I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

"Welfare benefits" amount to 5-8 cents of the federal tax dollar. Tax subsidies, grants, loans, etc to multi-billion dollar corps cost about 45 cent out of every tax dollar. Who gets the free stuff?
The donors, many of whom paid zero taxes. Obviously the recessionary pressures of Trickle down and deregulation is apparent when 10 of the last 11 recessions occurred under Republican budgets and administration. Every Republican administration since Eisenhower has had a recession. It’s obvious where the free stuff is going. It’s not in the hands of the middle class.
Republicans rule recessions.
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After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
He beat Hillary.

As simple as that.
You’re not bright huh?
You’re the stupid one. Trump had the best economy since Reagan ? When shown he didn’t, you defend him. Guess he didn’t have the best economy since reagan. More made up shit, hilarious. You stepped into that one.
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When will right wing Americans stop referring to government programs which aid low income citizens as "free stuff"?
Exactly. Free stuff is what corporations get when they avoid taxes then expect the govt to protect the shipping lanes, pay for all the roads / bridges for goods and services, and upgrade everyone’s internet which is the backbone of our economy. It’s also the money put into education to provide literate workers.

The taxes they avoid pales in comparison to ” Meals for me” indigents who get with a second helping.
You’re the stupid one. Trump had the best economy since Reagan ? When shown he didn’t, you defend him. Guess he didn’t have the best economy since reagan. More made up shit, hilarious. You stepped into that one.
again, you're using a pandemic to qualify yourself. Unrealistic values of nonsense directing away from the facts. I understand that demfks hate facts. Don't you? Cause facts can't align with demfks.
Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump's Administration was an economic success is too stupid to be one person,
the pandemic recovery was better than most all of the countries under Trump. Since creepy's been in office we have short shelves and double digit inflation. woooo whooo
Exactly. Free stuff is what corporations get when they avoid taxes then expect the govt to protect the shipping lanes, pay for all the roads / bridges for goods and services, and upgrade everyone’s internet which is the backbone of our economy. It’s also the money put into education to provide literate workers.

The taxes they avoid pales in comparison to ” Meals for me” indigents who get with a second helping.
do corporations offer jobs and do the employees pay taxes? So factually as always, you're incorrect.
Libs and corrupt washington insider republicans are pissed that trump beat them at their own game
"Welfare benefits" amount to 5-8 cents of the federal tax dollar. Tax subsidies, grants, loans, etc to multi-billion dollar corps cost about 45 cent out of every tax dollar. Who gets the free stuff?
do corporations offer jobs to locals and do those employees then pay taxes? If you answer yes, than your numbers are bullshit.
In fact, Trump's tax cuts worsened the economy for working people, and crashed the economy when the pandemic hit.
so you're saying the pandemic had no affect on the economy? hahahahahahahhaahahahaha you didn't write that with a straight face. hahahaahahahahahahaha. mandating people avoid work, and fighting and arresting those not complying, hilarious at the minimum.

Take your stupid to another forum, because we don't fall for that shit in here.
again, you're using a pandemic to qualify yourself. Unrealistic values of nonsense directing away from the facts. I understand that demfks hate facts. Don't you? Cause facts can't align with demfks.

Trump was president for 4 years, not 3.
Libs and corrupt washington insider republicans are pissed that trump beat them at their own game
noticed they all bailed when I asked them what's the fair share. That ask is like kryptonite to these fkers.
4 years.

MINUS 2½ million jobs.

1.5% annualized GDP.
yeah remember lockdowns? hmmmmmm what do you think happened to the jobs market? Can you say Pandemic? I knew you could.

Almost every restaurant in the country shut down. Remember that? you think that belongs on Trump? hahaahahahahaahhaha China releases a virus and it's Trump? hahahaahahahhahaha

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