I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

How many time were you dropped on your head as a baby? My guess is daily, since every one of your posts indicate you've already gone "full retard" - long ago.

Why is it always an "either/or" choice with you clowns, one of which is ridiculous, and the other involves doing nothing. Because you want to do nothing. Why don't all you climate deniers move to Texas with their weak ass power grid and see how long you last?

Then you complain that the insurance industry is collapsing. See this little tear??? You're bringing it all on yourselves.

15 years ago, the Province Of Ontario undertook a major infrastructure change by converted from gas and nuclear power plants to green energy. The Liberal Party made a horrible program and overpaid for the clean power produced ititially, and power rates soared. The Party was destroyed, in large part because of the mess they made of this conversion and has been out of power for 6 years now.

But Ontario, which has always had some of the most expensive power in North America, now has some of the cheapest. Toronto ranks 7 lowest out of 10 for electrical rates in Major North American cities.

Local farmers are getting $60,000 per year to rent 5 acre parcels to wind power companies, helping to stabilize farm income and reduce borrowing for crops or operating expenses. I cannot overemphasize what a boon this has been to family farms owners. It means they farmer doesn't have to take a job in town to ensure they're not wiped out by bad weather, or crop failure.

The planet is getting ready to shrug us off like a case of the fleas, and we're doing it do ourselves because stupid, selfish people don't want to change the path we're on. They just want to bitch about everything that's happening and then blame the Democrats for it all.

That today's Republican. Bitch whine about everything. Do nothing to change it. And blame it all on Democrats.
So the wind turbines are there to save the environment, so say the left. Never mind that they're killing millions of birds. When did birds stop being part of the environment ?
The economy was at 2.3% when COVID hit. That's a fact. Look it up.

And that's WITH TRILLIONS in help from the Fed, and MASSIVE spending that Trump signed and applauded.

I know you've been told differently in your world, but that's reality.
2.3% is higher than 4 of Biden's 6 quarters, and almost the same as a 5th one of his. And while we're in cherry-picking mode, how about the rise in Trump's GDP from 1.7 to 4.1 (shortly after Obama's recession from 3.3 down to 0.6 ?
2.3% is higher than 4 of Biden's 6 quarters, and almost the same as a 5th one of his. And while we're in cherry-picking mode, how about the rise in Trump's GDP from 1.7 to 4.1 (shortly after Obama's recession from 3.3 down to 0.6 ?
You said "he had the best economy". He says he had the best economy ever. His economy was profoundly supported by massive Fed intervention and huge spending. He is lying.

If you want to change the subject, do it on another thread. He did not have "the best economy". That is a lie.
The economy was at 2.3% when COVID hit. That's a fact. Look it up.

And that's WITH TRILLIONS in help from the Fed, and MASSIVE spending that Trump signed and applauded.

I know you've been told differently in your world, but that's reality.
2.3% is higher than 4 of Biden's 6 quarters, and almost the same as a 5th one of his. And while we're in cherry-picking mode, how about the rise in Trump's GDP from 1.7 to 4.1 (shortly after Obama's recession from 3.3 down to 0.6 ?
You said "he had the best economy". He says he had the best economy ever. His economy was profoundly supported by massive Fed intervention and huge spending. He is lying.

If you want to change the subject, do it on another thread. He did not have "the best economy". That is a lie.
All presidents have had massive Fed interventions, and huge spending, What else is new ? Fact remains, Obama has a SINKING awful economy, and Trump picked it up and rose it UP.

All presidents have had massive Fed interventions
That is either a blatant lie or abject ignorance. The Fed's post-Meltdown intervention was absolutely unprecedented.

This is why I no longer bother discussing markets and economics -- my profession for 23 years -- with Trumpsters.

Believe what you're told. I don't care.
That is either a blatant lie or abject ignorance. The Fed's post-Meltdown intervention was absolutely unprecedented.

This is why I no longer bother discussing markets and economics -- my profession for 23 years -- with Trumpsters.

Believe what you're told. I don't care.
All you're doing is coming up with a this or that to discredit Trump and his great economy (that even top leftist spokesmen have agreed was great)
Whatever the ways & means were, fact remains, in the end Trump got it done, Obama didn't, and Biden's is a train wreck.
Only wokey wacky leftists would consider Trump to have ever been impeached. Those who voted for it, belong in mental institutions.

