I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

These are sane people ?

Cherry picking is all you got boy, because for the majority it's a different story, but you knew that. Better go and watch James Klug if you really want to see some examples of your Looney left.
Cherry picking is all you got boy, because for the majority it's a different story, but you knew that. Better go and watch James Klug if you really want to see some examples of your Looney left.
These are the same trumpanzees that are on here. You are lunatics.
Cherry picking is all you got boy, because for the majority it's a different story, but you knew that. Better go and watch James Klug if you really want to see some examples of your Looney left.

Really ? Trump is over 50% in the primary polls, that’s half of the repugnant registered voters which is 29% of the electorate. You you bozos make up 15% of the registered voters…..yup. 15% of the electorate are retards. We‘ll buy that.
Really ? Trump is over 50% in the primary polls, that’s half of the repugnant registered voters which is 29% of the electorate. You you bozos make up 15% of the registered voters…..yup. 15% of the electorate are retards. We‘ll buy that.
So you don't like different points of view. I thought democrats loved democracy?
Really ? Trump is over 50% in the primary polls, that’s half of the repugnant registered voters which is 29% of the electorate. You you bozos make up 15% of the registered voters…..yup. 15% of the electorate are retards. We‘ll buy that.
Ok Hillary... 😂
Glad you wrote the word god with the little g, because yes I definitely would be in despair if your god has his way over us for much longer. My God won't allow it, so don't get to comfortable in your sin. A day of reckoning is coming.
I reckon it won't.
What does your dumb anecdotal story have to do with anything? Oh wait its another right wing nut job saying if I didnt see it, it doesnt happen. Your kind is absolutely stupid. Go feed your 100 cats and let the sane adults handle things.
Problem with liberals is, they dont realize that what they sneeringly refer to as "anecdotal", is essentially a mutiple year, in-depth STUDY of the criteria. Just because some leftist university, media, or think tank doesnt have its name on it, doesnt mean it isn't valid and authentic. My study of cats is as good as any ever done.

Thinking automatically, that a "study" from a university, think tank, or someplace you would not call anecdotal, is valid, without you having the foggiest idea of what actually occured in that so-called "study", but just taking others' words, without any personal verification.....THAT is what is STUPID.

The statistics of our eyes and ears are far more reliable than any published study, many of which are agenda loaded bullcrap. Seeing is believing.
Problem with liberals is, they dont realize that what they sneeringly refer to as "anecdotal", is essentially a mutiple year, in-depth STUDY of the criteria. Just because some leftist university, media, or think tank doesnt have its name on it, doesnt mean it isn't valid and authentic. My study of cats is as good as any ever done.

Thinking automatically, that a "study" from a university, think tank, or someplace you would not call anecdotal, is valid, without you having the foggiest idea of what actually occured in that so-called "study", but just taking others' words, without any personal verification.....THAT is what is STUPID.

The statistics of our eyes and ears are far more reliable than any published study, many of which are agenda loaded bullcrap. Seeing is believing.
LOL your "study" of cats is as good as any ever done? You are truly a lunatic. Hey look now you dont know the difference between looking out your back door and an actual scientific study. Go back to studying your cats you moron. And stay out of society away from people.
You must be seething every morning you wake up and are reminded that Biden is President while trump is defending himself against 91 charges.
Seething is only part of it. The SADNESS of seeing what has happened to our country, now being run by criminal thugs, and how far we've descended, is another aspect. The strangeness of many people actually accepting this madness, is also difficult to get a handle on.

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