I Thank God I Don't Live in Not so Great Britain


Those protesters should all be charged. No one should be allowed to hold up a sign with those slogans.

They should be allowed a free flight to the country of their choice.
Single ticket and revoked passport on landing there.

I have no time for these idiots.

The people who condemn these Muslims are the same people who are perfectly fine with the Westboro Baptist Church saying that gays are responsible for Hurricane Sandy/Katrina and that God is smiling when a soldier dies.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

They should be allowed a free flight to the country of their choice.
Single ticket and revoked passport on landing there.

I have no time for these idiots.

The people who condemn these Muslims are the same people who are perfectly fine with the Westboro Baptist Church saying that gays are responsible for Hurricane Sandy/Katrina and that God is smiling when a soldier dies.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Obviously you don't know who Fred Phelps is.
Any Christian is completely able to jude Phelps just as an y sane person is fine judging radical Islam.


The people who condemn these Muslims are the same people who are perfectly fine with the Westboro Baptist Church saying that gays are responsible for Hurricane Sandy/Katrina and that God is smiling when a soldier dies.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Obviously you don't know who Fred Phelps is.
So all the conservative Republicans who hate Obama and think their country has turned to shit with a liberal President should leave the country?

I like that idea. Maybe they can go to Mexico?

Really Dramatic aren't you? Since when has Obama gone around CHOPPING HEADS OFF?

Send us to Mexico..................TRY IT..............POWDERS DRY.

So, it's ok for you to practice dissent, but not Muslims. Got it. Thanks for showing us how much of a hypocrite you are.

Bull Shit. They go around saying Death to all who don't believe in Islam, and some of them carry through with it.


Fuck them, and that is to those who want to KILL THOSE WHO DON'T BELIEVE AS THEY DO. And that's the ones I'm talking about.

Look at Sweden, Britain, and France now IDIOT. This ISN'T A GAME, AND THEY ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THEIR AGENDA.


They regularily praise the death of U.S. Military who died for their country. He fits RIGHT IN THE RADICAL ISLAMIST, but is a VERY SMALL GROUP COMPARED TO THE WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT OF RADICAL ISLAM.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.

The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God, however this can work both ways. Most of today's Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Apologists cater to their preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally do not stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.

Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abrogate or even balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy - and that of his companions - along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quran have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2013.05.26 Afghanistan Zherook 2 0 A 4-year-old child and her mother bleed to death following a Taliban rocket attack on their home.
2013.05.26 Kenya Abdisugow 6 2 A teacher and a teenage boy are among six people murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.05.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 44-year-old woman several times in the chest.
2013.05.26 Syria Damascus 6 15 A mother and child are among six killed by an al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.05.25 France Paris 0 1 A soldier is wounded when a Muslim stabs him in the neck in a Paris shopping district.
2013.05.25 Iraq Samarrah 7 21 Seven Shia pilgrims on a bus are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.25 Dagestan Makhachkala 0 18 Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber detonates in a public square.
2013.05.24 Afghanistan Kabul 4 4 Fedayeen attack a humanitarian aid office, killing a 6-year-old child and three others.
2013.05.24 Thailand Pattani 5 1 Muslim 'separatists' murder five security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Peshawar 2 3 Two other people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a rival cleric.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Quetta 13 16 The Tehreek-i-Taliban "proudly claim" a brutal bombing that leaves over a dozen dead.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Hindu is shot to death by a Muslim gang.
2013.05.23 Niger Arlit 1 13 At least one civilians dies following a Mujao suicide car bombing at a uranium mine.
2013.05.23 Niger Agadez 20 16 Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.
2013.05.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A grocery store owner is executed in his shop by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.05.22 UK London 1 0 An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Moqur 4 14 A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 3 A motorcyclist is taken out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 5 Taliban bombers take out an Afghan civilian
2013.05.22 Pakistan Golimar 1 0 A Shia newspaper vendor is shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Sheikh Nala 1 3 A woman is killed when Islamic militants attack and burn four houses.
2013.05.22 Kenya Garissa 2 0 al-Shabaab is suspected in the cold-blooded killing of two civilians.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down by two men in a targeted attack.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Herat 7 0 Seven Afghans are exterminated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Pirabad 2 0 A man and wife are shot to death by her family for marrying of their own free will.
2013.05.21 Iraq Abu Ghraib 11 21 Eleven people at a mosque bleed out following a bombing by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.21 Lebanon Tripoli 11 70 A cleric is among eleven people killed in a sectarian clash between Shia and Sunni.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 2 7 Muslim bombers take out two guards at a power station.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his mosque by suspected terrorists.
2013.05.21 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 1 A police officer is gunned down by Islamists.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 5 Sunni fundamentalists claim credit for killing two local cops.
2013.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 7 A suicide bomber snuffs out three other lives.
2013.05.21 Iraq Baghdad 6 18 Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.
2013.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 5 46 Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking out at least five.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Sunni police officer deliberately kills a fellow officer for being a Shiite.
2013.05.20 Iraq Hillah 9 26 Nine people are cut down by Religion of Peace rivals while leaving a mosque.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A peace committee activist is shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.20 Afghanistan Baghlan 14 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders fourteen people.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 34 126 Over thirty people are murdered in a series of al-Qaeda bombings in Shiite areas.
2013.05.20 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 A married couple is laid out when terrorists bomb their car.
2013.05.20 Iraq Basra 13 40 Over a dozen people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 12 20 A dozen Shiites are torn to shreds by sectarian bombers at a market.
2013.05.20 Iraq Samarrah 8 15 Eight Shia pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni car bombers.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Bajour 1 0 Fundamentalists fire on a polio team, killing a guard.
2013.05.20 Iraq Anbar 13 0 Thirteen innocent kidnap victims are brutally executed by religious militants.
2013.05.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 44 Four people are killed when Jihadists set off a bomb in front of a courthouse.
2013.05.20 Iraq Balad 14 13 Fourteen Shia pilgrims are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Religious radicals open fire on a group of men playing checkers, killing two.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Khushpur 1 3 Angry Muslims fire on a Christian village, killing a teenage student.
2013.05.19 Tunisia Tunis 0 11 Eleven policemen are injured when Salafists throw petrol bombs at them.
2013.05.19 Lebanon Tripoli 2 6 A boy is among two people killed during a sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Basya Khel 1 5 A bomb targeting children leaves one dead.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Terrorists kill and man and his wife in their home.


I stopped copying, the list is too long.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2013.05.26 Afghanistan Zherook 2 0 A 4-year-old child and her mother bleed to death following a Taliban rocket attack on their home.
2013.05.26 Kenya Abdisugow 6 2 A teacher and a teenage boy are among six people murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.05.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 44-year-old woman several times in the chest.
2013.05.26 Syria Damascus 6 15 A mother and child are among six killed by an al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.05.25 France Paris 0 1 A soldier is wounded when a Muslim stabs him in the neck in a Paris shopping district.
2013.05.25 Iraq Samarrah 7 21 Seven Shia pilgrims on a bus are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.25 Dagestan Makhachkala 0 18 Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber detonates in a public square.
2013.05.24 Afghanistan Kabul 4 4 Fedayeen attack a humanitarian aid office, killing a 6-year-old child and three others.
2013.05.24 Thailand Pattani 5 1 Muslim 'separatists' murder five security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Peshawar 2 3 Two other people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a rival cleric.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Quetta 13 16 The Tehreek-i-Taliban "proudly claim" a brutal bombing that leaves over a dozen dead.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Hindu is shot to death by a Muslim gang.
2013.05.23 Niger Arlit 1 13 At least one civilians dies following a Mujao suicide car bombing at a uranium mine.
2013.05.23 Niger Agadez 20 16 Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.
2013.05.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A grocery store owner is executed in his shop by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.05.22 UK London 1 0 An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Moqur 4 14 A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 3 A motorcyclist is taken out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 5 Taliban bombers take out an Afghan civilian
2013.05.22 Pakistan Golimar 1 0 A Shia newspaper vendor is shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Sheikh Nala 1 3 A woman is killed when Islamic militants attack and burn four houses.
2013.05.22 Kenya Garissa 2 0 al-Shabaab is suspected in the cold-blooded killing of two civilians.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down by two men in a targeted attack.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Herat 7 0 Seven Afghans are exterminated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Pirabad 2 0 A man and wife are shot to death by her family for marrying of their own free will.
2013.05.21 Iraq Abu Ghraib 11 21 Eleven people at a mosque bleed out following a bombing by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.21 Lebanon Tripoli 11 70 A cleric is among eleven people killed in a sectarian clash between Shia and Sunni.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 2 7 Muslim bombers take out two guards at a power station.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his mosque by suspected terrorists.
2013.05.21 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 1 A police officer is gunned down by Islamists.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 5 Sunni fundamentalists claim credit for killing two local cops.
2013.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 7 A suicide bomber snuffs out three other lives.
2013.05.21 Iraq Baghdad 6 18 Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.
2013.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 5 46 Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking out at least five.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Sunni police officer deliberately kills a fellow officer for being a Shiite.
2013.05.20 Iraq Hillah 9 26 Nine people are cut down by Religion of Peace rivals while leaving a mosque.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A peace committee activist is shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.20 Afghanistan Baghlan 14 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders fourteen people.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 34 126 Over thirty people are murdered in a series of al-Qaeda bombings in Shiite areas.
2013.05.20 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 A married couple is laid out when terrorists bomb their car.
2013.05.20 Iraq Basra 13 40 Over a dozen people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 12 20 A dozen Shiites are torn to shreds by sectarian bombers at a market.
2013.05.20 Iraq Samarrah 8 15 Eight Shia pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni car bombers.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Bajour 1 0 Fundamentalists fire on a polio team, killing a guard.
2013.05.20 Iraq Anbar 13 0 Thirteen innocent kidnap victims are brutally executed by religious militants.
2013.05.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 44 Four people are killed when Jihadists set off a bomb in front of a courthouse.
2013.05.20 Iraq Balad 14 13 Fourteen Shia pilgrims are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Religious radicals open fire on a group of men playing checkers, killing two.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Khushpur 1 3 Angry Muslims fire on a Christian village, killing a teenage student.
2013.05.19 Tunisia Tunis 0 11 Eleven policemen are injured when Salafists throw petrol bombs at them.
2013.05.19 Lebanon Tripoli 2 6 A boy is among two people killed during a sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Basya Khel 1 5 A bomb targeting children leaves one dead.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Terrorists kill and man and his wife in their home.


