Zone1 I suggest that foreign posters have an "F" designation on their avatar. Americans get "A".

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Let the fact be known. Ask an equal number of 'average citizens' in both the US and in the UK this question: "How many states comprise the United States?" and the results will be astounding.
I think they would do equally bad. Fifty stars on the flag for the number of states, and thirteen stripes for the British colonies.

Stupid question, Washington DC is apparently not a state and not part of a state. So you have federal and state laws, which applies to Washington DC?
It should be easy to ascertain when a poster is located outside the US. Why do this, you ask? My answer: this is a US message board and US citizens have a vested interest in what is happening in the US. Foreigners do not and are largely here for their own entertainment. So what do you think? F for foreigner A for American. Tell me what is wrong with this idea.
I second that!!

Signed: ActionJacksonA
I don't. I think it is fair to know on a US message board who is from the US and who is not. Period.
That's not what you said. You made it very clear that you do not want to see or hear any input from anyone who is not American.
That's not what you said. You made it very clear that you do not want to see or hear any input from anyone who is not American.
That of course is total bullshit. Let me guess you are an "F" am I right?
Yea, I'm sure that would lead to much more thought-provoking posts around here.
I don't. I think it is fair to know on a US message board who is from the US and who is not. Period.

Dumb idea.
Indeed it is a dumb idea. Yet take a gander at his signature:
"Democracy Dies Under Democrats!" MarathonMike

It looks to me that it isn't the political party that holds a monopoly on the death of Democracy if the supporters of either group are doing what they can to destroy Democracy such as this OP stupidity.
Let me guess .... you haven't revisited your initial post am I right? You know, the part about 'vested interest'.
You are exactly the type of foreign spewer I would like to know of. Thanks for identifying yourself.
I don't. I think it is fair to know on a US message board who is from the US and who is not. Period.
Does it really matter if anonymous person x is from the US or not?
Who is going to destroy America? Democrats according to Republicans, Republicans according to Democrats.
So we don´t need a F here. We need a H. For Hostile towards America. Almost every American in here will receive the H and America´s enemies are highlighted this way.
You are exactly the type of foreign spewer I would like to know of. Thanks for identifying yourself.
I haven't identified anything and you are no closer to knowing who I am than you were yesterday. In fact, you know even less than you did yesterday because you've just added more misconceptions on top of what you started out with.
I don't. I think it is fair to know on a US message board who is from the US and who is not. Period.

I think we should have a thing next to a posters name to say whether they fucked last night.
We could have an F for sex in the last 24 hours and an A for anal sex in the last 24 hours.

It's REALLY important I know this stuff when having a discussion with someone on here...
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