I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Why didn't you get that done while Grifty was in office?
Because national security and America's character in the world was probably being weighed backed then also. Otherwise don't air your dirty laundry to the world, but Democrat's don't give a shite about nothing like that, so now we have the world powers scratching their heads thinking "wait we've allowed them to be first all of these year's, you gotta be kidding us right" ?
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

Proof positive that you really are too stupid to be one person.

Of course if your goal is to kill as many Americans as possible, tear up all of your trade deals and strategic alliances, so that your buddies Putin and Xi can take over the world, then the Trump was a great success.

Thanks for admitting your goal is to see the USA destroyed and in ruins.
Proof positive that you really are too stupid to be one person. Of course if your goal is to kill as many Americans as possible, tear up all of your trade deals and strategic alliances, so that your buddies Putin and Xi can take over the world, then the Trump was a great success. Thanks for admitting your goal is to see the USA destroyed and in ruins.
Stupid Canuck. You should be after your Leftist leaders to stop killing the planet with forest fires instead of lying on a US forum.

Trump had a great presidency until Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic hit. This is the truth:
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), et.al colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents and the Biden crimes are being covered up, including cocaine in the WH.
You mean the evidence y'all keep ignoring ? Why keep bringing it forward after showing and providing it (even under oath), for a thousand time's over ?
You’re obviously showing it to the wrong people. Instead of whining on social media, show it to a judiciary .

Does that escape your mind ?
Because national security and America's character in the world was probably being weighed backed then also. Otherwise don't air your dirty laundry to the world, but Democrat's don't give a shite about nothing like that, so now we have the world powers scratching their heads thinking "wait we've allowed them to be first all of these year's, you gotta be kidding us right" ?
"I'm not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot," Dowd, who led Trump's team for the Russia investigation, is quoted as saying to Mueller during a meeting on March 5. The conversation is recounted in Woodward's new 448-page book, Fear: Trump in the White House. The details of the exchange were first reported by The Washington Post, which received an advanced copy of the book set to be released on September 11.

"And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, 'I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?'" Dowd added.

Trump Would Be An 'Idiot' To Testify, Ex-Lawyer Says
The bed wetters hate Trump because they're told too.

Just like they switched from loving/hating/loving James Comey according to the media matters directives.

If Trump said and did all the same shit, but ran as a democrook in 2016, beating hitlery and all the republicrats. The bed wetters would have burned cities down if the GOP did nothing different and simply undermined him the same way.
You are exactly right..... If advancing their interest (if only in rhetoric or lies being spoken), they will have that candidate or president's back no matter what party he's affiliated with.

The elite hates Trump so bad, that they won't allow the sheep to think for one second that Trump might actually advance the entire country with his "open under new management" skills . That's the sign you see when a business was shut down due to bad management, otherwise in hopes to bring back all the jaded customer's who had a bad experience under the old management.

Trump's new catch phrase should be "America, open under new management", and open during normal business hours "no mask required".
You’re obviously showing it to the wrong people. Instead of whining on social media, show it to a judiciary .

Does that escape your mind ?
You mean show it to the leftist run judiciary or to the one's laying low in fear of the leftist judiciary ? You're a genius aren't you ? ROTFLMBO 🤣
You mean show it to the leftist run judiciary or to the one's laying low in fear of the leftist judiciary ? You're a genius aren't you ? ROTFLMBO 🤣
Guess you’re in a rut. You’re way too incompetent to prosecute anyone.
Caused by the insurrecting Democrat's since before 2016 or before Trump came down the escalator. Hell it's still going on (the insurrection by the Democrat's), but it's being ignored while in comparison "Rome" steadily burns.
No excuses for the traitorous behaviors of January 6, 2021 are being accepted by those outside your base.

Your ignorant, arrogant, lying, cheating, traitorous Orange Baboon-God now faces nearly a hundred criminal charges.

And he has the better part of two dozen co-defendants.

Several of which will be key players in his traitorous behaviors and actions, and who are likely to flip on him.

To the devil with your Orange Piece-of-$hit.

No excuses.

No more debate prior to indictments.

Your boy - a modern-day Benedict Arnold - is going down - deservedly so - righteously so.
Change your mind. See Post # 1131.
Okay, I went to your post 1131 and read your USMB link. You're joking, really? Just because people fail to put gender or age information on a ballot, does not make it fraud.

And when they say 42,000 people voted twice, how do they know that? The State election board only mails out the same number of ballots as there are registered voters. If you decide to vote in person, you must surrender your ballot.

But this is all just a moot point! You lost over 60 court cases! You don't have a leg to stand on.
You know, this could actually be true. Playing dumb or handicapped definitely could be something used to cool down the heat when his detractors start getting closer and closer to the truth.

It is strange how he plays this I'm just this frail little oblivious Biden game on various occasions, and then somehow he's giving these long speeches at world leader events without his harness on ?

Then again he does cause his handler's to look like idiot's in the aftermath trying to deal with his gaff's made.

Who knows, he may be coming and going. That's a Hallmark symptom of early stage Alzheimer's.
He’s always made gaffs. Even when he was younger. You are right. Even the right commentators have to start everything “I’m not picking on the elderly. It’s a serious condition.” But, do you hear any like this with Trump? Nope.
/----/ I stopped reading after your first lie, " because Trump called it a hoax, "
Trump specifically said he was talking about Democrats’ reaction: "Hoax, referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody, because we’ve done such a good job," Trump said.