I stopped copying, the list is too long.

How many innocent Muslims have Americans murdered since 9/11? I believe you will find the number is much higher.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2013.05.26 Afghanistan Zherook 2 0 A 4-year-old child and her mother bleed to death following a Taliban rocket attack on their home.
2013.05.26 Kenya Abdisugow 6 2 A teacher and a teenage boy are among six people murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.05.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 44-year-old woman several times in the chest.
2013.05.26 Syria Damascus 6 15 A mother and child are among six killed by an al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.05.25 France Paris 0 1 A soldier is wounded when a Muslim stabs him in the neck in a Paris shopping district.
2013.05.25 Iraq Samarrah 7 21 Seven Shia pilgrims on a bus are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.25 Dagestan Makhachkala 0 18 Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber detonates in a public square.
2013.05.24 Afghanistan Kabul 4 4 Fedayeen attack a humanitarian aid office, killing a 6-year-old child and three others.
2013.05.24 Thailand Pattani 5 1 Muslim 'separatists' murder five security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Peshawar 2 3 Two other people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a rival cleric.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Quetta 13 16 The Tehreek-i-Taliban "proudly claim" a brutal bombing that leaves over a dozen dead.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Hindu is shot to death by a Muslim gang.
2013.05.23 Niger Arlit 1 13 At least one civilians dies following a Mujao suicide car bombing at a uranium mine.
2013.05.23 Niger Agadez 20 16 Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.
2013.05.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A grocery store owner is executed in his shop by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.05.22 UK London 1 0 An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Moqur 4 14 A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 3 A motorcyclist is taken out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 5 Taliban bombers take out an Afghan civilian
2013.05.22 Pakistan Golimar 1 0 A Shia newspaper vendor is shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Sheikh Nala 1 3 A woman is killed when Islamic militants attack and burn four houses.
2013.05.22 Kenya Garissa 2 0 al-Shabaab is suspected in the cold-blooded killing of two civilians.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down by two men in a targeted attack.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Herat 7 0 Seven Afghans are exterminated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Pirabad 2 0 A man and wife are shot to death by her family for marrying of their own free will.
2013.05.21 Iraq Abu Ghraib 11 21 Eleven people at a mosque bleed out following a bombing by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.21 Lebanon Tripoli 11 70 A cleric is among eleven people killed in a sectarian clash between Shia and Sunni.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 2 7 Muslim bombers take out two guards at a power station.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his mosque by suspected terrorists.
2013.05.21 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 1 A police officer is gunned down by Islamists.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 5 Sunni fundamentalists claim credit for killing two local cops.
2013.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 7 A suicide bomber snuffs out three other lives.
2013.05.21 Iraq Baghdad 6 18 Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.
2013.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 5 46 Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking out at least five.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Sunni police officer deliberately kills a fellow officer for being a Shiite.
2013.05.20 Iraq Hillah 9 26 Nine people are cut down by Religion of Peace rivals while leaving a mosque.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A peace committee activist is shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.20 Afghanistan Baghlan 14 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders fourteen people.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 34 126 Over thirty people are murdered in a series of al-Qaeda bombings in Shiite areas.
2013.05.20 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 A married couple is laid out when terrorists bomb their car.
2013.05.20 Iraq Basra 13 40 Over a dozen people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 12 20 A dozen Shiites are torn to shreds by sectarian bombers at a market.
2013.05.20 Iraq Samarrah 8 15 Eight Shia pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni car bombers.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Bajour 1 0 Fundamentalists fire on a polio team, killing a guard.
2013.05.20 Iraq Anbar 13 0 Thirteen innocent kidnap victims are brutally executed by religious militants.
2013.05.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 44 Four people are killed when Jihadists set off a bomb in front of a courthouse.
2013.05.20 Iraq Balad 14 13 Fourteen Shia pilgrims are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Religious radicals open fire on a group of men playing checkers, killing two.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Khushpur 1 3 Angry Muslims fire on a Christian village, killing a teenage student.
2013.05.19 Tunisia Tunis 0 11 Eleven policemen are injured when Salafists throw petrol bombs at them.
2013.05.19 Lebanon Tripoli 2 6 A boy is among two people killed during a sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Basya Khel 1 5 A bomb targeting children leaves one dead.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Terrorists kill and man and his wife in their home.


