I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Again: there has never been anythug to rule out the possibility of the FBI planting these documents, As of today, it could easily have happened.

donny is on tape bragging & showing an uber secret doc to a couple of female wriets.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

Allow me demystify your delusion, Trump's presidency was a blur of scandals and disasters. Trump is the worst president in Us History, and poses a threat to US National Security;

You are incredibly blind. I'll give you what I've noticed, seen, and took notes on:

Dan Abrams, lawyer, syndicated TV host, reported a few months ago that The Wall Street Journal highlighted that U.S. officials tracked workers from ZTE, a Chinese state-owned telecommunications firm, leaving suspected spy sites in Cuba. This company had previously admitted to unlawfully exporting U.S. tech to Iran and North Korea and was sanctioned by the U.S., though President Trump later reversed these sanctions.

Around the time of this reversal, Ivanka Trump secured several trademarks from China, and China granted a $500 million loan for a Trump-affiliated project in Indonesia. While President Trump stated this was to preserve Chinese jobs, his trade advisor, Peter Navarro, indicated it was a gesture of goodwill to China's president. This occurred even as intelligence suggested ZTE might be aiding China's espionage efforts against the U.S. from Cuba.

,... then there was also a potentially bigger story [than alleged Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption] last week that somehow got almost completely overlooked.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that workers from ZTE, a state-owned Chinese telecommunications company, had been tracked by U.S. officials "exiting suspected Chinese spy facilities in Cuba." Now, that is the same Chinese company that in 2017 pled guilty to illegally exporting U.S. technology to Iran and North Korea. The same company that was then sanctioned by the U.S., and the same company for whom President Trump reversed sanctions, much to the consternation of many Republicans.

And here's why that's important: days before, and then days after the announcement of the reversal of sanctions, Ivanka Trump received various trademarks from the Chinese government. And immediately following the ending of the sanctions, China announced a $500 million loan to help fund a theme park in Indonesia with a Trump-branded hotel and golf course. At the time, President Trump bizarrely claimed he did it to save Chinese jobs. But Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro told Fox News something different at the time. He said, "The president did this as a personal favor to the president of China as a way of showing some goodwill for bigger efforts."

And this personal favor to China came despite "intelligence reviewed during the Trump Administration that contributed to suspicions at the time that ZTE and another Chinese company might be playing a role in expanding China's ability to spy on the U.S. from the island," according to the Wall Street Journal report last week.

And, there's more, tons more (though I doubt you will read it)

He settled for $25,000,000 for defrauding thousands out of millions in a fake university scam.

He paid a $2,000,000 fine for a fake charity in which he embezzled funds for private use, thereby committing fraud against his donors. Thing is, he probably didn't need the money, but Trump is a criminal whose soul is so entrenched in a criminal mindset, he just can't keep his greedly little hands out of the proverbial criminal cookie jar.

He covered up his payments to Stormy Daniels, co conspiring with this Attorney, whom he threw under the bus, whereby his attorney, then Michael Cohen, concocted a scheme, just before the election, to pay Stormy Daniels, a porn star, $130k, and Karen McDougal, a Playboy star Playmate, $150k, both of whom Trump fornicated with just after his newly wed wife gave birth, (swell guy, Trump is, eh? How about that treatment of the future first lady? And no, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton) to pay them out of Cohen's pocket, and they agreed to cover it up where Trump would pay Cohen, in a series of $35k checks, to be recorded as "Legal services income" and "legal expenses" Cohen & Trump respectively, (Photocopies provided on request)

He hires his daughter and son-in-law to take senior White House advisory positions, and allowed them to profit to the tune of millions, where Ivanka got accelerated trade marks in China, worth millions, the made millions hawking her wares there, and got them during the time Trump was negotiating with China, and Jared got $2 billion big ones from the House of Saud, ergo Mohammed Bin Salman, you know, that illustrious individual who hired goons to chop up Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi who wasn't saying nice things about MBS in exchange for the ostensible soft treatment from Trump & Co, crime syndicate LLC.

Installs his buddy, Wilbur Ross, as Secretary of Commerce. This is the elderly gent who was the VP of the real estate division and the Russian branch of Cypress Bank (money from Russia with love, must be nice!) who managed many of Trump's real estate deals with oligarch Russians for the, no doubt, purpose of aiding them in laundering their money. But, that's just me being suspicious, what would I know, you know, with Trump fawning like a sick puppy over Putin, stating on TV he trusts Putin over his intel staff, his WH phone calls to Putin, done entirely in secret, his letting two known Russian spies into the oval office, disallowing any WH staff, no stenographers, and only a Russian PHotographer into the room (we had to borrow their pictures, the only record of the event), hiring, as his campaign manager, one Paul Manafort, you know, that, well, allow me to digress about this very interesting fellow:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if i recall correctly:
Before joining Trump's campaign, Manafort had worked for many years as a political consultant for various politicians, including several foreign leaders.

Manafort's relationship with Ukraine dates back to the early 2000s when he began working as a political consultant for Viktor Yanukovych, a pro-Russian politician who served as Ukraine's president from 2010 to 2014. Manafort worked for Yanukovych's political party, the Party of Regions, as a political consultant and helped Yanukovych win the presidency in 2010.

Manafort's work in Ukraine came under scrutiny in 2016 when it was revealed that he had received millions of dollars in payments from the Party of Regions for his work in Ukraine. He was also accused of working to advance Russian interests in Ukraine, including pushing for closer ties between Ukraine and Russia.

After leaving Yanukovych's campaign in 2014, Manafort continued to work as a consultant for pro-Russian politicians and oligarchs in Ukraine. He also reportedly had business dealings with Russian oligarchs, including Oleg Deripaska, a close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Manafort's ties to Ukraine and Russia came under intense scrutiny during the 2016 presidential campaign, with some accusing him of playing a role in the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the U.S. election. Manafort was indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller in 2018 on charges of conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, and making false statements. He ultimately pleaded guilty to several charges and was sentenced to more than seven years in prison.
Click to expand...

And wouldn't you know it, he pardoned him, him and Roger STone, too, but why list more of such illustrious indications of a man who just isn't the kind of fellow any sane person would want to occupy the power powerful office in the world, that of the United States Presidency, and if Republicans haven't learned their lesson, it appears that he is now the front runner for the GOP and by that measure, given that Trump is a national security threat, that makes the entire Republican party a threat to US national security. "In my opinion". (let's discuss).

Though there are too many crimes to list, and some are listed, below, lets' first dive into his being a thread to US National Security

Oh, so you say Trump isn't a threat to US National security?

