I Still Haven't Figured Out Why The Left Was So Surprised

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
With Joe Biden's incompetence during the debate on Thursday night. They're all acting like it's something that they've never seen before and finally hit the panic button. Have they finally just had a MAJOR wake up call? Or is something else entirely different going on here? 🤔
They weren't surprised in the least bit...They've known that he's a senile wreck the whole time...The 180° they did after that clown show was all part of their script.

Not a single shred of what we're witnessing is organic or spontaneous.
With Joe Biden's incompetence during the debate on Thursday night. They're all acting like it's something that they've never seen before and finally hit the panic button. Have they finally just had a MAJOR wake up call? Or is something else entirely different going on here? 🤔
I think it was on the five on fox weekdays that was explained by Greg Gutfield. For three years the White House and the Lame Stream Media has been pushing that Hoe Bribem, had been a strong leader, behind closed doors and what we have seen of Hoe, had been Fakery. Then when Hoe was standing there on CNN(communists news network) the Lame Stream Media could no longer hide the fact that Hoe was a mentally defective old guy who was too incompetent to stand trial. Hoe proved it for 90 minutes....
The left wasn't surprised. They were hoping that a week of intensive studying of the CNN questions would have made a difference in the reality of Biden's mental decline but it didn't. The media has been lying to Americans for at least the last two years and guys like "Morning Joe" need to apologize and resign.
It's just that I've seen mixed responses on here. Some people are like oh yeah now we got them and other people are like they're just setting us up for Gavin Newscum to replace us. Yet he says that he's not taking the job but does he mean it is the true question. This article is from another thread that I've posted already earlier today.

With Joe Biden's incompetence during the debate on Thursday night. They're all acting like it's something that they've never seen before and finally hit the panic button. Have they finally just had a MAJOR wake up call? Or is something else entirely different going on here? 🤔
My opinion: The stage is being set for ol' Joe to vacate the office, while simultaneously setting up his replacement (which I believe may be Gavin Newsom).
The left wasn't surprised. They were hoping that a week of intensive studying of the CNN questions would have made a difference in the reality of Biden's mental decline but it didn't. The media has been lying to Americans for at least the last two years and guys like "Morning Joe" need to apologize and resign.

This may be the key. They are all shocked that even with all of the prep, vitamins and questions provided, this was his best showing.

They think they are protecting some sacred democracy. They aren't, they are damaging it. The challenge to the elite and status quo is admired in democratic processes and America is a Republic so it is vital.
Ah so in other words you're saying that Trump could take him down just like that.

Of course. First, Trump could suggest that this was his plan all along, he intended to Pearl Harbor Biden. Second, he can say "when did you hear of the President of the U.S or any major country traveling to another nation and NOT meeting their leader but instead visiting the leader of a city or province?"
30 plus million reasons we could lose.

I have to consider the possibility that Joe was set up for failure. Is it possible that they drugged him up too much, or not at all, just to let him crash and burn? Such an early debate? The DNC might have sabotaged Joe. Of course Obama and others are trying to sugar coat this ... but that seems disingenuous to me.
I thought so too but the thing is that Newsom says that he's not interested in the presidency but is that just simply reverse psychology so the democrats will say that they want him to run?

Of course he'll say that; otherwise, the perception of side-stepping the first, black female as a potential candidate will not be a good thing for Democrats. If it happens, it'll most likely be with the delegates and super delegates as they cast votes to select the presidential nominee.
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With Joe Biden's incompetence
Come on. Beijing must have fed you better propaganda than that to repeat.

We get it. You bleat what you're told to bleat, no matter how crazy and butthurt it makes you sound. No need to keep hammering on that point.

Seriously, can even one of your commiesucker Trumptards try to come up with an original lie? You're boring everyone.
So, Trumptards, now that you commie propaganda campiagn has flopped, did you have anything to fall back on?

Nice bleatathon, of course. I've never seen the Trumptards so unified in bleating the same dumb thing. They're obedient, I'll give them that.
I have to consider the possibility that Joe was set up for failure. Is it possible that they drugged him up too much, or not at all, just to let him crash and burn? Such an early debate? The DNC might have sabotaged Joe. Of course Obama and others are trying to sugar coat this ... but that seems disingenuous to me.

Which speaking of Obama, if he's not in all this then why is he seen here leading Biden off the stage?

Of course he'll say that; otherwise, the perception of side-stepping the first, black female as a potential candidate. If it happens, it'll most likely be with the delegates and super delegates as they cast votes to select the presidential nominee.

I see. So if he runs, that automatically makes him a racist then.

Come on. Beijing must have fed you better propaganda than that to repeat.

We get it. You bleat what you're told to bleat, no matter how crazy and butthurt it makes you sound. No need to keep hammering on that point.

Seriously, can even one of your commiesucker Trumptards try to come up with an original lie? You're boring everyone.

So, Trumptards, now that you commie propaganda campiagn has flopped, did you have anything to fall back on?

Nice bleatathon, of course. I've never seen the Trumptards so unified in bleating the same dumb thing. They're obedient, I'll give them that.

Were we watching the same debate?

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