"I stopped To Get A Snack"

View attachment 477571
10yo unaccompanied abandoned child found crying in the desert,
afraid of being found, robbed, and kidnapped by Cartel/Smugglers

View attachment 477573
2 little unaccompanied illegal children found abandoned at the border

View attachment 477574
Children sexually abused in Biden Child Detention Centers


View attachment 477572

"Sorry, I needed to stop for a snack. I'll get right on this problem
after I hand out some treats at this Chicago Bakery..."
But you were ok with them dying in mexico.

Better they stay in Mexico than die as political pawns you feckless kunt.
Ewwww....That stungered...lol
You Trump fanatics made very clear that you didn't give a shit about those immigrant children that he had separated from their parents. Now y'all are all in a tizzy over these children.
You mean when the liberal media showed images of Barry's Kiddie Cages and claimed they were Trump's?!
Duh---I am on my way to the border to count the dead kids to answer your brilliant question. And do you care? No.

You should really stick to spreading talking points and Biden's '4 Pinocchio'-earned lies instead of continuously trying to speak for others, projecting 'troll BS', because you completely suck at trying to speak for others.
You Trump fanatics made very clear that you didn't give a shit about those immigrant children that he had separated from their parents. Now y'all are all in a tizzy over these children.
Why don't you face the horrific nightmare and human suffering your TDS caused
You Trump fanatics made very clear that you didn't give a shit about those immigrant children that he had separated from their parents. Now y'all are all in a tizzy over these children.
You mean when the liberal media showed images of Barry's Kiddie Cages and claimed they were Trump's?!
At the time they were the Grifter's cages. Obama placed children of criminals in those "cages" because the children couldn't share a jail cell. Trump arbitrarily separated families, placed children in these cages, and never bothered to get
info from the parents for reuniting purposes.
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Duh---I am on my way to the border to count the dead kids to answer your brilliant question. And do you care? No.

You should really stick to spreading talking points and Biden's '4 Pinocchio'-earned lies instead of continuously trying to speak for others, projecting 'troll BS', because you completely suck at trying to speak for others.
You Trump fanatics made very clear that you didn't give a shit about those immigrant children that he had separated from their parents. Now y'all are all in a tizzy over these children.
Why don't you face the horrific nightmare and human suffering your TDS caused
My God the human tragedy you caused on our border. I so wish every liberal on the border had their loved ones brutally ***** and viciously ********
At the time they were the Grifter's cages. Obama placed children of criminals in those "cages" because the children couldn't share a jail cell. Trump arbitrarily separated families, placed children in these cages, and never bothered to get
info from the parents for reuniting purposes.
How do you determine if the man accompanying a 5yo little Guatemalan girl is her father or a relative and not a human trafficker? Do you just 'process' them, getting fingerprints, then put them on a bus? On top of this little girl possibly being physically and sexually abused along the trip by Cartel s or smugglers, she then could possibly face the US allowing the smuggler to retain possession of her, bring her into the US, and force her into sex trafficking for the rest of her life because no one took the time to protect her, separate her from the trafficker, and positively ID both of them.

Would you try to find out who this little girl is and if the man she is with is really is, or would you just take his word for it, fingerprint him, then put him on an airplane headed for a location somewhere in the US, having a few statements on DHS letterhead intended to replace actual identification proving who they are?

The US needs a humane system where children, families, and adults are processed humanely. THAT means the flood gates are not opened, resulting in a stampede, an overwhelming surge, outpacing the ability to house them, care for them, identifying them, and processing them.

There is a process for 'refugees' seeking asylum. It does not involve traveling thousands of miles, sneaking / flooding across our border, then declaring they seek asylum - most of which are refused asylum at their trial, if they ever show up for their hearings. 'Refugees' seeking asylum, according to existing rules/law, once they escape the area they are fleeing, are supposed to apply for asylum in the US at the 1st US Embassy they come to. The US Embassy in Mexico is the location they are supposed to apply for refugee status / entry into the US. This had been ignored for decades. President Trump forged an agreement with the president of Mexico to establish / reinforce the process where illegals were not given automatic entry / access into the US but that they would remain in Mexico while they wait for their cases to be processed and heard.

The President of Mexico has declared this process was working successfully, that the agreements between the US and Couth and Central American nations on immigration the Biden administration says they are now seeking to forge already existed because President Trump had already negotiated them. Biden has broken the agreements, broken the process, and now seeks to 're-invent the wheel' , and in doing so he has created a MASSIVE COVID Super Spreader, Drug/Human/Child trafficking, Humanitarian, and National Security Disaster.