A summation of the many ways Trump was a threat to national security:

His debt to a Russian bank is a national security threat (Deustchebank, a Russian bank which was fined hundreds of millions for laundering Russian Money).

His incessant undermining public faith in elections is a national security threat.

His incessant assertion that the press is the enemy of the people undermine public confidence in the very thing that protects them from tyranny, i.e., a vigorous and free press, which is a threat to liberal democracy, and a national security threat.

His contempt of congress and obstruction of justice is a threat to national security

His attempt to use the DOJ for political ends is a threat to national security

His hiring lobbyists to the cabinet posts they fought against is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp the seriousness of climate change is a threat to national security ( this is the big one)

His gutting the state department, leaving half of the ambassadorships unfilled is a threat to national security

His hiring of incompetent persons is a threat national security.

His incompetence handling Covid is a threat to national security
the unprecedented turnover in the white house is a threat to national security

His tendency to hire sycophants/yes men, and fire those who speak truth to power is a threat to national security.

His lack of knowledge of US history, lack of knowledge of civics, and many things along these lines, is a threat to national security

His arrogance and total lack of empathy, and total lack of humility, plus the above, means he is unfit for the job and his unfitness is a threat to national security.

His nepotism is a threat to national security.

His spending too much time watching TV and tweeting and playing golf is a threat to national security ( well, it's not good, let's just say that much )

Trump's imposing tariffs which caused farmers to permanently lose markets is a threat to national security his corruption, bilking of the US Taxpayer to the tune of $16 million from entourage stays in his hotels and resorts, all of which his family has profited and his nepotism, allowing his daughter in law to win millions of dollars worth of China trademarks while he was negotiating with China, his nauseating obsequious treatment of Putin, a murderous dictator whose objective is to destroy and/or greatly diminish America's standing in the world, is a threat to national security

His incessant egregious lying, i.,e., "Truth Decay" is a threat to national security

Trump's usurping the Senate by appointing 'acting' heads of departments of whom the president is supposed to appoint and be confirmed by the Senate, the acting heads cause more instability and decrease of moral in the rank and file in those departments,
is a threat to national security

Trump's firing of Comey, which was detrimental to the morale of the rank and file of the FBI, and Trump's scapegoating the FBI, and undermining a once trusted American institution (post Hoover, of course). is a threat to national security
his acquiescing to Erdogan by allowing DOJ to interfere in US Attorney's office investigation of a Turkish bank because it will adversely affect members of Erdogan's family, noting that Erdogan tried to do it with Obama, and his DOJ refused, but Erdogan is finding Trump a pliant president, noting that Trump abandoning the kurds, who were instrumental in helping us in the Iraq war, whose members died for America, Trump did this to appease Erdogan, whereupon the vacuum that that pull out created forced the Kurds to turn to Russia, thus increasing Russia's influence in the region, noting that Trump has property in Turkey, is a threat to national security

Trump's decision to begin the process of withdrawing the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty will end an arms control agreement with Russia that has been a centerpiece of European security since the Cold War. The move, meant to penalize Russia for noncompliance, is likely to alarm the international community, particularly Europe, and cause fears that the US and Russia could enter a new nuclear arms race is a threat to national security

Trump's pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, A massive trade deal meant to counteract China's economic power. Trump ran on a promise to spike the plan, saying it was unfair to American workers. The pact was never officially adopted by Congress. The other 11 nations have carried on without the US, the void this pullout caused allowed China to gain considerable influence over international Trade in the affected regions. The partnership was an agreement that was the result of many years of negotiation, and I sincerely believe this move is a threat to national security

Trump's receiving a $500 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank while simultaneously a deposit that amount was made to that bank, the money coming from a Russian state bank ( which means Putin controlled ) which makes Trump beholden to Putin, which explains his refusal to criticize Putin, or do much about Russian election interference is a threat to national security
Trump's appointing a Secretary of Commerce who was the VP of the real estate loan department at Cypress Bank
Wilbur Ross, the former Secretary of Commerce under President Trump, once managed Trump's real estate deals. There were reports of his ties to Russian business interests and connections to Russian oligarchs. In 2017, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reported that Ross retained a stake in a shipping company that received millions of dollars from a Russian energy company partially owned by members of Vladimir Putin's inner circle. Additionally, Ross served as the vice-chairman of the Bank of Cyprus, which has been linked to Russian oligarchs.

Donald Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and his Russian business ties

The cabinet member has retained a stake in a company that provides shipping for Putin's son-in-law and sanctioned oligarchs.
And his could be construed as a threat to US National Security.

Now, I feel I must mention that: Trump's son says most of family's assets are held by Russian companies"

Well, that hasn't been proven, but there is this: Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria. Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria

And this:


Trump Jr. was told of Russian effort to help father's campaign: NY Times

Donald Trump Jr. was told in an email before meeting a Russian lawyer who he thought had material damaging to Hillary Clinton that it was part of a Russian government bid to aid his father's presidential campaign, the New York Times said on Monday.

Moving on:

Trump's failure to grasp certain fundamental economic concepts, his contentions which are essentially false, such as 'Tariffs are paid by China" ( no, they are paid by Americans ) is a threat to national security

Trump's appointing of a Postmaster General whose apparent mission was to slow down mail in ballots from arriving on time, noting that this postmaster general (Dejoy) has failed to comply with a court order to expedite the mail in ballots is a threat to national security

Trump's 'tax cut' which was nothing more than largesse for the superrich, and crumbs for everyone else thus causing deficits to careen to levels history has never seen is a threat to national security

Trumps repeal of many important environmental regulations is a threat to national security.

The above is just scratching the surface. To date. there are some 20 or more books published on the danger to America that Trump represents, written by those who were close to him, on staff, family members, national security experts, etc.

If Republicans had half of all this on Obama or Biden, their collective heads would be exploding like nukes.


1. Scammed thousands out of millions and have to settle for $25,000,000 for a fake university scam.

Judge Approves $25 Million Settlement Of Trump University Lawsuit

The deal was reached in November but needed the approval of U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. One student had objected to the settlement, which prevented her from suing Trump on her own.
2. Fornicated with a porn star and a playmate just after his newly wed wife gave birth and paid them $250k hush money for which his attorney took the fall.

