I Sure Hope The GOP Lawyer Reads This....

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
An excellent pre-view of the questions to be asked of this liar....er, Liberal accuser....

"1. Dr. Ford, you are a committed liberal, correct?

[“Senator Feinstein’s objection that my question undermines the witness’s credibility is noted and disregarded.”]

2. And it’s true that you wouldn’t want Future Justice Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court because of his conservative judicial philosophy regardless of the alleged incident?

3. Your lawyers are Democrat activists, right?

4. Are they working for free, or do you intend to pay them with the several hundred thousand dollars the various GoFundMe campaigns in your name have raised?

5. You traveled to Hawaii in your work and back east in August. So, when did that “fear of flying” we heard about start and stop?

[“Mr. Chairman, Senator Flake’s winking at the cameras of the liberal media outlets is distracting me. I know he needs a job, but let him suck up to MSNBC on his own time.”]

6. So, Dr. Ford, let’s get to the basics. Exactly what day and time did this incident happen?

7. Exactly where did this incident happen?

8. How many people were in the house at the time?

9. In 2012, your therapist wrote down that there were four people in the room. Why would she do that if you didn’t tell her that?

10. Do you find it odd that each person who you now say was present has stated that they have no idea what you are talking about?

11. If they might not remember because the party was nothing special, how often did you and your teen pals go to houses with a bunch of boys and get drunk?

12. You claim Future Justice Kavanaugh was drunk. How drunk were you?

13. As a psychologist, will you concede that alcohol inebriation will make a teenager’s memory unreliable?

[“Senator Sasse, your Fredocon whining about how we’re better than this and how this is not who we are is noted. I’ll ask my questions however I damn well please.”]

14. You claim you thought Future Justice Kavanaugh was trying to rape you. If so, why didn’t he chase you and actually rape you?

15. You say you left the house without telling anyone. Doesn’t that seem like something odd that your female friend would remember?

16. If you thought Future Justice Kavanaugh was going to rape you, why would you leave your friend alone there with this alleged monster?

17. And you didn’t call the cops, right?

18. You didn’t tell your parents?

19. You didn’t even tell your friends?

20. But you happened to tell your therapist in 2012, right around the time Future Justice Kavanaugh’s name was being brought up as a Supreme Court candidate?

21. Future Justice Kavanaugh was a big deal in 2012, and you say you mentioned his name, but it’s not in your therapist’s notes. It’s not even in there that your attacker is now a well-known judge. Your therapist sure got a lot wrong, didn’t she?

22. Say, at any time, did Future Justice Kavanaugh suggest that you put some ice on that?

23. Did Future Justice Kavanaugh slap you around like a Democrat congressman from Minnesota?

24. Did Future Justice Kavanaugh drive hammered and leave you to drown in an Oldsmobile?

25. You say this event damaged you permanently, but you did not seek treatment before 2012 even though you are a psychologist, correct?

26. You wanted to remain anonymous, right?

27. You sent a letter to your congresswoman in July, right?

28. You hired a famous, leftist lawyer in D.C. in August, right?

29. You say you took a lie detector test in August, right?"
The 45 Tough, Forbidden Questions A Normal Person Would Ask Christine Blasey Ford
"30. But you contacted the Washington Post, but did you really think they would do anything about it before you gave them your name?

31. And you’re here voluntarily, not even under subpoena, right?

32. You never intended to remain anonymous, did you?

33. Are you aware that people are calling you “brave”?

34. Are you aware that people are calling you a “hero”?

35. And are you aware that Anita Hill has been celebrated as a brave liberal hero since the Justice Thomas hearings?

36. As a psychologist, you are aware that sometimes people say things that are not true to get attention, correct?

37. As a psychologist, you are aware that sometimes people enjoy the spotlight?

38. As a psychologist, isn’t it possible that someone might invent a claim of assault in order to get attention or achieve a political goal?

39. As a psychologist, do you disagree with the consensus that sexual abusers repeat their crimes?

40. How do you account for the fact that not one single person, besides you, has claimed that Future Justice Kavanaugh has ever tackled someone and tried to rip off her clothes?

41. Sixty-five women signed a letter saying Future Justice Kavanaugh was always a perfect gentleman. Why would they all lie?

42. No one allegedly in the house for the alleged party corroborates your story. Why would they all lie?

43. For that matter, no one at the dorm corroborates that other leftist woman’s story either. Why would they all lie?

44. And, of course, no one corroborates Stripper Matlock’s story, right?

45. So, why are you lying?"
An excellent pre-view of the questions to be asked of this liar....er, Liberal accuser....

"1. Dr. Ford, you are a committed liberal, correct?

