I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Yep, Trump did not ruin the Obama recovery until he did with the worst pandemic response in the world based on vaccine fear. We are pumping more oil now than we did under Trump, Super Dupe
The pandemic and everything associated with it came from Democrats (Obama, Biden, NIH, Fauci, Pelosi). Trump fixed it in 2020 Q3 with the highest GDP (35.3%) in US history, and Q4 was a respectable 3.9. No charge for the tutoring.

YOU are the Super DUPE. NO DUPEY, we are NOT "pumping more oil than we did under Trump"
Biden's highest ever oil production month was 396 MB in March of 2023. Trump topped that 3 times. As for "now" , Biden's most recent reported month was June 2023 with 385 MB. Trump topped that 7 times.

Hope this serves as a lesson to you, to not believe left media BS (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, ad infinitum, as nauseum)
answering only for myself - however i suspect others might agree with it...

because i've seen donny in action for over 40 years.

how he ripped people off - thru his fraudulent university....

stole from his own 'charity' to use as his personal piggy bank...

tried to steal on old woman's home & property, so he could bulldoze it to build a limo parking lot for his now bankrupted casino patrons...

how he splashed his affair allover the tabloids whilst still married - humiliating his wife & 3 young spawn at the time...

how he would go into the dressing rooms of young contestants of his beauty pagaent to 'inspect' them ....

how he took one winner of his contest - & forced her to 'work out' at a gym in front of the media because she had gained a few pounds....

the fact that soooooo many people in his administration have committed crimes...

how he sexually assaulted e jean carroll...

how he stole documents that probably have screwed us with secrets being disseminated to what foreign interests...

& how he is a fucking fascist who is still trying to have his coup.
You have been DUPED. Hus university was NOT fraudulent. That is left media propaganda, and you fall for it.

I see no source no link to verify stealing from his own charity.

I see no sources or links for any of these accusations. They are all worthless, unsubstantiated HEARSAY.

In strip clubs, managers routinely go into the dressing rooms of dancers to insoect them and everythung else there. Nothing unusual about that. Stop being vulnerable to leftist propaganda.

E Jean Carroll is an obvious opportunist golddigger, who presented zero evidence of anything being done to her. The fact that you would refer to her as "evidence", is laughable.

You have no evidence that Trump knew any documents had ever left the White House, or ever were put in Mar a Lago. He could have known nothing about that. In fact, it's still is possible the FBI planted them there. No one has ever been able to rule that out.

Trump is only trying to regain the presidency that was STOLEN from him by the fascist, highjacker Biden.
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What are we upset about.

1 Million dead from Covid.
65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy

Asshole, Trump didn't do any of that stuff nor was any of it within his control. The former part of your list was the result of a global pandemic that everyone in the world fell prey to and the latter half of your list was the doing of democrat governors across the country to the virus and BLM and Antifa, you know, your friends.

You really have clabber for brains; you'd serve a better purpose to humanity as a jar of soylent green.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

Cultists or ppl hell bent on wanting a dictator will never understand why no one else is interested. I'm mystified as well.
You have been DUPED. Hus university was NOT fraudulent. That is left media propaganda, and you fall for it.

that was the decision of a judge. in court. where decisions are binding.

I see no source no link to verify stealing from his own charity.

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

December 10, 2019​

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes:
“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain. Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law. Funds have finally gone where they deserve — to eight credible charities. My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law — not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the president of the United States.”
As part of a resolution of the lawsuit announced on November 7th, Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Additionally, Trump was forced to reimburse his namesake foundation $11,525 for sports paraphernalia and champagne purchased at a charity gala, which was added to $1,797,598.30 already in the foundation’s bank account. The combined $1,809,123.30 was split evenly and recently transferred to the eight agreed upon charities. Each charity ended up receiving a total of $476,140.41.
Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

I see no sources or links for any of these accusations. They are all worthtess, unsubstantiated HEARSAY.

i can always back up what i say.

E Jean Carroll is an obvious opportunist golddigger, who presented zero evidence of anything being done to her. Te fact that you woukd refer to her as "evidence" is laughable.

lol ... a jury said she told the truth & so did a judge. & now donny's gonna cough up even more come january.