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump.
3. Campaigned to defraud

A campaign to defraud - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Donald Trump may have committed up to eight criminal offenses while campaigning and during the first year of his presidency.
4. Committed the following crimes: Bribery (18 U.S.C. § 201) II. Soliciting Foreign Campaign Contribution (52 U.S.C. §§ 30109, 30121)
III. Coercion Of Political Activity (18 U.S.C. § 610) IV. Misappropriation Of Federal Funds (18 U.S.C. § 641)
5. Committed 18 U.S. Code § 793 espionage in the theft of national defense information documents,

Feds' Bombshell Search of Trump's Home Investigated Possible Intent to Commit 'Injury' to the 'United States' — Here's What the Statutes Say

A search warrant unsealed around 3:45 p.m. on Friday reveals that federal authorities are investigating whether former president Donald Trump assembled documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in violation of three specific federal statutes.

And yes both Pence and Biden are guilty of same, but the DOJ's policy is not to indict members of the executive branch for mere possession. However, Trump obstructed the governments' efforts to retrieve documents, resulting in a search warrant, and now is being reported as lying to his lawyers about his hiding documents from the Government, and all bets are off on that crime. We shall See what Jack Smith recommendation when he makes his final report to Garland. Both Pence and Biden cooperated fully with the return of the documents, and it is becoming apparent, (as far as I can tell) they were taken unwittingly. But, that is neither here nor there.

6. Committed conspiracy subversion/sedition on a presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Interim Staff Report FINAL.pdf
7. Committed corruption in his receipt of over $16,000,000 for entourage and political stays at his hotels the money of which went into Trump's pocket while president.

Political Groups Spend Millions at Trump Properties

Watchdog ethics groups question why government agencies are now spending more at Trump hotels and properties than in the past.
8. Committed corruption and nepotism by appointing his son-in-law to a senior staff position who profited millions (recieved $2,000,000,000 from the House of Saud) from his father-in-law's connections.

House Oversight investigating $2 billion Saudi investment in Jared Kushner's firm

Kushner formed an investment firm right after Trump left office, and six months later, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia invested $2 billion.
9. Paid a $2,000,000 fine for embezzling charity funds and have his charity shot down for 'illegal activity'.

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities NEW YORK – New
10. Was sued by NY State for 'discrimination'.

11. All his 'very best people' are an organization of corrupt officials being criminally investigated.

Ex-Trump Org CFO Implicates Company in Tax Fraud Case

Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty in August to the multi-year tax fraud scheme at the heart of the case.
12. Has eight staff members indicted and convicted, and he corruptly pardoned them for keeping their mouths shut.

Factbox: Here are eight Trump associates arrested or convicted of crimes

Steve Bannon has been charged with defrauding Trump supporters in a campaign to help build the president's signature wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, prosecutors said on Thursday.
13. Engaged in tax schemes while he ripped off his father for millions

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father (Published 2018)

The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.
14. Appointed a totally corrupt cabinet staff

Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit

The Trump administration has brought its brand of corruption and self-dealing to every agency in the federal government, and it’s hard for anyone to keep on top of it all. We’ve mapped it out for you.

But you don't really give a damn.

Biden got the infrastructure bill, a historic bill on par with Eisenhower's highway project, got it passed in bipartisan fashion. Trump paid lip service to it and in his four years, with the house and senate under his party's control, couldn't get it done.
but but but - donny says he never settles. then settled over & over & overrrrrrrrrrrr...............
I never heard him say he never settles. He has settled many times, simply becasue (for him) it's easier to pay off a settlement, that go through time consumimg litigation. Ho hum.
Allow me demystify your delusion, Trump's presidency was a blur of scandals and disasters. Trump is the worst president in Us History, and poses a threat to US National Security;

You are incredibly blind. I'll give you what I've noticed, seen, and took notes on:

Dan Abrams, lawyer, syndicated TV host, reported a few months ago that The Wall Street Journal highlighted that U.S. officials tracked workers from ZTE, a Chinese state-owned telecommunications firm, leaving suspected spy sites in Cuba. This company had previously admitted to unlawfully exporting U.S. tech to Iran and North Korea and was sanctioned by the U.S., though President Trump later reversed these sanctions.

Around the time of this reversal, Ivanka Trump secured several trademarks from China, and China granted a $500 million loan for a Trump-affiliated project in Indonesia. While President Trump stated this was to preserve Chinese jobs, his trade advisor, Peter Navarro, indicated it was a gesture of goodwill to China's president. This occurred even as intelligence suggested ZTE might be aiding China's espionage efforts against the U.S. from Cuba.

,... then there was also a potentially bigger story [than alleged Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption] last week that somehow got almost completely overlooked.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that workers from ZTE, a state-owned Chinese telecommunications company, had been tracked by U.S. officials "exiting suspected Chinese spy facilities in Cuba." Now, that is the same Chinese company that in 2017 pled guilty to illegally exporting U.S. technology to Iran and North Korea. The same company that was then sanctioned by the U.S., and the same company for whom President Trump reversed sanctions, much to the consternation of many Republicans.

And here's why that's important: days before, and then days after the announcement of the reversal of sanctions, Ivanka Trump received various trademarks from the Chinese government. And immediately following the ending of the sanctions, China announced a $500 million loan to help fund a theme park in Indonesia with a Trump-branded hotel and golf course. At the time, President Trump bizarrely claimed he did it to save Chinese jobs. But Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro told Fox News something different at the time. He said, "The president did this as a personal favor to the president of China as a way of showing some goodwill for bigger efforts."

And this personal favor to China came despite "intelligence reviewed during the Trump Administration that contributed to suspicions at the time that ZTE and another Chinese company might be playing a role in expanding China's ability to spy on the U.S. from the island," according to the Wall Street Journal report last week.

And, there's more, tons more (though I doubt you will read it)

He settled for $25,000,000 for defrauding thousands out of millions in a fake university scam.

He paid a $2,000,000 fine for a fake charity in which he embezzled funds for private use, thereby committing fraud against his donors. Thing is, he probably didn't need the money, but Trump is a criminal whose soul is so entrenched in a criminal mindset, he just can't keep his greedly little hands out of the proverbial criminal cookie jar.

He covered up his payments to Stormy Daniels, co conspiring with this Attorney, whom he threw under the bus, whereby his attorney, then Michael Cohen, concocted a scheme, just before the election, to pay Stormy Daniels, a porn star, $130k, and Karen McDougal, a Playboy star Playmate, $150k, both of whom Trump fornicated with just after his newly wed wife gave birth, (swell guy, Trump is, eh? How about that treatment of the future first lady? And no, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton) to pay them out of Cohen's pocket, and they agreed to cover it up where Trump would pay Cohen, in a series of $35k checks, to be recorded as "Legal services income" and "legal expenses" Cohen & Trump respectively, (Photocopies provided on request)

He hires his daughter and son-in-law to take senior White House advisory positions, and allowed them to profit to the tune of millions, where Ivanka got accelerated trade marks in China, worth millions, the made millions hawking her wares there, and got them during the time Trump was negotiating with China, and Jared got $2 billion big ones from the House of Saud, ergo Mohammed Bin Salman, you know, that illustrious individual who hired goons to chop up Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi who wasn't saying nice things about MBS in exchange for the ostensible soft treatment from Trump & Co, crime syndicate LLC.

