White Racists, Stop Using Caitlyn Clarke!

Which people?
Well I'm glad you asked.

I give a yearly $1,000 Scholarship to a Senior based on their Community Service Record.
For 19 years Now.

We join in with other members of the Community to help run "The Christmas House". The Christmas House collects gifts for needy families and gives out a 'gift package' to qualifying members of MY Community.

That's just 2.
Do either of these confirm that I'm an Asshole.

What do you do?
You racists are going to ruin an individual who has the chance to go down in history as one of the great womens basketball players of all time. There have been white women who have been great basketball players in this league befire Caitlyn Clark. Is DIana Taurasi or Sue Bird not white enough for you? Is Rebecca Lobo not white enough for you? Ann Meyers? Nancy Lieberman? Becky Hammons? You guys are going to fuck around and make Clark quit before she wants to.

STFU racist
Reese and her jealous teammates started these attacks on Clark. I KNOW you've seen the ugly things theyve done to Clark on the court. If you want to see how CLASS handles this then you have to look no further than how Clark behaved. Americans see this. Reese and her buddies acted like black gangs on the street. Pick out a target, gang up and go after that ONE target, and then run away pretending that it wasn't you and your gang that attacked her.
Why do you resort to calling names? .... :cuckoo:
because they got nothing else. There are ways to deal with people who get SO angry when you don't go along with their thinking. It doesn't involve violence...but you cannot reason with them. Best thing to do is to just avoid them if possible. Don't get caught anywhere alone.

We join in with other members of the Community to help run "The Christmas House". The Christmas House collects gifts for needy families and gives out a 'gift package' to qualifying members of MY Community.


How do they qualify?
This is all the left's doings. Those 'other white wnba vets beating her up too' are leftist racists. They fit right in with your kind. hateful racist.
Wrong. She is getting the same treatment every rookie in every sport gets. She's playing against grown women, not Northern Iowa. Refs in pro basetballl let things get more physical and Clark is known to have a mouth. She is not the nice little perfect white Polly on the court, nor should she be. But there are others out there who are just as hard, and maybe harder.

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