I think it’s safe to say that if it were biologically possible for republican men to have kids...

...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Dude, the male that partook is just as responsible as the woman.
GOP men never, ever answer the question of what will be done with these infants that are here after a woman is forced by the government to assume the the risks and pain of pregnancy and childbirth, having expressed that she does not want to do this. Are the biological dads and GOP men prepared to step up and raise these infants to adulthood?

Any woman who has said that she does not want a child, but is forced by big government to undergo pregnancy, labor, and childbirth, should be free to walk away from the hospital to resume her disrupted life, of course with compensation for her pain and suffering and her financial losses, including loss of a job and paycheck.

Republican men have not revealed their plan as to how to deal with this situation. It should include everything from diaper-changing and potty training to over-seeing homework, seeing to the child's religious instruction, teaching the child how to drive a car, paying for the child's education, up through university and so much more, with a ton of love all over.

Walking around in a suit in a state capital building because you won an election, does not answer the question. You claim to know the answers, so do it.
I owe nuttthhhinnnng! But you force me to pay. You made the situation bad with your free sex with everything agendas. Then you blame others with your satanic abortion expanding answers demanding others to come up with something better. Ph uk U. You screwed people over. You destroyed people. Still are. Let them beg. Let them whore. If they never worked for anything give them nothing. No medical. No school. No food. I just typed like you do. All or nothing. I bet you if this happened irresponsible behavior would drop 90%.
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Men can have kids. Seriously, discuss this with your medical care provider.
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Hey, asshat.....there is a show on one of the cable channels about two people who find the parents or children involved in adoptions.....they track them down...one of the episodes was a girl who was the product of a rape, and 2 decades later she had them find her birth mother.....who gave birth, and then put her up for adoption........they now have a relationship they would never have had had the mother killed her in the womb.....

A great deal of happiness can be found by giving birth, putting the baby into a loving family, and then meeting that baby when they have grown up............when both parties can have a relationship without the trauma of the rape....

You guys are such short sighted morons....
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?

That that would be your biologically incorrect and imperfect choice, but it would be your choice. You see how that works. If this is what you believe, choice allows you to live by your belief. If you believe that your family will lose your home and you'll be unemployed if you continue with this pregnancy, I'm guessing that you would opt to save the living, not those yet to be born.

The reality is that the fetus is NOT YET a living being, but it might become one if the pregnancy continues. Might being the operative word.
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Hey, asshat.....there is a show on one of the cable channels about two people who find the parents or children involved in adoptions.....they track them down...one of the episodes was a girl who was the product of a rape, and 2 decades later she had them find her birth mother.....who gave birth, and then put her up for adoption........they now have a relationship they would never have had had the mother killed her in the womb.....

A great deal of happiness can be found by giving birth, putting the baby into a loving family, and then meeting that baby when they have grown up............when both parties can have a relationship without the trauma of the rape....

You guys are such short sighted morons....

Great series of posts, 2a. We must realize this issue, for the pro-death, is about justification and ultimate selfishness, and self-aggrandization. They spew over and over the same rhetoric, the same justifications like a flock of mockingbirds staring in a mirror, although none of their excuses hold a drop of water logically, compassionately, philosophically, scientifically or rationally. Of course they know it is the ultimate wrong act yet at the same time, they want ultimate freedom to do whatever they choose without repercussions for the most vile of acts. They need someone to reassure them killing their unborn is normal and natural as the removal of a inanimate cyst. What better way to justify the unthinkable than surrendering their minds to the one ideology which has swept the nation like wildfire over the past six or so decades? In other words, someone (and they have no idea who, really they don't) disseminated the lie that a developing child is disposable tissue. That snuffing out a unique human universe (a child's mind) is like treating a common cold. Fortunately, they require a hive group mind in which to hide and share the guilt in order to deal with the burden of what they've done or wish to do. More and more of their membership is dissolving. More members of it are running away. Soon they'll have far fewer card carrying abortionists to share that burden and all of them who will be left are the hardcore ideologues. My guess is they'll be dealt with.
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol
I've said it before, if men could get pregnant abortion would not be a debate.
...they would whine and whine about their personal freedom over their own bodies. It’s not like they would give a shit about a fetus. We know this because it’s obvious they don’t care about kids born to single mothers.

Seriously imagine this: a republican male gets laid then finds out he is pregnant and must last 9 months to give birth. Yeah right. Lol

Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
You are so full of shit. Sure, it’s easy for you to say that because you’ve never been in that situation. God I can’t even imagine the shitstorm republican men would throw over what they could do with their own bodies. It’s obvious a fetus would come second because you people whine endlessly about your tax dollars going to kids born to single mothers. You’re more interested in shaming the mother than actually acknowledging that the kid exists regardless of how unprepared the mother was.

You asshats can’t have it both ways. You can’t force women to give birth and then still expect to be selfish dipshits once the kid is born.
Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?

That that would be your biologically incorrect and imperfect choice, but it would be your choice. You see how that works. If this is what you believe, choice allows you to live by your belief. If you believe that your family will lose your home and you'll be unemployed if you continue with this pregnancy, I'm guessing that you would opt to save the living, not those yet to be born.

The reality is that the fetus is NOT YET a living being, but it might become one if the pregnancy continues. Might being the operative word.