Installs his buddy, Wilbur Ross, as Secretary of Commerce. This is the elderly gent who was the VP of the real estate division and the Russian branch of Cypress Bank (money from Russia with love, must be nice!) who managed many of Trump's real estate deals with oligarch Russians for the, no doubt, purpose of aiding them in laundering their money. But, that's just me being suspicious, what would I know, you know, with Trump fawning like a sick puppy over Putin, stating on TV he trusts Putin over his intel staff, his WH phone calls to Putin, done entirely in secret, his letting two known Russian spies into the oval office, disallowing any WH staff, no stenographers, and only a Russian PHotographer into the room (we had to borrow their pictures, the only record of the event), hiring, as his campaign manager, one Paul Manafort, you know, that, well, allow me to digress about this very interesting fellow:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if i recall correctly:

And wouldn't you know it, he pardoned him, him and Roger STone, too, but why list more of such illustrious indications of a man who just isn't the kind of fellow any sane person would want to occupy the power powerful office in the world, that of the United States Presidency, and if Republicans haven't learned their lesson, it appears that he is now the front runner for the GOP and by that measure, given that Trump is a national security threat, that makes the entire Republican party a threat to US national security. "In my opinion". (let's discuss).

Though there are too many crimes to list, and some are listed, below, lets' first dive into his being a thread to US National Security

Oh, so you say Trump isn't a threat to US National security?

A summation of the many ways Trump was a threat to national security:

His debt to a Russian bank is a national security threat (Deustchebank, a Russian bank which was fined hundreds of millions for laundering Russian Money).

His incessant undermining public faith in elections is a national security threat.

His incessant assertion that the press is the enemy of the people undermine public confidence in the very thing that protects them from tyranny, i.e., a vigorous and free press, which is a threat to liberal democracy, and a national security threat.

His contempt of congress and obstruction of justice is a threat to national security

His attempt to use the DOJ for political ends is a threat to national security

His hiring lobbyists to the cabinet posts they fought against is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp the seriousness of climate change is a threat to national security ( this is the big one)

His gutting the state department, leaving half of the ambassadorships unfilled is a threat to national security

His hiring of incompetent persons is a threat national security.

His incompetence handling Covid is a threat to national security
the unprecedented turnover in the white house is a threat to national security

His tendency to hire sycophants/yes men, and fire those who speak truth to power is a threat to national security.

His lack of knowledge of US history, lack of knowledge of civics, and many things along these lines, is a threat to national security

His arrogance and total lack of empathy, and total lack of humility, plus the above, means he is unfit for the job and his unfitness is a threat to national security.

His nepotism is a threat to national security.

His spending too much time watching TV and tweeting and playing golf is a threat to national security ( well, it's not good, let's just say that much )

Trump's imposing tariffs which caused farmers to permanently lose markets is a threat to national security his corruption, bilking of the US Taxpayer to the tune of $16 million from entourage stays in his hotels and resorts, all of which his family has profited and his nepotism, allowing his daughter in law to win millions of dollars worth of China trademarks while he was negotiating with China, his nauseating obsequious treatment of Putin, a murderous dictator whose objective is to destroy and/or greatly diminish America's standing in the world, is a threat to national security

His incessant egregious lying, i.,e., "Truth Decay" is a threat to national security

Trump's usurping the Senate by appointing 'acting' heads of departments of whom the president is supposed to appoint and be confirmed by the Senate, the acting heads cause more instability and decrease of moral in the rank and file in those departments,
is a threat to national security

Trump's firing of Comey, which was detrimental to the morale of the rank and file of the FBI, and Trump's scapegoating the FBI, and undermining a once trusted American institution (post Hoover, of course). is a threat to national security
his acquiescing to Erdogan by allowing DOJ to interfere in US Attorney's office investigation of a Turkish bank because it will adversely affect members of Erdogan's family, noting that Erdogan tried to do it with Obama, and his DOJ refused, but Erdogan is finding Trump a pliant president, noting that Trump abandoning the kurds, who were instrumental in helping us in the Iraq war, whose members died for America, Trump did this to appease Erdogan, whereupon the vacuum that that pull out created forced the Kurds to turn to Russia, thus increasing Russia's influence in the region, noting that Trump has property in Turkey, is a threat to national security

Trump's decision to begin the process of withdrawing the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty will end an arms control agreement with Russia that has been a centerpiece of European security since the Cold War. The move, meant to penalize Russia for noncompliance, is likely to alarm the international community, particularly Europe, and cause fears that the US and Russia could enter a new nuclear arms race is a threat to national security

Trump's pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, A massive trade deal meant to counteract China's economic power. Trump ran on a promise to spike the plan, saying it was unfair to American workers. The pact was never officially adopted by Congress. The other 11 nations have carried on without the US, the void this pullout caused allowed China to gain considerable influence over international Trade in the affected regions. The partnership was an agreement that was the result of many years of negotiation, and I sincerely believe this move is a threat to national security

Trump's receiving a $500 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank while simultaneously a deposit that amount was made to that bank, the money coming from a Russian state bank ( which means Putin controlled ) which makes Trump beholden to Putin, which explains his refusal to criticize Putin, or do much about Russian election interference is a threat to national security
Trump's appointing a Secretary of Commerce who was the VP of the real estate loan department at Cypress Bank
Wilbur Ross, the former Secretary of Commerce under President Trump, once managed Trump's real estate deals. There were reports of his ties to Russian business interests and connections to Russian oligarchs. In 2017, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reported that Ross retained a stake in a shipping company that received millions of dollars from a Russian energy company partially owned by members of Vladimir Putin's inner circle. Additionally, Ross served as the vice-chairman of the Bank of Cyprus, which has been linked to Russian oligarchs.

Donald Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and his Russian business ties

The cabinet member has retained a stake in a company that provides shipping for Putin's son-in-law and sanctioned oligarchs.
And his could be construed as a threat to US National Security.

Now, I feel I must mention that: Trump's son says most of family's assets are held by Russian companies"

Well, that hasn't been proven, but there is this: Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria. Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria

And this:


Trump Jr. was told of Russian effort to help father's campaign: NY Times

Donald Trump Jr. was told in an email before meeting a Russian lawyer who he thought had material damaging to Hillary Clinton that it was part of a Russian government bid to aid his father's presidential campaign, the New York Times said on Monday.