You have no evidence that Trump knew any documents had ever left the White House, or ever were put in Mar a Lago. He coukd have kniwn nothing about that. In fact, it's stil ispossibke th FBI planted them there. No one has ever been able to rule that out.

donny is swearing up & down the docs are his. but the FBI planted them? you're grasping like crazy.

Trump is only trying to regain the presidency that was STOLEN from him by the fascist, highjacker Biden.

oh just shut up.
Democrats don't have to "rig elections". There are far more people voting Democrat than Republicans. They just need the be able to vote and get a fair count, with no gerrymandering.
FALSE! No one in US history has needed to rig an election more than Joe Biden. He not only rigs elections , he also rigs them by bringing in millions of illegal aliens whom he knows will vote for him. He does that because he knows Americans WON'T vote for him.


Even his own party disapproves of Biden >> 67% percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning surveyed voters said the party should nominate someone other than Biden.

that was the decision of a judge. in court. where decisions are binding.

FALSE! It was the decision of Trump himself, who volunterred to accept a SETTLEMENT. That gives no justification for you to claim that the university was fraudulent in any way. You dont have a shred of evidence to show that.
Me? I'm in the UK, I'm merely pointing out the unhealthy state of your left over one guy. You have it so bad, it's having a -neg impact on your lives.
You have NO PROOF, but you continually spread the "Trump Big Lie"
There's proof, but the left has gotten purdy damned good at what it does these days, I mean think about it, they got thousands of kids thinking that they might be something other than what they are, and If that don't tell us something about how evily smart the left has gotten, and how it has used everything we have as a weapon against us, then I'd say we haven't been paying attention, because it don't get any damned more eviliy smart than your buddies have become.

There's only one catch though, and that catch is that these things have already been written about, and the fact that these things were known about over 2,000 year's ago, should tell you the final outcome. Enjoy your spoils while you can, because the time is coming.
FALSE! It was the decision of Trump himself, who volunterred to accept a SETTLEMENT. That gives no justification for you to claim that the university was fraudulent in any way. You dont have a shred of evidence to show that.

but but but - donny says he never settles. then settled over & over & overrrrrrrrrrrr...............
The pandemic and everything associated with it came from Democrats (Obama, Biden, NIH, Fauci, Pelosi). Trump fixed it in 2020 Q3 with the highest GDP (35.3%) in US history, and Q4 was a respectable 3.9. No charge for the tutoring.

YOU are the Super DUPE. NO DUPEY, we are NOT "pumping more oil than we did under Trump"
Biden's highest ever oil production month was 396 MB in March of 2023. Trump topped that 3 times. As for "now" , Biden's most recent reported month was June 2023 with 385 MB. Trump topped that 7 times.

Hope this serves as a lesson to you, to not believe left media BS (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, ad infinitum, as nauseum)
If you turn these sheep, it will be a miracle. They are way to far gone. They have been working for the evil one for year's right here.
lol ... a jury said she told the truth & so did a judge. & now donny's gonna cough up even more come january.
In 2023 America, juries have become a JOKE. This woman presented ZERO evidence. She has no case whatsoever. Anybody can go into a court in New York City or DC, and get a "jury" of leftist slimballs to convict a conservative like Trump. Welcome to Banana Republic USA.
but but but - donny says he never settles. then settled over & over & overrrrrrrrrrrr...............
He can be his own worst critic at times.. 😂

Matters not though, because when he saw it was time to get tough, and then roll his sleeves up, they all went to taking zannex and whatever else they probably needed to deal with a real boss instead of some ace kissing lying ace politician that just wants to play the American people for their votes, and then to hell with them afterwards.

I'm so glad that I'm as old as I am now, because hopefully I'll never have to work for anyone that comes close to a Biden hire in my life time. I feel for the newest generations, because the Democrat's have gone totally insane.

Can anyone imagine having to take orders from some of these idiots Biden promoted or give an office too ? Unbelievable.
In 2023 America, juries have become a JOKE. This woman presented ZERO evidence. She has no case whatsoever. Anybody can go into a court in New York City or DC, and get a "jury" of leftist slimballs to convict a conservative like Trump. Welcome to Banana Republic USA.


donny is swearing up & down the docs are his. but the FBI planted them? you're grasping like crazy.
Again: there has never been anything to rule out the possibility of the FBI planting these documents, As of today, it could easily have happened.
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