$60 MILLION dollars a week of our taxes is going to taking care of just the 18,000+ - and more coming - kids, and that's just counting the un-accompanied children.

There are 600,000 homeless Americans in the United States being ignored by politicians. US children can't go back to school. Millions of American kids ate breakfast and lunch because of school lunches. Over 50% of minority-owned small businesses have been destroyed because of oppressive edicts that violated Constitutional and civil rights. Biden put tens f thousands of Americans out of work in his 1st 10 days in office...in the middle of a pandemic in the middle of the economy Democrats intentionally damaged to give them a better shot at gaining power. Throwing Americans a 'bone' - $1400 - while they add $1.5 TRILLION in Democrat wish list/agenda-driven spending was a charade, not a sincere act of caring for US citizens. Democrats have already re-engaged their politics of 'Economic Slavery' by increasing incentives for Americans to stay hom and rely of them to survive instead of going back to work. Biden laid off many Americans, and those who want a job now have to compete with a flood of illegals being allowed to freely enter the US.

To put it bluntly....
- Biden has blown up the existing agreements between the US and South American nations and Mexico
- Biden has caused the massive surge by declaring kids who come her will not be deported
- Biden has put children making it to the US in danger - physical and sexual abuse, murdered, child/sex trafficked...
- Biden is facilitating the largest drug/human/sex trafficking event in history; Cartels/Smugglers - $14 MIL a week
- Biden's Immigration Czar has declared we do not have sovereignty, that Cartels/Smugglers cross our border at will
- HUNDREDS of children in spaces designed for 80
- 20 - 30% of the children have COVID-19 & its spreading; American workers are getting it & have to work with it
- 80% of the children who make it have been physically sexually abused along the way
- Children are being sexually violated inside Biden's Kiddie cages, not protected
- No useable water in the detention facility in Texas
- US BP has been beggiung for help / volunteers,
- Biden administration is asking federal workers to volunteer for up to 120 days
- Illegals are being released without court dates - they need to self-report and ask for a date later inside the US :p
- Virus-infected illegals are being shipped all over the US without local/state officials being notified they're coming
- Biden Admin is declaring it is local/state officials' duty to test them, even though they are not told they're coming
- If local/sytate officials do test them & they are positive, they can not detain/hold them to treat them
- Biden's Admin is allowing illegals with no ID board/fly on planes with only a letter on DHS letterhead in pace of valid ID

This is not a 'crisis' - it is a DISASTER!

A humanitarian, COVID-19, & National Security DISASATER.
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Duh---I am on my way to the border to count the dead kids to answer your brilliant question. And do you care? No.

You should really stick to spreading talking points and Biden's '4 Pinocchio'-earned lies instead of continuously trying to speak for others, projecting 'troll BS', because you completely suck at trying to speak for others.
You Trump fanatics made very clear that you didn't give a shit about those immigrant children that he had separated from their parents. Now y'all are all in a tizzy over these children.
Why don't you face the horrific nightmare and human suffering your TDS caused
My God the human tragedy you caused on our border. I so wish every liberal on the border had their loved ones brutally ***** and viciously ********
The human tragedy was created by the Grifter as immigrants were piled up waiting to hear from three (3) immigration judges. THREE?!
Duh---I am on my way to the border to count the dead kids to answer your brilliant question. And do you care? No.

You should really stick to spreading talking points and Biden's '4 Pinocchio'-earned lies instead of continuously trying to speak for others, projecting 'troll BS', because you completely suck at trying to speak for others.
You Trump fanatics made very clear that you didn't give a shit about those immigrant children that he had separated from their parents. Now y'all are all in a tizzy over these children.
Why don't you face the horrific nightmare and human suffering your TDS caused
My God the human tragedy you caused on our border. I so wish every liberal on the border had their loved ones brutally ***** and viciously ********
The human tragedy was created by the Grifter as immigrants were piled up waiting to hear from three (3) immigration judges. THREE?!
LOLOL......................Go to bed Charlie
At the time they were the Grifter's cages. Obama placed children of criminals in those "cages" because the children couldn't share a jail cell. Trump arbitrarily separated families, placed children in these cages, and never bothered to get
info from the parents for reuniting purposes.
How do you determine if the man accompanying a 5yo little Guatemalan girl is her father or a relative and not a human trafficker? Do you just 'process' them, getting fingerprints, then put them on a bus? On top of this little girl possibly being physically and sexually abused along the trip by Cartel s or smugglers, she then could possibly face the US allowing the smuggler to retain possession of her, bring her into the US, and force her into sex trafficking for the rest of her life because no one took the time to protect her, separate her from the trafficker, and positively ID both of them.

