I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Biden is who put him on trial - because he shits in his pants just at the thought of Trump running against him in 2024.
Really ? It was 60 judges that said there was no evidence of election fraud, so Biden is the fkin* president.
Guess who was president during the election and had till the swearing in to prove fraud…..take a guess.
Another thing that liberals have habit of doing is complicating things far beyond necessity, and then using their think tanks, media, universities to put a stamp of authenticity to it (authentic to them that is), then thinking we will all acquiesce to their oh-so-prestigious source.

Now for the real world version >> Biden's oil production reduction policies gave us the huge gas/deisel shortages, and thereby price increases, were responsible for the product shortages, as companies needing to transport their goods to stores, found it no longer economical to do so, due to the higher costs of fuel. Well they do transport the stuff now, and guess who gets the cost increases passed on to them. There's your inflation, folks.

You really oversimplify the complex issue of inflation and you appear to be doing this in terms of left/right politics, which is also simplistic, history is replete with bipartisan inflation. Inflation is influenced by a multitude of factors, not just one or two policies. Let’s break it down, (sources are hotlinked, as are annotations for multiple sources:

  1. Oil Production Policies: The claim that Biden’s oil production reduction policies led to gas/diesel shortages and thereby price increases is not entirely accurate 123. While it’s true that Biden’s administration has made changes to oil and gas policies 3, these changes have not resulted in a significant decrease in U.S. oil production2. In fact, U.S. crude oil production is predicted to rise to an average of 12 million barrels per day in 2022 and then to a record-high of 13 million barrels per day in 2023 2.
  2. CARES Act & ARP Act: Both the CARES Act under Trump and the ARP Act under Biden, which were indeed large stimulus packages, have been linked to inflation 456789. However, the extent of their impact varies according to different analyses and is still a topic of debate among economists 456789. It’s important to note that these acts were implemented in response to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to maintain family incomes and savings during the crisis 10.
  3. Global Factors: The global pandemic has disrupted supply chains worldwide, leading to increased costs for goods and services. This, along with other global factors like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s Covid-19 lockdowns, has contributed to inflation not just in the U.S., but around the world 6.
In conclusion, while certain policies may have contributed to inflation, it’s an oversimplification to attribute inflation solely to these factors. Inflation is a complex issue influenced by a multitude of domestic and global factors.
Yes I did, stupid. It's in posts #s 548......549.....550....551 of this thread. Now spend a WEEK reading it (including the links & sub-links)

NO, the evidence was NOT laughed at, nor was it looked at. You don't know what you're talking about.

Let's take this one item at a time. Give me one example which you think supports Trump's allegation that; 'Democrats stole the election' and what you believe to be proof, Just one example. And we'll go from there.
An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level. The allegation coincides with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night.

According to the email, discussed at a hearing, Pima County Democrats held a meeting on Sept. 10, 2020 in which plans were detailed to illegally inject 35,000 votes for each Democrat at the outset in statistically adjusted embeds that could be written off as human error if audited.
The claim you mentioned about 35,000 votes being fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate in Pima County, Arizona, has been thoroughly investigated and found to be without merit.

The Pima County Attorney’s Office conducted a multilayered investigation into 151 incidents of Pima County voters casting multiple ballots in the 2020 general election. The investigation concluded with zero incidents resulting in criminal prosecution. While there were instances of voters knowingly submitting more than one ballot, there was little to no evidence that they acted with the awareness that their actions would or could result in multiple votes being counted.

Moreover, the additional ballots cast in these incidents were not counted in the final tally of votes and did not impact the election results for any candidate or ballot measure. The Pima County Attorney’s Office uncovered no conspiratorial acts in the incidents investigated1.

As for the spike or “injection” of 143,000 votes at 8:06 p.m. on election night, it’s important to note that large updates of vote counts are common as election officials process and count ballots. This does not indicate fraud but is a normal part of the vote tallying process.

In conclusion, allegations of widespread voter fraud in Pima County have been thoroughly investigated and debunked by multiple sources.