Moving on:

Trump's failure to grasp certain fundamental economic concepts, his contentions which are essentially false, such as 'Tariffs are paid by China" ( no, they are paid by Americans ) is a threat to national security

Trump's appointing of a Postmaster General whose apparent mission was to slow down mail in ballots from arriving on time, noting that this postmaster general (Dejoy) has failed to comply with a court order to expedite the mail in ballots is a threat to national security

Trump's 'tax cut' which was nothing more than largesse for the superrich, and crumbs for everyone else thus causing deficits to careen to levels history has never seen is a threat to national security

Trumps repeal of many important environmental regulations is a threat to national security.

The above is just scratching the surface. To date. there are some 20 or more books published on the danger to America that Trump represents, written by those who were close to him, on staff, family members, national security experts, etc.

If Republicans had half of all this on Obama or Biden, their collective heads would be exploding like nukes.


1. Scammed thousands out of millions and have to settle for $25,000,000 for a fake university scam.

Judge Approves $25 Million Settlement Of Trump University Lawsuit

The deal was reached in November but needed the approval of U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. One student had objected to the settlement, which prevented her from suing Trump on her own.
2. Fornicated with a porn star and a playmate just after his newly wed wife gave birth and paid them $250k hush money for which his attorney took the fall.

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump.
3. Campaigned to defraud

A campaign to defraud - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Donald Trump may have committed up to eight criminal offenses while campaigning and during the first year of his presidency.
4. Committed the following crimes: Bribery (18 U.S.C. § 201) II. Soliciting Foreign Campaign Contribution (52 U.S.C. §§ 30109, 30121)
III. Coercion Of Political Activity (18 U.S.C. § 610) IV. Misappropriation Of Federal Funds (18 U.S.C. § 641)
5. Committed 18 U.S. Code § 793 espionage in the theft of national defense information documents,

Feds' Bombshell Search of Trump's Home Investigated Possible Intent to Commit 'Injury' to the 'United States' — Here's What the Statutes Say

A search warrant unsealed around 3:45 p.m. on Friday reveals that federal authorities are investigating whether former president Donald Trump assembled documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in violation of three specific federal statutes.

And yes both Pence and Biden are guilty of same, but the DOJ's policy is not to indict members of the executive branch for mere possession. However, Trump obstructed the governments' efforts to retrieve documents, resulting in a search warrant, and now is being reported as lying to his lawyers about his hiding documents from the Government, and all bets are off on that crime. We shall See what Jack Smith recommendation when he makes his final report to Garland. Both Pence and Biden cooperated fully with the return of the documents, and it is becoming apparent, (as far as I can tell) they were taken unwittingly. But, that is neither here nor there.

6. Committed conspiracy subversion/sedition on a presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Interim Staff Report FINAL.pdf
7. Committed corruption in his receipt of over $16,000,000 for entourage and political stays at his hotels the money of which went into Trump's pocket while president.

Political Groups Spend Millions at Trump Properties

Watchdog ethics groups question why government agencies are now spending more at Trump hotels and properties than in the past.
8. Committed corruption and nepotism by appointing his son-in-law to a senior staff position who profited millions (recieved $2,000,000,000 from the House of Saud) from his father-in-law's connections.

House Oversight investigating $2 billion Saudi investment in Jared Kushner's firm

Kushner formed an investment firm right after Trump left office, and six months later, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia invested $2 billion.
9. Paid a $2,000,000 fine for embezzling charity funds and have his charity shot down for 'illegal activity'.

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities NEW YORK – New
10. Was sued by NY State for 'discrimination'.

11. All his 'very best people' are an organization of corrupt officials being criminally investigated.

Ex-Trump Org CFO Implicates Company in Tax Fraud Case

Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty in August to the multi-year tax fraud scheme at the heart of the case.
12. Has eight staff members indicted and convicted, and he corruptly pardoned them for keeping their mouths shut.

Factbox: Here are eight Trump associates arrested or convicted of crimes

Steve Bannon has been charged with defrauding Trump supporters in a campaign to help build the president's signature wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, prosecutors said on Thursday.
13. Engaged in tax schemes while he ripped off his father for millions

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father (Published 2018)

The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.
14. Appointed a totally corrupt cabinet staff

Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit

The Trump administration has brought its brand of corruption and self-dealing to every agency in the federal government, and it’s hard for anyone to keep on top of it all. We’ve mapped it out for you.

But you don't really give a damn.

Biden got the infrastructure bill, a historic bill on par with Eisenhower's highway project, got it passed in bipartisan fashion. Trump paid lip service to it and in his four years, with the house and senate under his party's control, couldn't get it done.

Just seeing this >> "He settled for $25,000,000 for defrauding thousands out of millions in a fake university scam."
is enough to convince me that you that you obviously don't know what you're talking about, are merely a DUPE of run-of-the-mill Trump-bash trash, and thus to not bother reading your pile of leftist propaganda BS.

EARTH to RUMPOLE: Maybe you have never owned a business. I did. Every business has a small % of complainers. But the great majority of Trump University students were happy. You don't hear about THEM. No reason for them to be in the news. You only hear about the tiny 2 or 3% who complain.
I had a video dating service for 12 years, and I had women crabbing to me, even when they were getting FREE memberships. Trump settled outside court simply because that was easier, with less aggravation, and the money was nickels & dimes to him.

No surprise here. Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media show their ignorance constantly around here. You're getting an education.
The pandemic and everything associated with it came from Democrats (Obama, Biden, NIH, Fauci, Pelosi). Trump fixed it in 2020 Q3 with the highest GDP (35.3%) in US history, and Q4 was a respectable 3.9. No charge for the tutoring.

YOU are the Super DUPE. NO DUPEY, we are NOT "pumping more oil than we did under Trump"
Biden's highest ever oil production month was 396 MB in March of 2023. Trump topped that 3 times. As for "now" , Biden's most recent reported month was June 2023 with 385 MB. Trump topped that 7 times.

Hope this serves as a lesson to you, to not believe left media BS (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, ad infinitum, as nauseum)
Obama had nothing to do with the pandemic. The tragedy was Republicans not getting vaccinated and dying four times as often as Democrats and shipping that stupidity around the world. Trump is a catastrophe
seemed official enough that donny was legally mandated to cough up a couple million.
You have an odd definition of the word "official". You seem to be conflating it with "moral". The 2 aren't necessarily on the same page.
Obama had nothing to do with the pandemic. The tragedy was Republicans not getting vaccinated and dying four times as often as Democrats and shipping that stupidity around the world. Trump is a catastrophe
FALSE! It was Obama's NIH that approved funds to be sent to the Wuhan lab for the development of the Covid virus.
But you don't really give a damn.