If Trump did "such a good job", why did 1 million Americans die?

"Hoax" is Trump's favourite word. The Russia Investigation was a "hoax". Covid was a "hoax". Everything that exposes Donald Trump as a criminal or a fraud is a "hoax".

A "hoax" is defined as "a humorous or malicious deception". Under that definition, the "stolen election" is a hoax, but there was no deception in covid, except for Donald Trump's handling of it.

The Russia Investigation wasn't a "hoax" either. There were a lot of people who were arrested and went to jail over the crimes they committed. Trump pardoned the ones who didn't "rat him out". Some of them will be facing charges for their participation in the insurrection, including Roger Stone and Michael Flynn.
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If Trump did "such a good job", why did 1 million Americans die?

"Hoax" is Trump's favourite word. The Russia Investigation was a "hoax". Covid was a "hoax". Everything that exposes Donald Trump as a criminal or a fraud is a "hoax".

A "hoax" is defined as "a humorous or malicious deception". Under that definition, the "stolen election" is a hoax, but there was no deception in covid, except for Donald Trump's handling of it.

The Russia Investigation wasn't a "hoax" either. There were a lot of people who were arrested and went to jail over the crimes they committed. Trump pardon the ones who didn't "rat him out". Some of them will be facing charges for their participation in the insurrection, including Roger Stone and Michael Flynn.
/----/ "If Trump did "such a good job", why did 1 million Americans die?:
People died for a variety of reasons, like Dem Gov Cuomo shoving the Covid elderly into nursing homes. People being Covid positive but having serious illnesses being classified as a Covid death.
I agree. I think this dementia of Biden’s is all an act. He knows perfectly what he’s doing. The dementia is an act to use as plausible deniability. So, he does these fake routines in front of the cameras while all along, he and Jill cooked up this extortion and bribery schemes.

Biden's "dementia" isn't an "act", it's a Republican LIE. Biden has never claimed to have dementia. Only the Trump Cult, and right wing media say he has dementia, and RWM know it's a lie.

Biden's has been made laughable gaffes all of his political life. It's because of the brain processes he's always used to overcome his stutter lifelong stutter. These aren't "acts", nor are they a sign of a cognitive deficiency.

I've had 80 year old employers with the energy and intellectual capacity of a 50 year old. They never seem to slow down, physically or mentally. Joe Biden appears to be one of them. Slim, relatively fit, certainly mentally sharp.

Donald Trump does not. He can't put a sentence together and his speeches are rambling. Transcripts make little to no sense at all. Trump is famous for sleeping six hours or less a night, has a diet of unhealthy fast foods. Both raise the risk of Alzheimers. His skin, underneath the orange spray tan, is pasty and white. Trump's speech and vocabulary is at a Grade 5 level. He no longer speaks like a Wharton Graduate. Last but not least, his father died of Alzheimer's and it is hereditary.

The belief in conspiracy theories, the paranoia, the false accusations, rewriting the past, are all signs of Dementia, as are the rages, threats, and driving loved ones away. I watched it all happen with my MIL. She died miserable and alone lashing out at anyone who came near her. A doctor friend told me that dementia for people who are "difficult" to begin with, is a process where they become abusive to everyone around them.

Trump's wife and children have all abandoned him. The Republican Party is now suing to keep him off the ballot in the 2024 primaries. Trump and everyone around him are facing indictment for the crimes they committed trying to keep him in power.

And Trump's still lying about a "stolen election".
/----/ "If Trump did "such a good job", why did 1 million Americans die?:
People died for a variety of reasons, like Dem Gov Cuomo shoving the Covid elderly into nursing homes. People being Covid positive but having serious illnesses being classified as a Covid death.

Both Florida and Texas had much, much higher rates of nursing home deaths than New York. Trump simply LIED to you about what happened in New York. ALL governors, Republican and Democrat returned covide patients to nursing homes, because the CDC told them it was safe to do so. 18% of New York Deaths were in LTC facilities, 27% in Florida, and 36% in Texas. Both Florida and Texas had more nursing home deaths than New York, and Texas had more than 40% more LTC deaths than New York, per capita.

People died because Donald Trump failed to provide effective policies, sound decision making, or strong leadership in a national emergency. He focussed on creating a strong business climate for Big Pharma to effectively profit from the coming pandemic. Ensuring that American companies held the rights and patents to all testing and treatment options used in the USA.

The BLM racial unrest happened because Donald Trump cancelled all of the police reform initiatives, and all DOJ investigations of patterns and practices studies based on excessive force claims. Sometimes it's not just what you do, it's what you don't do, that does the damage.
Because national security and America's character in the world was probably being weighed backed then also. Otherwise don't air your dirty laundry to the world, but Democrat's don't give a shite about nothing like that, so now we have the world powers scratching their heads thinking "wait we've allowed them to be first all of these year's, you gotta be kidding us right" ?
Do not concern yourself with what furriners think. It's unamerican.
I took the vaxx because I delegate medical decisions to medical experts....

Funny...I listen to the doctors and then MAKE MY OWN decision!

It's not the doctor that's gonna suffer the pain and the expense if they fuck up...it's YOU!

And lets just admit it...you took the vax because TV told you to.
Funny...I listen to the doctors and then MAKE MY OWN decision!

It's not the doctor that's gonna suffer the pain and the expense if they fuck up...it's YOU!

And lets just admit it...you took the vax because TV told you to.
I don't watch tv.

You aren't qualified.

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