Given the egregious example you have given, I'll just assume the rest of your post is equally erroneous.
He lost because of voter fraud, and I posted the massive ton of evidence 2 years ago here, which I will bet you didnt read, and that's why you are here now not knowing what the hell you're talking about.

Everytime I fact check someone like you who claims 'voter fraud' I find it's been debunked, thoroughly by multiple sources with hard facts.

There are cases of isolated fraud in almost all elections. They don't amount to squat and prove nothing.

All elections have irregularities, such as the 'hanging chads' in the 2000 election. Irregularities are much more common than isolated fraud cases.

However, the charge by Trump was that 'Democrats stole the election", and on that score, there is absolutely no good reason to think that there was a massive conspiracy conducted by Democrats to steal the election. No evidence has ever been produced that even remotely points to that falsehood. I'm certain I can debunk anything you throw at me (but do it one or two at a time, please).


I can defy it on pure logic/logistic grounds. To wit;

The very idea is absurd, given the massive degree of the decentralized nature of the general election. Among the several points I can address which underline the absurdity of it, the salient one is the very fact that Joe biden only won by some 80k votes in two key states. If Democrats were going to rig an election, allowing it to be won on such a few number of votes in two states that cannot be predicted at the outset would be implausible (given there are, initially, about a dozen or so states in which, in the final result, one or two would be the decisive vote, which cannot be known in advance, do, at the minimum, it would require a few hundred conspirators from both parties in about a dozen key states).

The point being, if the election were rigged, allowing it to be won by so few votes would be far to difficult to control, meaning that it could have gone the other way with such a nimble win, so if there were a rigging, the win would have been by a vote far greater than that, not to mention down ballot votes allowed Republicans to keep the house, and why would Democrats allow it? and why would Democrats allow control of the Senate by one or two seats? Such a slim margin in both houses doesn't spell 'rig' it spells 'organic result', so, on this ground, alone, it doesn't make a bit of sense. And, given the several hundred conspirators that would be required to pull it off, it would require people from both parties to go along with the scheme, as there are monitors in the process from both parties, watching the action.

And getting away with it would be well nigh impossible, with all those conspirators, given it would have to be planned, organized, months in advance, accounting for the varied systems in different states, and there would be whistleblowers. Where are the whistleblowers? there are NONE. No, the idea is absurd on it's face. I can only surmise that those who believe this CT are prone to Qanon, fake moon landing, 9/11 was an inside job, Obama was born Kenya, Hillary sold 20% of America's Uranium to the enemy, and Joe extorted Ukraine and took bribes, ad nauseum. And you wonder why we think you are kooks,
What are we upset about.

1 Million dead from Covid.
65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy

No one misses Trump except for the die hards who can't admit they made a mistake.

It's why half your party wants to move on to DeSatan and hope that no one notices he's a twit.
good thing old buyme is putting in those tough two hour work days to keep Hunter out of jail
It's about you, not your usual American mental clichés about the UK.

Until you get a grip within your own borders......
Don’t be ridiculous. It’s you who are trespassing not me. The only reason you don’t have border problems is, you’re a crowded fking Island. But like every developed nation in the world you too have immigration problems due to the changing climate and the inability of third world nations to respond to it properly. You’re a faking climate change denier so you have no validity in this conversation bozo.

Being the typical white supremest doesn’t excuse your ridiculous assertions.
So you're one of the retards that didn't look at the video for a balanced view. You're just a climate sheep. Bless.
No dumbo. I don’t run around looking at videos. I trust literally, the research of every climate science research institute in the world, including the UK. Try it. You wouldn’t be posting such dribble.
You really oversimplify the complex issue of inflation and you appear to be doing this in terms of left/right politics, which is also simplistic, history is replete with bipartisan inflation. Inflation is influenced by a multitude of factors, not just one or two policies. Let’s break it down, (sources are hotlinked, as are annotations for multiple sources:

  1. Oil Production Policies: The claim that Biden’s oil production reduction policies led to gas/diesel shortages and thereby price increases is not entirely accurate 123. While it’s true that Biden’s administration has made changes to oil and gas policies 3, these changes have not resulted in a significant decrease in U.S. oil production2. In fact, U.S. crude oil production is predicted to rise to an average of 12 million barrels per day in 2022 and then to a record-high of 13 million barrels per day in 2023 2.
  2. CARES Act & ARP Act: Both the CARES Act under Trump and the ARP Act under Biden, which were indeed large stimulus packages, have been linked to inflation 456789. However, the extent of their impact varies according to different analyses and is still a topic of debate among economists 456789. It’s important to note that these acts were implemented in response to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to maintain family incomes and savings during the crisis 10.
  3. Global Factors: The global pandemic has disrupted supply chains worldwide, leading to increased costs for goods and services. This, along with other global factors like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s Covid-19 lockdowns, has contributed to inflation not just in the U.S., but around the world 6.
In conclusion, while certain policies may have contributed to inflation, it’s an oversimplification to attribute inflation solely to these factors. Inflation is a complex issue influenced by a multitude of domestic and global factors.
It’s hilarious listening to whiners complain about inflation when is the gop lead recessions that are precursors to this and most of them.
Lib please, Dems RIGGED and CHEATED in 2020 and everyone knows it. Joe Biden the blabbering idiot got 80M votes riiiiiiiiight. :auiqs.jpg:
Your saying EVERYONE except the sixty judges who rule no evidence and Trumps own DOJ, his FBI and every other investigating and prosecuting agency under his administration. Yup, Biden won 8n a landslide for the same reason he or anyone else will win v Trump. Trump is a loser.
You really oversimplify the complex issue of inflation and you appear to be doing this in terms of left/right politics, which is also simplistic, history is replete with bipartisan inflation. Inflation is influenced by a multitude of factors, not just one or two policies. Let’s break it down, (sources are hotlinked, as are annotations for multiple sources:

  1. Oil Production Policies: The claim that Biden’s oil production reduction policies led to gas/diesel shortages and thereby price increases is not entirely accurate 123. While it’s true that Biden’s administration has made changes to oil and gas policies 3, these changes have not resulted in a significant decrease in U.S. oil production2. In fact, U.S. crude oil production is predicted to rise to an average of 12 million barrels per day in 2022 and then to a record-high of 13 million barrels per day in 2023 2.
  2. CARES Act & ARP Act: Both the CARES Act under Trump and the ARP Act under Biden, which were indeed large stimulus packages, have been linked to inflation 456789. However, the extent of their impact varies according to different analyses and is still a topic of debate among economists 456789. It’s important to note that these acts were implemented in response to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to maintain family incomes and savings during the crisis 10.
  3. Global Factors: The global pandemic has disrupted supply chains worldwide, leading to increased costs for goods and services. This, along with other global factors like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s Covid-19 lockdowns, has contributed to inflation not just in the U.S., but around the world 6.
In conclusion, while certain policies may have contributed to inflation, it’s an oversimplification to attribute inflation solely to these factors. Inflation is a complex issue influenced by a multitude of domestic and global factors.
And inflation is occurring across the globe. In fact our inflation is much less than most of the world
Don’t be ridiculous. It’s you who are trespassing not me. The only reason you don’t have border problems is, you’re a crowded fking Island. But like every developed nation in the world you too have immigration problems due to the changing climate and the inability of third world nations to respond to it properly. You’re a faking climate change denier so you have no validity in this conversation bozo.

Being the typical white supremest doesn’t excuse your ridiculous assertions.
More clichés, lol.
Yup, you're a class A dogmatic retard.
As opposed to check out counter source for all your information. Tell us, never got a straight answered from any denier. Why would you go to an institution for cancer treatment when you think they lie to you about something so obvious as climate change ?
Biden is who put him on trial - because he shits in his pants just at the thought of Trump running against him in 2024.
Do you wait for Trump to say it on line before you speak ? Every whine you make comes straight from your “mein fuhrer.“
No real response…thought so.
Well, you guys are the same ole same, you all just keep diverting to clichés about the UK. It's all you do, it's all you can do. Is the purpose of these clichés to reduce someone else in the imaginary status hierarchy? You tell me, you're the one that suddenly blurted them out? Why not just stick to the topic, why the playground tactics?

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