Would you try to find out who this little girl is and if the man she is with is really is, or would you just take his word for it, fingerprint him, then put him on an airplane headed for a location somewhere in the US, having a few statements on DHS letterhead intended to replace actual identification proving who they are?

The US needs a humane system where children, families, and adults are processed humanely. THAT means the flood gates are not opened, resulting in a stampede, an overwhelming surge, outpacing the ability to house them, care for them, identifying them, and processing them.

There is a process for 'refugees' seeking asylum. It does not involve traveling thousands of miles, sneaking / flooding across our border, then declaring they seek asylum - most of which are refused asylum at their trial, if they ever show up for their hearings. 'Refugees' seeking asylum, according to existing rules/law, once they escape the area they are fleeing, are supposed to apply for asylum in the US at the 1st US Embassy they come to. The US Embassy in Mexico is the location they are supposed to apply for refugee status / entry into the US. This had been ignored for decades. President Trump forged an agreement with the president of Mexico to establish / reinforce the process where illegals were not given automatic entry / access into the US but that they would remain in Mexico while they wait for their cases to be processed and heard.

The President of Mexico has declared this process was working successfully, that the agreements between the US and Couth and Central American nations on immigration the Biden administration says they are now seeking to forge already existed because President Trump had already negotiated them. Biden has broken the agreements, broken the process, and now seeks to 're-invent the wheel' , and in doing so he has created a MASSIVE COVID Super Spreader, Drug/Human/Child trafficking, Humanitarian, and National Security Disaster.

$60 MILLION dollars a week of our taxes is going to taking care of just the 18,000+ - and more coming - kids, and that's just counting the un-accompanied children.

There are 600,000 homeless Americans in the United States being ignored by politicians. US children can't go back to school. Millions of American kids ate breakfast and lunch because of school lunches. Over 50% of minority-owned small businesses have been destroyed because of oppressive edicts that violated Constitutional and civil rights. Biden put tens f thousands of Americans out of work in his 1st 10 days in office...in the middle of a pandemic in the middle of the economy Democrats intentionally damaged to give them a better shot at gaining power. Throwing Americans a 'bone' - $1400 - while they add $1.5 TRILLION in Democrat wish list/agenda-driven spending was a charade, not a sincere act of caring for US citizens. Democrats have already re-engaged their politics of 'Economic Slavery' by increasing incentives for Americans to stay hom and rely of them to survive instead of going back to work. Biden laid off many Americans, and those who want a job now have to compete with a flood of illegals being allowed to freely enter the US.

To put it bluntly....
- Biden has blown up the existing agreements between the US and South American nations and Mexico
- Biden has caused the massive surge by declaring kids who come her will not be deported
- Biden has put children making it to the US in danger - physical and sexual abuse, murdered, child/sex trafficked...
- Biden is facilitating the largest drug/human/sex trafficking event in history; Cartels/Smugglers - $14 MIL a week
- Biden's Immigration Czar has declared we do not have sovereignty, that Cartels/Smugglers cross our border at will
- HUNDREDS of children in spaces designed for 80
- 20 - 30% of the children have COVID-19 & its spreading; American workers are getting it & have to work with it
- 80% of the children who make it have been physically sexually abused along the way
- Children are being sexually violated inside Biden's Kiddie cages, not protected
- No useable water in the detention facility in Texas
- US BP has been beggiung for help / volunteers,
- Biden administration is asking federal workers to volunteer for up to 120 days
- Illegals are being released without court dates - they need to self-report and ask for a date later inside the US :p
- Virus-infected illegals are being shipped all over the US without local/state officials being notified they're coming
- Biden Admin is declaring it is local/state officials' duty to test them, even though they are not told they're coming
- If local/sytate officials do test them & they are positive, they can not detain/hold them to treat them
- Biden's Admin is allowing illegals with no ID board/fly on planes with only a letter on DHS letterhead in pace of valid ID

This is not a 'crisis' - it is a DISASTER!