[“Senator Feinstein’s objection that my question undermines the witness’s credibility is noted and disregarded.”]

2. And it’s true that you wouldn’t want Future Justice Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court because of his conservative judicial philosophy regardless of the alleged incident?

3. Your lawyers are Democrat activists, right?

4. Are they working for free, or do you intend to pay them with the several hundred thousand dollars the various GoFundMe campaigns in your name have raised?

5. You traveled to Hawaii in your work and back east in August. So, when did that “fear of flying” we heard about start and stop?

[“Mr. Chairman, Senator Flake’s winking at the cameras of the liberal media outlets is distracting me. I know he needs a job, but let him suck up to MSNBC on his own time.”]

6. So, Dr. Ford, let’s get to the basics. Exactly what day and time did this incident happen?

7. Exactly where did this incident happen?

8. How many people were in the house at the time?

9. In 2012, your therapist wrote down that there were four people in the room. Why would she do that if you didn’t tell her that?

10. Do you find it odd that each person who you now say was present has stated that they have no idea what you are talking about?

11. If they might not remember because the party was nothing special, how often did you and your teen pals go to houses with a bunch of boys and get drunk?

12. You claim Future Justice Kavanaugh was drunk. How drunk were you?

13. As a psychologist, will you concede that alcohol inebriation will make a teenager’s memory unreliable?

[“Senator Sasse, your Fredocon whining about how we’re better than this and how this is not who we are is noted. I’ll ask my questions however I damn well please.”]

14. You claim you thought Future Justice Kavanaugh was trying to rape you. If so, why didn’t he chase you and actually rape you?

15. You say you left the house without telling anyone. Doesn’t that seem like something odd that your female friend would remember?

16. If you thought Future Justice Kavanaugh was going to rape you, why would you leave your friend alone there with this alleged monster?

17. And you didn’t call the cops, right?

18. You didn’t tell your parents?

19. You didn’t even tell your friends?

20. But you happened to tell your therapist in 2012, right around the time Future Justice Kavanaugh’s name was being brought up as a Supreme Court candidate?

21. Future Justice Kavanaugh was a big deal in 2012, and you say you mentioned his name, but it’s not in your therapist’s notes. It’s not even in there that your attacker is now a well-known judge. Your therapist sure got a lot wrong, didn’t she?

22. Say, at any time, did Future Justice Kavanaugh suggest that you put some ice on that?

23. Did Future Justice Kavanaugh slap you around like a Democrat congressman from Minnesota?

24. Did Future Justice Kavanaugh drive hammered and leave you to drown in an Oldsmobile?

25. You say this event damaged you permanently, but you did not seek treatment before 2012 even though you are a psychologist, correct?

26. You wanted to remain anonymous, right?

27. You sent a letter to your congresswoman in July, right?

28. You hired a famous, leftist lawyer in D.C. in August, right?

29. You say you took a lie detector test in August, right?"
The 45 Tough, Forbidden Questions A Normal Person Would Ask Christine Blasey Ford
I want to know how she got out of the room without being raped. four boys and her? she got away? amazing.
20. But you happened to tell your therapist in 2012, right around the time Future Justice Kavanaugh’s name was being brought up as a Supreme Court candidate?

21. Future Justice Kavanaugh was a big deal in 2012, and you say you mentioned his name, but it’s not in your therapist’s notes. It’s not even in there that your attacker is now a well-known judge. Your therapist sure got a lot wrong, didn’t she?
And THAT is the ONLY reason she mentioned any of this to a therapist. They were already planning to do this if Romney won. They just dusted off the playbook and started it all over again.

How stupid do these clowns think we are?
20. But you happened to tell your therapist in 2012, right around the time Future Justice Kavanaugh’s name was being brought up as a Supreme Court candidate?

21. Future Justice Kavanaugh was a big deal in 2012, and you say you mentioned his name, but it’s not in your therapist’s notes. It’s not even in there that your attacker is now a well-known judge. Your therapist sure got a lot wrong, didn’t she?
And THAT is the ONLY reason she mentioned any of this to a therapist. They were already planning to do this if Romney won. They just dusted off the playbook and started it all over again.

How stupid do these clowns think we are?
She had been planning on taking her rapist down earlier? If only she had.
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