I stopped copying, the list is too long.

How many innocent Muslims have Americans murdered since 9/11? I believe you will find the number is much higher.

NICE CHOICE OF WORDS LIB.................


This will END ONE DAY. We will end up with an attack much worse than 9/11 because we WANT DIVERSITY. Oh they are so cute and innocent.

And when that attack happens, and eventually it will because of these Radicals, ALLAH HAD BETTER HAVE MERCY ON THEM BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE NONE. And they ARE BRINGING IT ON THEMSELVES.


It was people like eagles fault. WAH WAH WAH.

Go back to your LIBERAL UTOPIA BS.

They're okay with Muslims carrying signs that call for a British 9/11, but go bugshit when a White guy makes a nasty remark about Muslims.

They're scared of them, so they hide behind political correctness... kind of like our liberals.

Your Right on the Mark. If a Muslim burns the BIBLE, we'll go that's BS but go on with our lives.

The other way around and the RIOT SQUADS GET OVERTIME.
They're okay with Muslims carrying signs that call for a British 9/11, but go bugshit when a White guy makes a nasty remark about Muslims.

They're scared of them, so they hide behind political correctness... kind of like our liberals.

Your Right on the Mark. If a Muslim burns the BIBLE, we'll go that's BS but go on with our lives.

The other way around and the RIOT SQUADS GET OVERTIME.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIrcNL9PfUU]The Islamisation of sweden - YouTube[/ame]
Any Christian is completely able to jude Phelps just as an y sane person is fine judging radical Islam.

Obviously you don't know who Fred Phelps is.

Do you feel the same about radical Christians as you do about radical Islam?

phelps is one of you guys

he too is a lefty

in fact in 1992 he received 30.8 percent of the votes

in the democratic primary for state senator in Kansas
What a stupid fuck you are, I have 50 Royal Air Force in our Hotel they do not think like you.

What a moron....they know FULL well whats going ong on...you?

You speculate as if you have a fucking clue.

I Thank God I Don't Live in Not so Great Britain

And Britain thanks god that a screeching, uninformed beast like you, doesn't have a say in how they run their country.

1) Learn how to properly quote people

2) Getting reamed out by 50 Royal Air Force men doesn't make you an expert on how they think.

3) Go wipe your chin.

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