A humanitarian, COVID-19, & National Security DISASATER.
I'm afraid BobBoob is not worth the dingle berry on a dog's ass to post to...lol
But you were ok with them dying in mexico.

Children die all over the world.
Also, I didn't see your complaint when Biden said in the press conference he would send kids back to their parents if they find them... literally... 10 seconds after saying the conditions they came from must be terrible and desperate.
The human tragedy was created by the Grifter as immigrants were piled up waiting to hear from three (3) immigration judges. THREE?!

Have You Ever Heard Of Anything Called 'Personal Accountability'?

Did anyone in the United States ASK / Tell these illegals to come?
- YES. Joe Biden Did.

Did Trump tell illegals the US would take in all of their trafficked kids if they make it to the US?
No. Biden did.

Is the united States obligated to take in millions of illegals just because they show up?
- No.

Is the United States obligated to spend hundreds of billions of its own tax payer's dollars to put illegals up in hotels, on US military bases, in NASA facilities, to put them on buses and planes without IDs, and ship them all over the US without telling local / state officials know they are coming?
- No.

Do hotels accept people after all of their rooms are booked / occupied? Do they build covered cages in the parking lot and continue to take more and more people when there are no more rooms available?
- No. They turn them away.

Is it in the best interest of the united States to pay billions to hotels, house illegals on US Air Bases, and in NASA facilities while there are over 600,000 homeless Americans who are completely ignored by the current Administration and Democrats?
- No.

Did Cartels and Smugglers cross freely in and out of the US under Trump, making up to $14 MILLION dollars a day in the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history, like what is going on now under Biden?
- No. CARTELS now control the US Southern Border, according to US BP and experts who are actually on the border trying to deal with Biden's disaster.

Is it humane to incentivize parents to pay $10,000 - $20,000 to cartels and smugglers, to entrust their small children to these criminals who physically and sexually abuse these kids along the way, who rape 80% of the little girls being trafficked, who abandon children in the middle of the desert, who will use these kids to smuggle drugs or force them into sex trafficking in the end if they successfully make it into the US?
- No.

Is it humane to cram 750 children into Biden Kiddie Cages designed to hold only 80 children, forcing them to take shifts sleeping on mats on the floor - 20 - 30% of these children having COVID-19, infecting other children and the workers caring for them?
- No

- Is creating a situation where Cartels and smugglers are filmed dumping small children over a 14-foot wall into the US 'humane'?
- No

Is it in the best interest of the United States and our citizens to provide in-person education to these illegals when the current administration continues to support Unions whose teachers want to keep getting paid to stay at home and refuse to go back to work to educate American children?
- No

Is it in the best interest of the United States' National Security to have open borders where it has been proven individuals on the Terrorist Watch list have been caught trying the cost while the US BP have declared, due to manning shortages, there are hundreds of illegals - and possibly more terrorists - crossing into the US that are not being caught?
- No.

Is it incompetence to step into office, reverse Immigration policies and destroy agreements between the US and Mexico and Central / South American countries that the President of Mexico and some other nations say were working, and now - after creating this disaster - declaring this administration is working to negotiate agreements THAT ALREADY EXISTED?
- Yes.

Is it an admission of stupidity, ignorance, and failed policy to - after crating this disaster - reverse course and begin to finish building Trump's wall to help stem the tidal wave of illegals coming into the US?
- Yes.

While Dementia Joe and his clown posse continue to claim there is no crisis at our Southern border...because he does not want to take any PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY' for the disaster he has created.

A liberal reporter declared this morning, "We have passed the point at which we can legitimately claim what is happening at the border is NOT a crisis."

This is coming from the liberal media who showed pictures of kids in OBAMA cages and claimed it was a photo of the border situation under Trump because they wanted to expose a crisis and blame Trump for it; yet they have until now tried to ignore the escalating disaster Joe Biden has caused. Now THEY are saying, 'It can't be ignored or denied anymore'.
- Snowflakes need to start spreading THAT Democrat / Fake News Talking point!
The human tragedy was created by the Grifter as immigrants were piled up waiting to hear from three (3) immigration judges. THREE?!

Have You Ever Heard Of Anything Called 'Personal Accountability'?

Did anyone in the United States ASK / Tell these illegals to come?
- YES. Joe Biden Did.

Did Trump tell illegals the US would take in all of their trafficked kids if they make it to the US?
No. Biden did.

Is the united States obligated to take in millions of illegals just because they show up?
- No.

