I Think I'm Finally Understanding Why People Don't Want to Work Anymore

Are you fucking kidding me when you ask me how plumbing beats up your body?

Have you ever done plumbing?

If not then learn and idiot I can make three hundred a day just sitting on my ass driving, so should I unclog your toilet or sit for six hours and enjoy my life?

I rather sit and drive!

Yes I know about plumbing work.
Sounds like you rather sit on your ass and collect unemployment rather than working a job that isnt going to be permanent.
And again,are you licensed?
Are you fucking kidding me when you ask me how plumbing beats up your body?

Have you ever done plumbing?

If not then learn and idiot I can make three hundred a day just sitting on my ass driving, so should I unclog your toilet or sit for six hours and enjoy my life?

I rather sit and drive!

Yeah its a bitch having to crawl under some houses.... sometimes theres not enough space and you got to cut out the old plumbing... or run it up through the walls or ceiling. It's not just changing a garbage disposal or replacing a sink..
Hah! A libertarian on the govt tit.

That one always cracks me up. Government employees complaining about people who bum off the government. It makes me feel compelled to tell them how stupid they are but I refrain from it most times. Every once in a while I will tell a government employee that they get 5 times the amount of any welfare recipient. Then I smack them around for hours by explaining to them their high level of disgusting, filthy, rotten, horrible, and repulsive level of hypocrisy.

I know one government employee that admits that he is using the system and making killer money doing it. I can respect that. I guess people that are just being dumber than shit that bothers me so much. They need to be punched hard in the nose 15-20 times.
Unlike me who still wants to find a job, but with America being in such great debt right now taxes are probably pretty high and constantly getting higher. Thanks Brandon for making problems in our country worse yet again.

Really? You think it's that simple? Put a Democrat in charge, things change, must be the president's fault? Geez
Unlike me who still wants to find a job, but with America being in such great debt right now taxes are probably pretty high and constantly getting higher. Thanks Brandon for making problems in our country worse yet again.

Wow, what a loser excuse for being idle. If you don't have a job it's not Biden's fault, it your fault.
You don’t have a job with 3.5 percent unemployment and Help Wanted signs all over?

People who live in Glass Houses …
Actually you do when Workforce Participation is down:

The rot started in 2000/2001 (dodgy before that ) and didn't really recover. Trump gave it a bit of a tweak upwards but the Covid Recession didn't do any good; hasn't recovered since rally though it did rebound in 2020. The Trump Bounce god dudded by Biden.


That's what I was going to ask.
So, Baron Von Murderpaws do you support unions?

Unions are more corrupt and useless than government.
I know, I've worked for unions before. Greedmongering, CORRUPT, useless pieces of diseased garbage.
And NO..........they DO NOT PAY ANY BETTER than any job someone gets on their own thats non-union!

All of this "good shit" unions supposedly do, does not exist, UNLESS it benefits the UNION and no one else.
And the UNION DOES NOT PASS ON anything they "win" or get, to their dues payers........they keep it ALL for themselves.
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Those people saying "its SO easy to get a job", or "just go GET a job", or think its SO fucking simple to get a job, has NOT been in the job market for DECADES.........or they have been employed at the same job for decades.

The shit is as fucked up and ludicrous as the three ring shit show in DC!! And has been since the late 90's.

There is NO SUCH THING as "just going out and getting a job". And hasn't been for at least two decades.
Unions are more corrupt and useless than government.
I know, I've worked for unions before. Greedmongering, CORRUPT, useless pieces of diseased garbage.
And NO..........they DO NOT PAY ANY BETTER than any job someone gets on their own thats non-union!

All of this "good shit" unions supposedly do, does not exist, UNLESS it benefits the UNION and no one else.
And the UNION DOES NOT PASS ON anything they "win" or get to their dues payers........they keep it ALL for themselves.
One of the best blokes I ever knew was a Union Shop Steward at the Brewery I worked at in the 80s; worked hard for his members by knowing what was a benefit or a hindrance to his fellows. The hierarchy were pretty solid as well, but NONE of this lefty crap; they were nicknamed "the Missos"; Miscelaneous Workers Union and the Pissos; Liquor Trades Union. Other Unions though were disgusting "left wing" thugs; damn assholes!!!

I tell the story; Dad had a small business and paid well; the Union (I don't know which one) wanted his workers to join the Union; worse money, benefits and conditions. The lads said no so the Union sent some thugs around to force dad to sign them up. They got violent so he beat them up (Four to one). They never came back. Dad didn't tell us until years later. (He was an east European wrestler in his younger days).

PS; this was in Oz. Mid -1970s

One of the best blokes I ever knew was a Union Shop Steward at the Brewery I worked at in the 80s; worked hard for his members by knowing what was a benefit or a hindrance to his fellows. The hierarchy were pretty solid as well, but NONE of this lefty crap; they were nicknamed "the Missos"; Miscelaneous Workers Union and the Pissos; Liquor Trades Union. Other Unions though were disgusting "left wing" thugs; damn assholes!!!

I tell the story; Dad had a small business and paid well; the Union (I don't know which one) wanted his workers to join the Union; worse money, benefits and conditions. The lads said no so the Union sent some thugs around to force dad to sign them up. They got violent so he beat them up (Four to one). They never came back. Dad didn't tell us until years later. (He was an east European wrestler in his younger days).

PS; this was in Oz. Mid -1970s


I'm not saying there aren't good people in Unions, there are. But they are choked by the upper levels of what they can and can't do. And in most instances, if these stewards want to do something good, they are threatened with their jobs, because nobody above them gets anything out of it first.

The two Unions I worked for are notoriously, and heinously corrupt. This was back when Obozo was destroying the country and jobs were hard to get because of the depression..........mistakingly called the "recession", which Obozo created.

Anyway, these Unions blatantly allowed the companies we worked for to steal from our paychecks. A LOT of us noticed this and we got together and formed a group to go to the state capitol and talk to some top level lawyers. NOBODY would talk to us because we had Union jobs, even though we had PROOF they were stealing money from employees and had TWO sets of books.......one to show the IRS, and one to show the Unions.

Basically, we were told by SEVERAL lawyers, that Unions in the USA have been given "carte blanche" by the government to do as they please with NO government interference of any kind. Hence the heinous corruption by Unions.

They still owe me $10,000.00 plus interest they stole out of my paychecks over the time I worked for them. But I'll never see it, because the government won't touch them, and neither will any lawyers.
I've been making the same wage for over 20 years. And it's not because I'm not educated and trained very well in what I do.........it's because companies are allowed to abuse and take advantage of employees.

And unfortunately, the current working generations have no balls to fight back. They "take it" because they need an income.
And someone like me, who HAS tried to fight back and found many supporters, refuse to stand up with me and spit in the face of corporate greed and corruption. One person cannot make a difference here.

As long as these idiots are WILLING to be slaves, we are ALL going to be treated like slaves and paid slaves wages.

You're absolutely correct. Not only that, but your post makes a strong case for unions.

It was the unions way back when that made the middle class able to have a livable wage. And, it was the legislation passed by our various representatives that got rid of, or severely weakened them that gave the corporations the ability to pay slave wages to workers, as the no longer had a united voice to hold them accountable.

I know that part of the reason my Grandfather was able to make a decent living, as well as have a decent retirement was due to his being in a union while working for a road construction company. If he were alive today and saw how unions have been weakened and dissolved, he'd be pissed.
Unlike me who still wants to find a job, but with America being in such great debt right now taxes are probably pretty high and constantly getting higher. Thanks Brandon for making problems in our country worse yet again.
Blaming your own failures on the president. How convenient.

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