Biden got the infrastructure bill, a historic bill on par with Eisenhower's highway project, got it passed in bipartisan fashion. Trump paid lip service to it and in his four years, with the house and senate under his party's control, couldn't get it done.
what I give a damn about, ....AND YOU SHOULD TOO, is the 400 accomplishments of Donald Trump listed in the MAGApill.com website, which has been removed from the internet, to keep you from seeing it - and you should give a damn about that too.

THAT is what Trump got done.
Allow me demystify your delusion, Trump's presidency was a blur of scandals and disasters. Trump is the worst president in Us History, and poses a threat to US National Security;

You are incredibly blind. I'll give you what I've noticed, seen, and took notes on:

Dan Abrams, lawyer, syndicated TV host, reported a few months ago that The Wall Street Journal highlighted that U.S. officials tracked workers from ZTE, a Chinese state-owned telecommunications firm, leaving suspected spy sites in Cuba. This company had previously admitted to unlawfully exporting U.S. tech to Iran and North Korea and was sanctioned by the U.S., though President Trump later reversed these sanctions.

Around the time of this reversal, Ivanka Trump secured several trademarks from China, and China granted a $500 million loan for a Trump-affiliated project in Indonesia. While President Trump stated this was to preserve Chinese jobs, his trade advisor, Peter Navarro, indicated it was a gesture of goodwill to China's president. This occurred even as intelligence suggested ZTE might be aiding China's espionage efforts against the U.S. from Cuba.

,... then there was also a potentially bigger story [than alleged Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption] last week that somehow got almost completely overlooked.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that workers from ZTE, a state-owned Chinese telecommunications company, had been tracked by U.S. officials "exiting suspected Chinese spy facilities in Cuba." Now, that is the same Chinese company that in 2017 pled guilty to illegally exporting U.S. technology to Iran and North Korea. The same company that was then sanctioned by the U.S., and the same company for whom President Trump reversed sanctions, much to the consternation of many Republicans.

And here's why that's important: days before, and then days after the announcement of the reversal of sanctions, Ivanka Trump received various trademarks from the Chinese government. And immediately following the ending of the sanctions, China announced a $500 million loan to help fund a theme park in Indonesia with a Trump-branded hotel and golf course. At the time, President Trump bizarrely claimed he did it to save Chinese jobs. But Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro told Fox News something different at the time. He said, "The president did this as a personal favor to the president of China as a way of showing some goodwill for bigger efforts."

And this personal favor to China came despite "intelligence reviewed during the Trump Administration that contributed to suspicions at the time that ZTE and another Chinese company might be playing a role in expanding China's ability to spy on the U.S. from the island," according to the Wall Street Journal report last week.

And, there's more, tons more (though I doubt you will read it)

He settled for $25,000,000 for defrauding thousands out of millions in a fake university scam.

He paid a $2,000,000 fine for a fake charity in which he embezzled funds for private use, thereby committing fraud against his donors. Thing is, he probably didn't need the money, but Trump is a criminal whose soul is so entrenched in a criminal mindset, he just can't keep his greedly little hands out of the proverbial criminal cookie jar.

He covered up his payments to Stormy Daniels, co conspiring with this Attorney, whom he threw under the bus, whereby his attorney, then Michael Cohen, concocted a scheme, just before the election, to pay Stormy Daniels, a porn star, $130k, and Karen McDougal, a Playboy star Playmate, $150k, both of whom Trump fornicated with just after his newly wed wife gave birth, (swell guy, Trump is, eh? How about that treatment of the future first lady? And no, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton) to pay them out of Cohen's pocket, and they agreed to cover it up where Trump would pay Cohen, in a series of $35k checks, to be recorded as "Legal services income" and "legal expenses" Cohen & Trump respectively, (Photocopies provided on request)

He hires his daughter and son-in-law to take senior White House advisory positions, and allowed them to profit to the tune of millions, where Ivanka got accelerated trade marks in China, worth millions, the made millions hawking her wares there, and got them during the time Trump was negotiating with China, and Jared got $2 billion big ones from the House of Saud, ergo Mohammed Bin Salman, you know, that illustrious individual who hired goons to chop up Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi who wasn't saying nice things about MBS in exchange for the ostensible soft treatment from Trump & Co, crime syndicate LLC.

Installs his buddy, Wilbur Ross, as Secretary of Commerce. This is the elderly gent who was the VP of the real estate division and the Russian branch of Cypress Bank (money from Russia with love, must be nice!) who managed many of Trump's real estate deals with oligarch Russians for the, no doubt, purpose of aiding them in laundering their money. But, that's just me being suspicious, what would I know, you know, with Trump fawning like a sick puppy over Putin, stating on TV he trusts Putin over his intel staff, his WH phone calls to Putin, done entirely in secret, his letting two known Russian spies into the oval office, disallowing any WH staff, no stenographers, and only a Russian PHotographer into the room (we had to borrow their pictures, the only record of the event), hiring, as his campaign manager, one Paul Manafort, you know, that, well, allow me to digress about this very interesting fellow:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if i recall correctly:

And wouldn't you know it, he pardoned him, him and Roger STone, too, but why list more of such illustrious indications of a man who just isn't the kind of fellow any sane person would want to occupy the power powerful office in the world, that of the United States Presidency, and if Republicans haven't learned their lesson, it appears that he is now the front runner for the GOP and by that measure, given that Trump is a national security threat, that makes the entire Republican party a threat to US national security. "In my opinion". (let's discuss).

Though there are too many crimes to list, and some are listed, below, lets' first dive into his being a thread to US National Security

Oh, so you say Trump isn't a threat to US National security?

A summation of the many ways Trump was a threat to national security:

His debt to a Russian bank is a national security threat (Deustchebank, a Russian bank which was fined hundreds of millions for laundering Russian Money).

His incessant undermining public faith in elections is a national security threat.

His incessant assertion that the press is the enemy of the people undermine public confidence in the very thing that protects them from tyranny, i.e., a vigorous and free press, which is a threat to liberal democracy, and a national security threat.

His contempt of congress and obstruction of justice is a threat to national security

His attempt to use the DOJ for political ends is a threat to national security

His hiring lobbyists to the cabinet posts they fought against is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp the seriousness of climate change is a threat to national security ( this is the big one)

His gutting the state department, leaving half of the ambassadorships unfilled is a threat to national security

His hiring of incompetent persons is a threat national security.

