I think it is time to impeach the Supreme Court justices


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
All justices that have made rulings that do not align with the constitution of the United States and follow more a political ideology need to be impeached by congress. By bypassing the constitution and the vote of the people, the justices are committing treason. The Supreme Court justices are not the end all be all of the constitution, the congress and states are the end all be all of the constitution. A Supreme Court Justice cannot just change the will of the states and the congress just because it thinks it should. They are meant to merely interpret the constitution and the laws not change them as they see fit. For far too long the Supreme Court has become the United States ruling council not much different than the ruling clerics in Iran. To be honest I could care less about Gay Marriage whether it is allowed or dis-allowed but it should be up to the states and its citizens whether or not to give a certain group of people benefit rights from the government. It is not as if they could not marry. They just could not legally do so and get tax breaks and benefits in a marriage outside of marrying the opposite sex partner. This ruling and the ruling on allowing the federal government to fine people for not purchasing health insurance are signs that the Supreme Court is no longer interpreting laws but deciding what laws it likes and does not like based on ideology.
More appropriately, it is time for the states and the people to hold the branches accountable to the constitution..

You are not going to get congress to do anything against the SC until something is done about the overreaching congress and executive
I think it is time to impeach the Supreme Court justices

The irony is that the current majority of Supreme Court Justices are conservatives appointed by Republican presidents.

Impeaching Supreme Court justices because you disagree with their decisions is in itself unconstitutional.
All justices that have made rulings that do not align with the constitution of the United States and follow more a political ideology need to be impeached by congress. By bypassing the constitution and the vote of the people, the justices are committing treason. The Supreme Court justices are not the end all be all of the constitution, the congress and states are the end all be all of the constitution. A Supreme Court Justice cannot just change the will of the states and the congress just because it thinks it should. They are meant to merely interpret the constitution and the laws not change them as they see fit. For far too long the Supreme Court has become the United States ruling council not much different than the ruling clerics in Iran. To be honest I could care less about Gay Marriage whether it is allowed or dis-allowed but it should be up to the states and its citizens whether or not to give a certain group of people benefit rights from the government. It is not as if they could not marry. They just could not legally do so and get tax breaks and benefits in a marriage outside of marrying the opposite sex partner. This ruling and the ruling on allowing the federal government to fine people for not purchasing health insurance are signs that the Supreme Court is no longer interpreting laws but deciding what laws it likes and does not like based on ideology.

Our problem is CONGRESS. A corrupt congress will never correct a corrupt court.

Actually more to the point our problem is an ignorant electorate
The answer is not to impeach the justices, otherwise, every time there was a new president, the SC would be impeached.

The answer is not to elect anti American presidents who will appoint anti American justices. Just imagine if Kagan or Sotomayor had not been on the bench.
We could start with Scalia. Next would be Thomas. Then we could get rid of Alito and Roberts.

Definitely Roberts. If a decent investigative reporter could get to the root of what flipped him on PPACA, we'd probably have cause.
I think it is time to impeach the Supreme Court justices

The irony is that the current majority of Supreme Court Justices are conservatives appointed by Republican presidents.

Impeaching Supreme Court justices because you disagree with their decisions is in itself unconstitutional.

I disagree with the OP, yes.

But, yes, one can impeach justices for any or no reason. The process is political not criminal.
States need to assert their constitutional right to nullify federal laws. The supremacy clause and the tenth amendment makes it clear they have that right.
States have no rights to nullify federal laws.

That has been solved for a long time.
2nd you are entitled to your opinion, nothing more, and you must abide by the law of We the People.

If you disagree, then you legislate and agitate.

You don't get stupid about it is the point.
The answer is not to impeach the justices, otherwise, every time there was a new president, the SC would be impeached.

The answer is not to elect anti American presidents who will appoint anti American justices. Just imagine if Kagan or Sotomayor had not been on the bench.

You guys always have some chicken vs egg theories that fall apart with a one word question:

Don't elect anti-American presidents? Makes no sense. Don't elect greedy bullshitters.

How? You don't know because it requires the skill of seeing the future

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