Or, I put the baby up for adoption.....send the little guy or girl on their way, and maybe meet them when they are an adult to see how they are doing.... The Fetus is a living being...it accepts oxygen, it creates waste, it takes nutrients and it is constantly growing.....tell us that none of those things are happening....
Hey, dipshit....Republican women already can get pregnant and they support ending abortion....you are a moron....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
You are so full of shit. Sure, it’s easy for you to say that because you’ve never been in that situation. God I can’t even imagine the shitstorm republican men would throw over what they could do with their own bodies. It’s obvious a fetus would come second because you people whine endlessly about your tax dollars going to kids born to single mothers. You’re more interested in shaming the mother than actually acknowledging that the kid exists regardless of how unprepared the mother was.

You asshats can’t have it both ways. You can’t force women to give birth and then still expect to be selfish dipshits once the kid is born.

Hey, asshat.....again...Republican women can already have babies...can already get pregnant....and yet, they still oppose abortion even though they can get pregnant. Why, with that tiny brain of yours, would you think Conservative men would be any different, you dope. And since Conservatives give more time and money to charity than left wingers like you do...how do you figure they are selfish when it comes to kids...you stupid asshat....
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
You are so full of shit. Sure, it’s easy for you to say that because you’ve never been in that situation. God I can’t even imagine the shitstorm republican men would throw over what they could do with their own bodies. It’s obvious a fetus would come second because you people whine endlessly about your tax dollars going to kids born to single mothers. You’re more interested in shaming the mother than actually acknowledging that the kid exists regardless of how unprepared the mother was.

You asshats can’t have it both ways. You can’t force women to give birth and then still expect to be selfish dipshits once the kid is born.

Hey, asshat.....again...Republican women can already have babies...can already get pregnant....and yet, they still oppose abortion even though they can get pregnant. Why, with that tiny brain of yours, would you think Conservative men would be any different, you dope. And since Conservatives give more time and money to charity than left wingers like you do...how do you figure they are selfish when it comes to kids...you stupid asshat....
Lol here’s a fun fact: most Christian women who had unwanted pregnancies got abortions. It’s only until people experience this first hand that they know what is best for them.
These are generally women who have never been in this situation. Either way, their opinion still carries actual weight as opposed to a retarded republican male whose pathetic self-righteousness over the issue is a complete waste of energy to listen to.

How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
You are so full of shit. Sure, it’s easy for you to say that because you’ve never been in that situation. God I can’t even imagine the shitstorm republican men would throw over what they could do with their own bodies. It’s obvious a fetus would come second because you people whine endlessly about your tax dollars going to kids born to single mothers. You’re more interested in shaming the mother than actually acknowledging that the kid exists regardless of how unprepared the mother was.

You asshats can’t have it both ways. You can’t force women to give birth and then still expect to be selfish dipshits once the kid is born.

Hey, asshat.....again...Republican women can already have babies...can already get pregnant....and yet, they still oppose abortion even though they can get pregnant. Why, with that tiny brain of yours, would you think Conservative men would be any different, you dope. And since Conservatives give more time and money to charity than left wingers like you do...how do you figure they are selfish when it comes to kids...you stupid asshat....
I’ll also add that republican men are more selfish than republican women. By a long shot. Tell me, why didn’t the GOP have any women, conservative or otherwise, involved in making this abortion law?
What a stupid posts. Any leftists here wanting to school him on gender inclusivity? Is it not just a social construct?

I think his point is that if men could get pregnant a lot of the pro-lifers would be pro-choice.

And "IF" frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their asses when they hop" Why not compare apples to apples instead Leftard. Abortion is not women's health issue, It's an unborn Human life issue that affects selfish women with low morals. I would venture to say human fetuses would be Pro life wouldn't you! The narrative is much harder to support if you call a fetus a living human being instead of a conglomeration of cells. Aren't we all just a conglomeration of cells? So under that scientific theory Murder should be Legal! right?
How is being agains the killing of an innocent human "self righteous?"
Again I’ll ask this basic question: if it were biologically possible for you to get pregnant and you got impregnated after a one night stand, your dumbass is telling me you would carry that kid for 9 months? Yeah fucking right. Of course you wouldn’t. You as a RW would whine and whine about personal freedom over your own body.

Yeah, I would......since it is a living human being and killing it would be murder. I may put the baby up for adoption or keep it, but killing the baby wouldn't be on the table.

And again, asshat, there are lots of Conservative women who can actually have those babies you talk about, and they are 100% against abortion......so you morons have no real point.....

Are you guys really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
You are so full of shit. Sure, it’s easy for you to say that because you’ve never been in that situation. God I can’t even imagine the shitstorm republican men would throw over what they could do with their own bodies. It’s obvious a fetus would come second because you people whine endlessly about your tax dollars going to kids born to single mothers. You’re more interested in shaming the mother than actually acknowledging that the kid exists regardless of how unprepared the mother was.

You asshats can’t have it both ways. You can’t force women to give birth and then still expect to be selfish dipshits once the kid is born.

Hey, asshat.....again...Republican women can already have babies...can already get pregnant....and yet, they still oppose abortion even though they can get pregnant. Why, with that tiny brain of yours, would you think Conservative men would be any different, you dope. And since Conservatives give more time and money to charity than left wingers like you do...how do you figure they are selfish when it comes to kids...you stupid asshat....
I’ll also add that republican men are more selfish than republican women. By a long shot. Tell me, why didn’t the GOP have any women, conservative or otherwise, involved in making this abortion law?

A Demtard Abortionist calling other people Selfish. Isn't Abortion a rather selfish Act. :anj_stfu: Maybe because their Constituents were okay with the Law whoever wrote it. That's right! No Republican women in Alafukinbama just men! idiot ! Please Log out!:poke:

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