Is the United States obligated to spend hundreds of billions of its own tax payer's dollars to put illegals up in hotels, on US military bases, in NASA facilities, to put them on buses and planes without IDs, and ship them all over the US without telling local / state officials know they are coming?
- No.

Do hotels accept people after all of their rooms are booked / occupied? Do they build covered cages in the parking lot and continue to take more and more people when there are no more rooms available?
- No. They turn them away.

Is it in the best interest of the united States to pay billions to hotels, house illegals on US Air Bases, and in NASA facilities while there are over 600,000 homeless Americans who are completely ignored by the current Administration and Democrats?
- No.

Did Cartels and Smugglers cross freely in and out of the US under Trump, making up to $14 MILLION dollars a day in the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history, like what is going on now under Biden?
- No. CARTELS now control the US Southern Border, according to US BP and experts who are actually on the border trying to deal with Biden's disaster.

Is it humane to incentivize parents to pay $10,000 - $20,000 to cartels and smugglers, to entrust their small children to these criminals who physically and sexually abuse these kids along the way, who rape 80% of the little girls being trafficked, who abandon children in the middle of the desert, who will use these kids to smuggle drugs or force them into sex trafficking in the end if they successfully make it into the US?
- No.

Is it humane to cram 750 children into Biden Kiddie Cages designed to hold only 80 children, forcing them to take shifts sleeping on mats on the floor - 20 - 30% of these children having COVID-19, infecting other children and the workers caring for them?
- No

- Is creating a situation where Cartels and smugglers are filmed dumping small children over a 14-foot wall into the US 'humane'?
- No

Is it in the best interest of the United States and our citizens to provide in-person education to these illegals when the current administration continues to support Unions whose teachers want to keep getting paid to stay at home and refuse to go back to work to educate American children?
- No

Is it in the best interest of the United States' National Security to have open borders where it has been proven individuals on the Terrorist Watch list have been caught trying the cost while the US BP have declared, due to manning shortages, there are hundreds of illegals - and possibly more terrorists - crossing into the US that are not being caught?
- No.

Is it incompetence to step into office, reverse Immigration policies and destroy agreements between the US and Mexico and Central / South American countries that the President of Mexico and some other nations say were working, and now - after creating this disaster - declaring this administration is working to negotiate agreements THAT ALREADY EXISTED?
- Yes.

Is it an admission of stupidity, ignorance, and failed policy to - after crating this disaster - reverse course and begin to finish building Trump's wall to help stem the tidal wave of illegals coming into the US?
- Yes.

While Dementia Joe and his clown posse continue to claim there is no crisis at our Southern border...because he does not want to take any PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY' for the disaster he has created.

A liberal reporter declared this morning, "We have passed the point at which we can legitimately claim what is happening at the border is NOT a crisis."

This is coming from the liberal media who showed pictures of kids in OBAMA cages and claimed it was a photo of the border situation under Trump because they wanted to expose a crisis and blame Trump for it; yet they have until now tried to ignore the escalating disaster Joe Biden has caused. Now THEY are saying, 'It can't be ignored or denied anymore'.
- Snowflakes need to start spreading THAT Democrat / Fake News Talking point!
You talk about personal responsibility where President Toad is concerned? Hell,
he never takes personal responsibility for anything, yes? Just doubles down.
Do you realize the condition that your fellow human beings find themselves in?
No help from you, eh? Of course, it is important to reverse policies that do our country harm. The Toad couldn't govern himself out of a paper bag and that is why.
The wall was a huge waste of money because immigrants, drugs, human trafficking
continued unabated in other areas.
Talk about wasting money! Trump and his millions of dollars for golf outings?
Charging secret service agents top dollar to stay in his hotels and protect him?
US gov paying for their golf carts? All those lawsuits at taxpayers' expense? Trump's fuckup with the virus by covering up the severity and blaming Democrats for a "hoax" which his fanatics ate for lunch?
The toad has no moral fiber and certainly no empathy for those who have less than us. Obviously, you don't give a shit either. Oh, the border crisis will be straightened out. I am certain that President Biden was surprised by the surge. He simply did not do his homework. You and your holier than thou attitude!
You talk about personal responsibility where President Toad is concerned? Hell,
he never takes personal responsibility for anything, yes? Just doubles down.
Do you realize the condition that your fellow human beings find themselves in?
No help from you, eh? Of course, it is important to reverse policies that do our country harm. The Toad couldn't govern himself out of a paper bag and that is why.
The wall was a huge waste of money because immigrants, drugs, human trafficking
continued unabated in other areas.
Talk about wasting money! Trump and his millions of dollars for golf outings?
Charging secret service agents top dollar to stay in his hotels and protect him?
US gov paying for their golf carts? All those lawsuits at taxpayers' expense? Trump's fuckup with the virus by covering up the severity and blaming Democrats for a "hoax" which his fanatics ate for lunch?
The toad has no moral fiber and certainly no empathy for those who have less than us. Obviously, you don't give a shit either. Oh, the border crisis will be straightened out. I am certain that President Biden was surprised by the surge. He simply did not do his homework. You and your holier than thou attitude!