His incompetence handling Covid is a threat to national security
the unprecedented turnover in the white house is a threat to national security

His tendency to hire sycophants/yes men, and fire those who speak truth to power is a threat to national security.

His lack of knowledge of US history, lack of knowledge of civics, and many things along these lines, is a threat to national security

His arrogance and total lack of empathy, and total lack of humility, plus the above, means he is unfit for the job and his unfitness is a threat to national security.

His nepotism is a threat to national security.

His spending too much time watching TV and tweeting and playing golf is a threat to national security ( well, it's not good, let's just say that much )

Trump's imposing tariffs which caused farmers to permanently lose markets is a threat to national security his corruption, bilking of the US Taxpayer to the tune of $16 million from entourage stays in his hotels and resorts, all of which his family has profited and his nepotism, allowing his daughter in law to win millions of dollars worth of China trademarks while he was negotiating with China, his nauseating obsequious treatment of Putin, a murderous dictator whose objective is to destroy and/or greatly diminish America's standing in the world, is a threat to national security

His incessant egregious lying, i.,e., "Truth Decay" is a threat to national security

Trump's usurping the Senate by appointing 'acting' heads of departments of whom the president is supposed to appoint and be confirmed by the Senate, the acting heads cause more instability and decrease of moral in the rank and file in those departments,
is a threat to national security

Trump's firing of Comey, which was detrimental to the morale of the rank and file of the FBI, and Trump's scapegoating the FBI, and undermining a once trusted American institution (post Hoover, of course). is a threat to national security
his acquiescing to Erdogan by allowing DOJ to interfere in US Attorney's office investigation of a Turkish bank because it will adversely affect members of Erdogan's family, noting that Erdogan tried to do it with Obama, and his DOJ refused, but Erdogan is finding Trump a pliant president, noting that Trump abandoning the kurds, who were instrumental in helping us in the Iraq war, whose members died for America, Trump did this to appease Erdogan, whereupon the vacuum that that pull out created forced the Kurds to turn to Russia, thus increasing Russia's influence in the region, noting that Trump has property in Turkey, is a threat to national security

Trump's decision to begin the process of withdrawing the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty will end an arms control agreement with Russia that has been a centerpiece of European security since the Cold War. The move, meant to penalize Russia for noncompliance, is likely to alarm the international community, particularly Europe, and cause fears that the US and Russia could enter a new nuclear arms race is a threat to national security

Trump's pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, A massive trade deal meant to counteract China's economic power. Trump ran on a promise to spike the plan, saying it was unfair to American workers. The pact was never officially adopted by Congress. The other 11 nations have carried on without the US, the void this pullout caused allowed China to gain considerable influence over international Trade in the affected regions. The partnership was an agreement that was the result of many years of negotiation, and I sincerely believe this move is a threat to national security

Trump's receiving a $500 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank while simultaneously a deposit that amount was made to that bank, the money coming from a Russian state bank ( which means Putin controlled ) which makes Trump beholden to Putin, which explains his refusal to criticize Putin, or do much about Russian election interference is a threat to national security
Trump's appointing a Secretary of Commerce who was the VP of the real estate loan department at Cypress Bank
Wilbur Ross, the former Secretary of Commerce under President Trump, once managed Trump's real estate deals. There were reports of his ties to Russian business interests and connections to Russian oligarchs. In 2017, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reported that Ross retained a stake in a shipping company that received millions of dollars from a Russian energy company partially owned by members of Vladimir Putin's inner circle. Additionally, Ross served as the vice-chairman of the Bank of Cyprus, which has been linked to Russian oligarchs.

Donald Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and his Russian business ties

The cabinet member has retained a stake in a company that provides shipping for Putin's son-in-law and sanctioned oligarchs.
And his could be construed as a threat to US National Security.

Now, I feel I must mention that: Trump's son says most of family's assets are held by Russian companies"

Well, that hasn't been proven, but there is this: Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria. Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria

And this:


Trump Jr. was told of Russian effort to help father's campaign: NY Times

Donald Trump Jr. was told in an email before meeting a Russian lawyer who he thought had material damaging to Hillary Clinton that it was part of a Russian government bid to aid his father's presidential campaign, the New York Times said on Monday.

Moving on:

Trump's failure to grasp certain fundamental economic concepts, his contentions which are essentially false, such as 'Tariffs are paid by China" ( no, they are paid by Americans ) is a threat to national security

Trump's appointing of a Postmaster General whose apparent mission was to slow down mail in ballots from arriving on time, noting that this postmaster general (Dejoy) has failed to comply with a court order to expedite the mail in ballots is a threat to national security

Trump's 'tax cut' which was nothing more than largesse for the superrich, and crumbs for everyone else thus causing deficits to careen to levels history has never seen is a threat to national security

Trumps repeal of many important environmental regulations is a threat to national security.

The above is just scratching the surface. To date. there are some 20 or more books published on the danger to America that Trump represents, written by those who were close to him, on staff, family members, national security experts, etc.

If Republicans had half of all this on Obama or Biden, their collective heads would be exploding like nukes.


1. Scammed thousands out of millions and have to settle for $25,000,000 for a fake university scam.

Judge Approves $25 Million Settlement Of Trump University Lawsuit

The deal was reached in November but needed the approval of U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. One student had objected to the settlement, which prevented her from suing Trump on her own.
2. Fornicated with a porn star and a playmate just after his newly wed wife gave birth and paid them $250k hush money for which his attorney took the fall.

Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence

A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump.
3. Campaigned to defraud

A campaign to defraud - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Donald Trump may have committed up to eight criminal offenses while campaigning and during the first year of his presidency.
4. Committed the following crimes: Bribery (18 U.S.C. § 201) II. Soliciting Foreign Campaign Contribution (52 U.S.C. §§ 30109, 30121)
III. Coercion Of Political Activity (18 U.S.C. § 610) IV. Misappropriation Of Federal Funds (18 U.S.C. § 641)
5. Committed 18 U.S. Code § 793 espionage in the theft of national defense information documents,

Feds' Bombshell Search of Trump's Home Investigated Possible Intent to Commit 'Injury' to the 'United States' — Here's What the Statutes Say

A search warrant unsealed around 3:45 p.m. on Friday reveals that federal authorities are investigating whether former president Donald Trump assembled documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in violation of three specific federal statutes.

And yes both Pence and Biden are guilty of same, but the DOJ's policy is not to indict members of the executive branch for mere possession. However, Trump obstructed the governments' efforts to retrieve documents, resulting in a search warrant, and now is being reported as lying to his lawyers about his hiding documents from the Government, and all bets are off on that crime. We shall See what Jack Smith recommendation when he makes his final report to Garland. Both Pence and Biden cooperated fully with the return of the documents, and it is becoming apparent, (as far as I can tell) they were taken unwittingly. But, that is neither here nor there.

