I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

what I give a damn about, ....AND YOU SHOULD TOO, is the 400 accomplishments of Donald Trump listed in the MAGApill.com website, which has been removed from the internet, to keep you from seeing it - and you should give a damn about that too.

THAT is what Trump got done.

I saw the page, it's all fluff and padding, 99% of is stuff his underlings brought him to sign off on , and EOs are not 'accomplisments'
What were Trump's major legislative accomplisments? A tax cut that give billionaires more money they didn't need which drove up the deficit, sent it soaring, drove up debt more than any US president?

One of your own tells the truth:

Trump is a 4x indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.
trump admits he took them.
Why are you blaming the FBI?
He did nothing of the kind.

I didn't blame the FBI. I simply said the possibility that they might have planted the documents is perfectly plausible. If anybody thinks they have any way to rule out that possibility, let's hear it.
Just seeing this >> "He settled for $25,000,000 for defrauding thousands out of millions in a fake university scam."
is enough to convince me that you that you obviously don't know what you're talking about, are merely a DUPE of run-of-the-mill Trump-bash trash, and thus to not bother reading your pile of leftist propaganda BS.

EARTH to RUMPOLE: Maybe you have never owned a business. I did. Every business has a small % of complainers. But the great majority of Trump University students were happy. You don't hear about THEM. No reason for them to be in the news. You only hear about the tiny 2 or 3% who complain.
8000 members of a class action lawsuit? Are you kidding or are you blind?
I had a video dating service for 12 years, and I had women crabbing to me, even when they were getting FREE memberships. Trump settled outside court simply because that was easier, with less aggravation, and the money was nickels & dimes to him.

No surprise here. Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media show their ignorance constantly around here. You're getting an education.

Earth to protectionist:

but that's not what we are dealing here with Trump, it's a class action lawsuit. .
Taht $25,000,000 was paid to over 8000 persons who were part of the class.

You got to really screw up to be served with a lawsuit like that, and even though you are a billionaire, can hire the best attorneys in the world, you still lose the suit.

Trump screwed over thousands out of millions, and you need to open your fucking eyes to the truth of just who Trump really is.

And, FYI, I have owned several businesses and never once, was I given a class action suit
I saw the page, it's all fluff and padding, 99% of is stuff his underlings brought him to sign off on , and EOs are not 'accomplisments'
What were Trump's major legislative accomplisments? A tax cut that give billionaires more money they didn't need which drove up the deficit, sent it soaring, drove up debt more than any US president?

One of your own tells the truth:

Trump is a 4x indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

No it's not fluff and padding. What a stupid thing to say. Zero inflation for a year isn't fluff & padding. Lowest unemployment for blacks & hispanics in US history, isn't fluff & padding. Highest median wage in US history isn't fluff & padding. Highest oil production in US history isn't fluff & padding. Highest GDP (35.3%) in US history isnt fluff & padding.

When you post misinformation, all you do is destroy whatever credibility you might have had.
Ok, now do us all a great big favor, and go back to your leftist think tank, and tell them that we demand a report of the Biden's in the same order, and with the same amount of work involved. If you can't do this, then all this is in reality is a hit job on Trump for political purposes.

You know, y'all might have stood a little chance if your desperation didn't reach the levels it got too in which caused y'all to put one in that office that TRUMP can't even hold a light too when it comes to shady characters. Biden has saved Trump, because in contrast TRUMP looks like a boy scout up side Biden and his cronies.

The alleged early on Democrat coup purdy much caused Trump to go into defensive posture throughout his entire stay as our president. Even then, aside from his personal life, he worked to do what he said he would do for the working man and woman, and for our veteran's. He kept us safe for almost 4 year's until somehow by sheer coincidence a virus just so happen to be accidentally released from a Chinese lab in which we were found out to be funding, and worse we were allegedly having gain of function performed on the virus via research that was conducted by us while Fauci was in charge of the NIH or virology.

How about you just stop before people way on smarter than me just takes your hit piece, and shoves it right back down on your desk with answers you don't like.

they say ignorance is bliss, well,
you must be one happy fellow.
Earth to protectionist:

but that's not what we are dealing here with Trump, it's as class action lawsuit. .
Taht $25,000,000 was paid to over 8000 persons who were part of the class.

You got to really screw up to be served with a lawsuit like that, and even though you are a billionaire, can hire the best attorneys in the world, you still lose the suit.

Trump screwed over thousands out of millions, and you need to open your fucking eyes to the truth of just who Trump really is.

And, FYI, I have owned several businesses and never once, was I given a class action suit
NO, you don't have to really screw up to be served with a lawsuit like that. All it takes it a few unscrupulous, trashbags who see a big $$$$ payoff, by forcing someone like Trump into a settlement. This is the reason why billionaires keep quiet about how much money they have.
You're getting an education.
Please post these 400 accomplishments.
I want to know.
Guessing that 300+ of them are opinions not news worthy.