How many illegals have you volunteered to house in your home?

Have you volunteered to travel to the border and work in these facilities to help take care of these kids?

Please don't try to hypocritically and ignorantly attempt to lecture us and defend the idiocy and the failed policies of the current dementia-ravaged 'Trafficker and Chief' currently in office right now, who is setting RECORDS facilitating record numbers of illegals / Cartels invading the US while he hosts the largest Super Spreader Event ever, while facilitating the biggest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, while he is shipping virus-infected illegals all over the country on both buses and commercial airplanes without having any ID....while little girls are being sexually abused inside Biden's Kiddie Cages.

As if these kids have not suffered enough by facing severe heat, dehydration, physical and sexual abuse along the way to America in the hands of Cartel members and smugglers, now these children are being sexually abused in Biden's detention centers.
You talk about personal responsibility where President Toad is concerned? Hell,
he never takes personal responsibility for anything, yes? Just doubles down.
Do you realize the condition that your fellow human beings find themselves in?
No help from you, eh? Of course, it is important to reverse policies that do our country harm. The Toad couldn't govern himself out of a paper bag and that is why.
The wall was a huge waste of money because immigrants, drugs, human trafficking
continued unabated in other areas.
Talk about wasting money! Trump and his millions of dollars for golf outings?
Charging secret service agents top dollar to stay in his hotels and protect him?
US gov paying for their golf carts? All those lawsuits at taxpayers' expense? Trump's fuckup with the virus by covering up the severity and blaming Democrats for a "hoax" which his fanatics ate for lunch?
The toad has no moral fiber and certainly no empathy for those who have less than us. Obviously, you don't give a shit either. Oh, the border crisis will be straightened out. I am certain that President Biden was surprised by the surge. He simply did not do his homework. You and your holier than thou attitude!

How many illegals have you volunteered to house in your home?

Have you volunteered to travel to the border and work in these facilities to help take care of these kids?

Please don't try to hypocritically and ignorantly attempt to lecture us and defend the idiocy and the failed policies of the current dementia-ravaged 'Trafficker and Chief' currently in office right now, who is setting RECORDS facilitating record numbers of illegals / Cartels invading the US while he hosts the largest Super Spreader Event ever, while facilitating the biggest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, while he is shipping virus-infected illegals all over the country on both buses and commercial airplanes without having any ID....while little girls are being sexually abused inside Biden's Kiddie Cages.

As if these kids have not suffered enough by facing severe heat, dehydration, physical and sexual abuse along the way to America in the hands of Cartel members and smugglers, now these children are being sexually abused in Biden's detention centers.
How many blah blah blah? We, as Americans, have some responsibility for their plight. Our government, over the decades, has supported thugs as dictators in Central America, sent money and supplies to these thugs for their citizens, which wound up in the hands of the cartels, all in an effort to have access to their oil. In fact we went into one country (Panama?), physically removed the guy who turned on us and tossed him into an American prison where he resides today. So stop flapping.
There is practical and humane way to deal with the caged children.

Simply turn them over to ever cash-hungry liberal "charities" so they can be parted out. The proceeds,of course, to bolster liberal candidacies.

Oh, but please, sever the heads and send them to Washington to be sniffed. Can't let all that that fine young hair go to tragic waste..... Leave the brains in. Nothing to be gained from parting out those parts. No liberal has ANY use at all for a brain.
Declaring you care for the welfare of children, then put them through high heat, dehydration, physical abuse, rape / gang-rape, and rape under this President''s 'protection, pavk 750 kidsin a cell meant to house 80, unusable water, having to take shifts sleeping on the floor, and reased with traffickers of shipped all over the country with no one knowing their coming...

No matter how many times you claim it is, this is INOT humane and well-past being a 'crisis'.

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