiight. :auiqs.jpg:
So you have no evidence of that, actually you have been told from Trump Supporters that there was cheating or Rigging...

You just can't take it...

You are getting fed a false narrative from a media bubble who making money out of misinforming you rather than challenging you..
Trump, your media and ignoramuses like you are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States internally. Absolutely full of Anti American disrespectful garbage....and violent about election BULLSHITTE!!! and racism...Politically of course. Otherwise I'm sure you're fine, it's 72% trump here in New York. Change the channel or whatever
So you have no evidence of that, actually you have been told from Trump Supporters that there was cheating or Rigging...

You just can't take it...

You are getting fed a false narrative from a media bubble who making money out of misinforming you rather than challenging you..
Your opinion is uninformed and wrong.
That’s why Trump is in trial. It’s the Humpers who want to excuse this criminal minded a hole.
Biden is who put him on trial - because he shits in his pants just at the thought of Trump running against him in 2024.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
They don't know. They were instructed to hate the man and once the battle began the reasons for its beginning became irrelevant. He's definitely not strong in the public relations area however having said that your question still stands unanswered... You'll get a whole bunch of standard generalized shit like:

He mishandled COVID!
He ruined the country!
He grabbed a pussy!

A few try to blame the economy on him even though it is resolutely and clearly on the current administration.

But other than that I have yet to see a technically fleshed out reason for the dislike.

Democrats don't have to "rig elections". There are far more people voting Democrat than Republicans. They just need the be able to vote and get a fair count, with no gerrymandering.
They are idiots...

These are the polls running up to last election...

Do they get it?
Trump won 2 polls in the previous 100...

The 2020 wasn't a suprise... Biden won by 4.5% while slightly tigher than the polls said, it is well within margin of error...


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Your opinion is uninformed and wrong.
Where is the evidence presented to a court?

You got nothing just rambling from pundits on TV...

No one is williing to go under oath... Weren't two years ago and still there is nothing today...

I know you are fed a diet of misinformation in the right wing media bubble, but ask yourself why this has not been presented in court and won...
I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man,

answering only for myself - however i suspect others might agree with it...

because i've seen donny in action for over 40 years.

how he ripped people off - thru his fraudulent university....

stole from his own 'charity' to use as his personal piggy bank...

tried to steal on old woman's home & property, so he could bulldoze it to build a limo parking lot for his now bankrupted casino patrons...

how he splashed his affair allover the tabloids whilst still married - humiliating his wife & 3 young spawn at the time...

how he would go into the dressing rooms of young contestants of his beauty pagaent to 'inspect' them ....

how he took one winner of his contest - & forced her to 'work out' at a gym in front of the media because she had gained a few pounds....

the fact that soooooo many people in his administration have committed crimes...

how he sexually assaulted e jean carroll...

how he stole documents that probably have screwed us with secrets being disseminated to what foreign interests...

& how he is a fucking fascist who is still trying to have his coup.

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