6. Committed conspiracy subversion/sedition on a presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Interim Staff Report FINAL.pdf
7. Committed corruption in his receipt of over $16,000,000 for entourage and political stays at his hotels the money of which went into Trump's pocket while president.

Political Groups Spend Millions at Trump Properties

Watchdog ethics groups question why government agencies are now spending more at Trump hotels and properties than in the past.
8. Committed corruption and nepotism by appointing his son-in-law to a senior staff position who profited millions (recieved $2,000,000,000 from the House of Saud) from his father-in-law's connections.

House Oversight investigating $2 billion Saudi investment in Jared Kushner's firm

Kushner formed an investment firm right after Trump left office, and six months later, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia invested $2 billion.
9. Paid a $2,000,000 fine for embezzling charity funds and have his charity shot down for 'illegal activity'.

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities NEW YORK – New
10. Was sued by NY State for 'discrimination'.

11. All his 'very best people' are an organization of corrupt officials being criminally investigated.

Ex-Trump Org CFO Implicates Company in Tax Fraud Case

Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty in August to the multi-year tax fraud scheme at the heart of the case.
12. Has eight staff members indicted and convicted, and he corruptly pardoned them for keeping their mouths shut.

Factbox: Here are eight Trump associates arrested or convicted of crimes

Steve Bannon has been charged with defrauding Trump supporters in a campaign to help build the president's signature wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, prosecutors said on Thursday.
13. Engaged in tax schemes while he ripped off his father for millions

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father (Published 2018)

The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.
14. Appointed a totally corrupt cabinet staff

Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit

The Trump administration has brought its brand of corruption and self-dealing to every agency in the federal government, and it’s hard for anyone to keep on top of it all. We’ve mapped it out for you.

But you don't really give a damn.

Biden got the infrastructure bill, a historic bill on par with Eisenhower's highway project, got it passed in bipartisan fashion. Trump paid lip service to it and in his four years, with the house and senate under his party's control, couldn't get it done.

Ok, now do us all a great big favor, and go back to your leftist think tank, and tell them that we demand a report of the Biden's in the same order, and with the same amount of work involved. If you can't do this, then all this is in reality is a hit job on Trump for political purposes.

You know, y'all might have stood a little chance if your desperation didn't reach the levels it got too in which caused y'all to put one in that office that TRUMP can't even hold a light too when it comes to shady characters. Biden has saved Trump, because in contrast TRUMP looks like a boy scout up side Biden and his cronies.

The alleged early on Democrat coup purdy much caused Trump to go into defensive posture throughout his entire stay as our president. Even then, aside from his personal life, he worked to do what he said he would do for the working man and woman, and for our veteran's. He kept us safe for almost 4 year's until somehow by sheer coincidence a virus just so happen to be accidentally released from a Chinese lab in which we were found out to be funding, and worse we were allegedly having gain of function performed on the virus via research that was conducted by us while Fauci was in charge of the NIH or virology.

How about you just stop before people way on smarter than me just takes your hit piece, and shoves it right back down on your desk with answers you don't like.
I posted the proofs 100 times over, 4 years ago. Are you just being born ?
NOPE.....No you haven't.
Feeling aren't evidence.
It WAS presented in court. It was the courts that chose to not examine it.
If you had factual evidence, the courts WOULD have look at, instead, Rudy says...We have lots of theories, we just don't have the evidence.

Your evidence was laughed at, and told to quit wasting the courts time.
Come back when you have REAL evidence.
donny is on tape bragging & showing an uber secret doc to a couple of female wriets.
Ther's plenty of tapes showing Trump and documents. So what ? That doesnt show that he ever knew anything of any documents leaving the White House, or arriving at Mar a Lago. Nor does it discount the possiblilty of the FBI planting documents.
AND YOU SHOULD TOO, is the 400 accomplishments of Donald Trump listed in the MAGApill.com website, which has been removed from the internet, to keep you from seeing it - and you should give a damn about that too.
Please post these 400 accomplishments.
I want to know.
Guessing that 300+ of them are opinions not news worthy.

Please Post
That doesnt show that he ever knew anything of any documents leaving the White House, or arriving at Mar a Lago.
OMG, trump admits he took them.
I have a right, as President, I have a right, I can do whatever I want.
Ok, now do us all a great big favor, and go back to your leftist think tank, and tell them that we demand a report of the Biden's in the same order, and with the same amount of work involved. If you can't do this, then all this is in reality is a hit job on Trump for political purposes.

You know, y'all might have stood a little chance if your desperation didn't reach the levels it got too in which caused y'all to put one in that office that TRUMP can't even hold a light too when it comes to shady characters. Biden has saved Trump, because in contrast TRUMP looks like a boy scout up side Biden and his cronies.

The alleged early on Democrat coup purdy much caused Trump to go into defensive posture throughout his entire stay as our president. Even then, aside from his personal life, he worked to do what he said he would do for the working man and woman, and for our veteran's. He kept us safe for almost 4 year's until somehow by sheer coincidence a virus just so happen to be accidentally released from a Chinese lab in which we were found out to be funding, and worse we were allegedly having gain of function performed on the virus via research that was conducted by us while Fauci was in charge of the NIH or virology.

How about you just stop before people way on smarter than me just takes your hit piece, and shoves it right back down on your desk with answers you don't like.

The DOJ (Weiss) invested Hunter Biden for 5 years, and during that time, not one criminal referral was made for Joe Biden

Weiss had access to all the facts that Comer had, and had far more resources to obtain more, and no criminal referrals on joe, nor nothing about corruption on Hunter.

How about you Republicans in congress get your shit together, and quit acting like clowns in a clown car with it's wheels falling off?
NOPE.....No you haven't.
Feeling aren't evidence.

If you had factual evidence, the courts WOULD have look at, instead, Rudy says...We have lots of theories, we just don't have the evidence.

Your evidence was laughed at, and told to quit wasting the courts time.
Come back when you have REAL evidence.
Yes I did, stupid. It's in posts #s 548......549.....550....551 of this thread. Now spend a WEEK reading it (including the links & sub-links)

NO, the evidence was NOT laughed at, nor was it looked at. You don't know what you're talking about.
I never heard him say he never settles. He has settled many times, simply becasue (for him) it's easier to pay off a settlement, that go through time consumimg litigation. Ho hum.
All corporations do it, and Congress had a rape pay off fund that was discovered wasn't it ?

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