Please Post
I have posted them dozens of times. Now, they have been removed from the internet. Looks like more of Biden's banana republic stuff at work.

No it's not fluff and padding. What a stupid thing to say. Zero inflation for a year isn't fluff & padding. Lowest unemployment for blacks & hispanics in US history, isn't fluff & padding. Highest median wage in US history isn't fluff & padding. Highest oil production in US history isn't fluff & padding. Highest GDP (35.3%) in US history isnt fluff & padding.

When you post misinformation, all you do is destroy whatever credibility you might have had.

Trump signed the Cares Act and Biden signed the ARP.

Both plans infused $2 TRILLION each into the economy. this is FIAT currency,. which IS the prime cause of inflation. There were contributing factors, such as the constriction of petroleum by the war in the Ukraine and disruption of supply chains, most of inflation was caused by the pandemic, and recovery from something liek that is slow, but inflation is down to something like 3%. So, we are recovering.

This was necessary because the pandemic would have caused a major depression.

In the face unpredictable decline, apparently they deemed it was wiser to err in favor of too much money than not enough.

Inflation was the 'too much money'' part of each plan.
The inflation was bipartisan, so quit just blaming Biden.

AS for economics, here's a report by Barron's

I saw the page, it's all fluff and padding, 99% of is stuff his underlings brought him to sign off on , and EOs are not 'accomplisments'
What were Trump's major legislative accomplisments? A tax cut that give billionaires more money they didn't need which drove up the deficit, sent it soaring, drove up debt more than any US president?

One of your own tells the truth:

Trump is a 4x indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

You are a DUPED FOOL.
I have posted them dozens of times. Now, they have been removed from the internet. Looks like more of Biden's banana republic stuff at work.

IF you posted it here on USMB, it would still be here.
Your FAKE banana republic can't deleted your post here on USMB.
NO, you don't have to really screw up to be served with a lawsuit like that. All it takes it a few unscrupulous, trashbags who see a big $$$$ payoff, by forcing someone like Trump into a settlement. This is the reason why billionaires keep quiet about how much money they have.
You're getting an education.
Have you watched the trump university episode on Netflix?

First, yes or no, have you watched it?
Trump signed the Cares Act and Biden signed the ARP.

Both plans infused $2 TRILLION each into the economy. this is FIAT currency,. which IS the prime cause of inflation. There were contributing factors, such as the constriction of petroleum by the war in the Ukraine and disruption of supply chains, most of inflation was caused by the pandemic, and recovery from something liek that is slow, but inflation is down to something like 3%. So, we are recovering.

This was necessary because the pandemic would have caused a major depression.

In the face unpredictable decline, apparently they deemed it was wiser to err in favor of too much money than not enough.

Inflation was the 'too much money'' part of each plan.
The inflation was bipartisan, so quit just blaming Biden.

AS for economics, here's a report by Barron's

Another thing that liberals have habit of doing is complicating things far beyond necessity, and then using their think tanks, media, universities to put a stamp of authenticity to it (authentic to them that is), then thinking we will all acquiesque to their oh-so-prestigious source.

Now for the real world version >> Biden's oil production reduction policies gave us the huge gas/deisel shortages, and thereby price increases, were responsible for the product shortages, as companies needing to transport their goods to stores, found it no longer economical to do so, due to the higher costs of fuel. Well they do transport the stuff now, and guess who gets the cost increases passed on to them. There's your inflation, folks.
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IF you posted it here on USMB, it would still be here.
Your FAKE banana republic can't deleted your post here on USMB.
FALSE! the magapill website was posted here many times by me, and already seen by dozens of posters. Only now is it off the internet. How that occured, your guess is as good as mine. I suspect somebody out there thought it was too much information for Americans to see.
Have you watched the trump university episode on Netflix?

First, yes or no, have you watched it?
First why do you ask ?

Second: be advised, anyone with $$$$$,and media control, can make anything look like anything - Ho hum.
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FALSE! the magapill website was posted here many times by me, and already seen by dozens of posters. Only now is it off the internet. How that occured, your guess is as good as mine. I suspect somebody out there thought it was too much information for Americans to see.
Did USMB delete your post where you claim you posted this information?
Your post on USMB would still be here.
Did you watch it or not?
Netflix.......trump university episode?

If you say No, then we have nothing to discuss.
You would call it FAKE news without even watching it.

So, did you watch it or not?
Doesn't matter if I did. See Post # 1574.
Did USMB delete your post where you claim you posted this information?
Your post on USMB would still be here.
I don't know who deleted it. I just know it's gone. Sure looks like a whopping breach of free speech.


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