I Thank God I Don't Live in Not so Great Britain

Sad part is that when someone says something completely stupid on Twitter, it can often incite anger to such an extent that people get killed. Sometimes, people deserved to get arrested for their idiocy, even if its online idiocy...
Anybody else want to kick their sorry arses out of the country?

You want to kick the majority of decent Muslims out of a country because of the actions of a few?

Do you want to keep those who say Death to America and Islam will Dominate the World in this country? Those are the one's I'm talking about.

And excuse me, are you up on current events?


If they don't love it then they need to get their sorry arses out of it.

last time i checked, loving america didn't incude persecuting people for their religious beliefs or racial makeup.

loving america to me means exercising my rights under the constitution and allowing others to do so as well, something we should remember this memorial day as some good men and women died to preserve those rights.

what they were doing was inciting hatred against islam, i would bet. Inciting hatred is a crime.

At least britain doesn't allow freaks like fred phelps to protest at soldiers funerals, unlike the us.

no, they just allow muslims to chop your head off. Give me free speech every time

bravo zulu!
You want to kick the majority of decent Muslims out of a country because of the actions of a few?

Do you want to keep those who say Death to America and Islam will Dominate the World in this country? Those are the one's I'm talking about.

And excuse me, are you up on current events?


If they don't love it then they need to get their sorry arses out of it.

So all the conservative Republicans who hate Obama and think their country has turned to shit with a liberal President should leave the country?

I like that idea. Maybe they can go to Mexico?

Really Dramatic aren't you? Since when has Obama gone around CHOPPING HEADS OFF?

Send us to Mexico..................TRY IT..............POWDERS DRY.
You want to kick the majority of decent Muslims out of a country because of the actions of a few?

Do you want to keep those who say Death to America and Islam will Dominate the World in this country? Those are the one's I'm talking about.

And excuse me, are you up on current events?


If they don't love it then they need to get their sorry arses out of it.

last time i checked, loving america didn't incude persecuting people for their religious beliefs or racial makeup.

loving america to me means exercising my rights under the constitution and allowing others to do so as well, something we should remember this memorial day as some good men and women died to preserve those rights.

The Liberal Soap Opera continues...........

Which part of RADICAL ISLAM DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? Which part of the Boston Bombing don't you understand?

Toto, the Radical Muslims are good people, stop barking at them. Toto....Toto.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Toto's head is off.

But we should allow the Muslims to exercise their rights. BYE TOTO. Another sacrifice to the RELIGION OF PEACE AND A WHOLE STACK OF DEAD BODIES.

When I see video's of their BS in America, I actually want to kick their butts.

But hey, we need Diversity here right? It's working in England, Sweeden, and France real well right now.

Invite the enemy in and wonder why bombs are blowing up in Boston.

it is people like you who practically hand deliver young american muslims into the hands of the radicals. muslims are no more or no less americans than citizens of other faiths. it sickens me the way they are made to feel afraid in this country in their everyday lives.

It's Dem Wits like you that will Destroy us. Diversity, blah blah blah. And tomorrow they'll be saying their Religion requires SHARIA LAW and someone like you will agree with them.

Secondly, I'm talking about the ones that yell Death to America and hold up signs saying Islam will Dominate the World. If they weren't doing that I wouldn't say a thing.

If you can't see whats going on GLOBALLY WITH THIS BS, then you are deaf, dumb, and blind.

Ummmm Your probably a Lib, which makes me understand that.
What they were doing was inciting hatred against Islam, I would bet. Inciting hatred is a crime.

The problem with the British is they use the definition of "inciting hatred" very broadly, not to mention selectivly. A White Guy can't say nasty things about Islam, but a Muslim can walk around Downing Street with a sign calling for a British 9/11.

It's already here.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLK1Xpc7SMQ]Muslims in America - YouTube[/ame]

What is shocking is they openly stomp on the flag througout the video and the american people just look on. Incredible. Well. This is what they think of our flag.
Do you want to keep those who say Death to America and Islam will Dominate the World in this country? Those are the one's I'm talking about.

And excuse me, are you up on current events?


If they don't love it then they need to get their sorry arses out of it.

So all the conservative Republicans who hate Obama and think their country has turned to shit with a liberal President should leave the country?

I like that idea. Maybe they can go to Mexico?

Really Dramatic aren't you? Since when has Obama gone around CHOPPING HEADS OFF?

Send us to Mexico..................TRY IT..............POWDERS DRY.

So, it's ok for you to practice dissent, but not Muslims. Got it. Thanks for showing us how much of a hypocrite you are.
Do you want to keep those who say Death to America and Islam will Dominate the World in this country? Those are the one's I'm talking about.

And excuse me, are you up on current events?


If they don't love it then they need to get their sorry arses out of it.

last time i checked, loving america didn't incude persecuting people for their religious beliefs or racial makeup.

loving america to me means exercising my rights under the constitution and allowing others to do so as well, something we should remember this memorial day as some good men and women died to preserve those rights.

The Liberal Soap Opera continues...........

Which part of RADICAL ISLAM DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? Which part of the Boston Bombing don't you understand?

Toto, the Radical Muslims are good people, stop barking at them. Toto....Toto.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Toto's head is off.

But we should allow the Muslims to exercise their rights. BYE TOTO. Another sacrifice to the RELIGION OF PEACE AND A WHOLE STACK OF DEAD BODIES.

The majority of Muslims are decent people, yet you wish to tar them all with the same brush.
Sadly, Great Britain as we know it is dead. I don't know if I would like to live there either ....unless things change dramatically.

Sadly, Great Britain as we know it is dead. I don't know if I would like to live there either ....unless things change dramatically.

Those protesters should all be charged. No one should be allowed to hold up a sign with those slogans.
Sadly, Great Britain as we know it is dead. I don't know if I would like to live there either ....unless things change dramatically.

But you post a lot of pictures of the same group of about 40 morons whilst ignoring 2 million UK Muslims who don't do this.
What a stupid fuck you are, I have 50 Royal Air Force in our Hotel they do not think like you.

What a moron....they know FULL well whats going ong on...you?

You speculate as if you have a fucking clue.

I Thank God I Don't Live in Not so Great Britain

And Britain thanks god that a screeching, uninformed beast like you, doesn't have a say in how they run their country.
Sadly, Great Britain as we know it is dead. I don't know if I would like to live there either ....unless things change dramatically.

Those protesters should all be charged. No one should be allowed to hold up a sign with those slogans.

They should be allowed a free flight to the country of their choice.
Single ticket and revoked passport on landing there.

I have no time for these idiots.
Sadly, Great Britain as we know it is dead. I don't know if I would like to live there either ....unless things change dramatically.

Those protesters should all be charged. No one should be allowed to hold up a sign with those slogans.

They should be allowed a free flight to the country of their choice.
Single ticket and revoked passport on landing there.

I have no time for these idiots.

The people who condemn these Muslims are the same people who are perfectly fine with the Westboro Baptist Church saying that gays are responsible for Hurricane Sandy/Katrina and that God is smiling when a soldier dies.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

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