You have to be utterly brain-dead to believe Trump was never impeached.

Even his official page on whitehouse.gov says he was...

On January 13, 2021, Trump’s actions resulted in the House of Representatives approving another article of impeachment: the incitement of insurrection. He is the only president in American history to be impeached twice by Congress.

The same source which also references Clinton's impeachment...

In 1998, as a result of issues surrounding personal indiscretions with a young woman White House intern, Clinton was the second U.S. president to be impeached by the House of Representatives.

And Johnson's impeachment...

When Johnson allegedly violated one of these, the Tenure of Office Act, by dismissing Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, the House voted eleven articles of impeachment against him.

So, gramps? You also think neither Clinton nor Johnson were ever impeached?
He did have the best economy, up until the pndemic, and the pandemic wasn't his. It was created and maintained by Democrats. And when Republicans discovered they were being had, Trump responded with the best economy (Q3-2020) in US history (35.3% GDP)

2.3% is higher than 4 of Biden's 6 quarters, and almost the same as a 5th one of his. And while we're in cherry-picking mode, how about the rise in Trump's GDP from 1.7 to 4.1 (shortly after Obama's recession from 3.3 down to 0.6 ?

Yet more derangement from the forum's most senile poster. :icon_rolleyes:

Have a dose of reality, gramps...

2021Q1 6.3
2021Q2 7.0
2021Q3 2.7
2021Q4 7.0
2022Q1 -1.6
2022Q2 -0.6
2022Q3 3.2
2022Q4 2.6
2023Q1 2.0
2023Q2 2.1

This is 2023, not 2022. We've had 10 quarters under Biden, not 6. 2.3% is not even higher than 4 out of Biden's first 6 quarters. It's higher than only 2. And 60% of Biden's 10 quarters were higher than 2.3%.

And annualized GDP growth for both presidents is:

Trump: 1.5%
Biden: 3.0%

Even if we ignore Trump's final year in office, it's still lower than Biden: 2.6%.

All you're doing is coming up with a this or that to discredit Trump and his great economy (that even top leftist spokesmen have agreed was great)
Whatever the ways & means were, fact remains, in the end Trump got it done, Obama didn't, and Biden's is a train wreck.


His economy was sooo great, it couldn't tolerate even the slightest increase in the Federal Fund rate. It quickly had to be reduced to the lowest level possible.

Retard, "deposit." The employee pays it. Their company "deposits" it for them.

Like I said, you're so fucking stupid, it's funny.
You’re being kind. He’s beyond effin stupid. Hilarious. My employee NEVER paid my taxes for me. Not my state, sales, excise on my cars or federal taxes. The employee can also have as little or as much as possible taken out. He’s in control of how he wants to manage his tax burden. That sound like the employer has anything to say about it ?
As him why his employer doesn’t pay taxes for those who don’t earn enough ?
So the wind turbines are there to save the environment, so say the left. Never mind that they're killing millions of birds. When did birds stop being part of the environment ?
You being an expert on bird
Killing, should know that many more are killed in the production and use of fossil, fuels.
You being an expert on bird
Killing, should know that many more are killed in the production and use of fossil, fuels.
I see no source link to support that, and it sounds HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Sounds like one of those totally ridiculous lines that leftists come out with, to cover their tracks.

I don't see how fossil fuels could even come close to birds killed by wind turbines. Not hardly.
I see no source link to support that, and it sounds HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Sounds like one of those totally ridiculous lines that leftists come out with, to cover their tracks.

I don't see how fossil fuels could even come close to birds killed by wind turbines. Not hardly.
They pulled it outta their ace. They are taking this nation closer and closer to it's destruction, and it's all due to their permeation of weakness and ridiculousness. They do this as a new screwed up culture and society.

God won't allow for it to stand, and that's a fact. No way does he allow such a newly depraved people to boaster or lift themselves up into high places for much longer, and especially while they say to themselves "look at me, look me", and it's all about me, me, me, me, me, me, as they kiss their own hands, and claim that they are god's.

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