White Racists, Stop Using Caitlyn Clarke!

What got the seasoned WNBA players in a tizzy over Clark.
Was all the media attention on her and how people who never cared about the WNBA were filling the stadiums to watch her play.
Also, Clark signing an 8 years $28 million contract with Nike.
By far the largest in WNBA history.
No doubt generated some deep seated jealousy among the other top stars.
Well I'm glad you asked.

I give a yearly $1,000 Scholarship to a Senior based on their Community Service Record.
For 19 years Now.

We join in with other members of the Community to help run "The Christmas House". The Christmas House collects gifts for needy families and gives out a 'gift package' to qualifying members of MY Community.

That's just 2.
Do either of these confirm that I'm an Asshole.

What do you do?
On this board you acted like an asshole, the fact you give to charity is nice but it doesn’t change who you are on-line.
That's what all this hubbub is about?
For a rookie, she is scoring consistently, she is a pure shooter, much like Alex English however she handles the ball and creates scoring opportunities for her teammates. Very mature and if she lives up to her potential she will be another Magic Johnson but will also score like Jordan.
Hey, IQ2. STFU.

We already get it. You’re an asshole and a racist scumbag. We don’t need more of that crap from you.


It is IM2's life...

im2 work.jpg

Or it could be some Indian or Chinaman's job or a boiler room full of Cuban commie shills. Whether negro, white cracker, brown or yellow...it is a fucking commie.

That is IM2's problem. It is always, about 98% on the side of evil. If it was 65% or even 70% evil, maybe you could extend the benefit of the doubt.

biden (2).jpg
Clark didn't start these racist attacks on her. Reese and her allies did that. They hate this woman because she is overshadowing them. Clark has gone on her merry way with no ill will toward anyone but just doin' her job.. and she is destroying them.
You're right, she didn't. Racist trash like you started all of this and you have used Clarke as a pawn in your stupid ass, racist game. Who is she overshadowing, she is at the house and the playoffs are still going on.
You racists are going to ruin an individual who has the chance to go down in history as one of the great womens basketball players of all time. There have been white women who have been great basketball players in this league befire Caitlyn Clark. Is DIana Taurasi or Sue Bird not white enough for you? Is Rebecca Lobo not white enough for you? Ann Meyers? Nancy Lieberman? Becky Hammons? You guys are going to fuck around and make Clark quit before she wants to.

You fucking clod, if she quits it will because your racist black lesbians keep attacking her.
You're right, she didn't. Racist trash like you started all of this and you have used Clarke as a pawn in your stupid ass, racist game. Who is she overshadowing, she is at the house and the playoffs are still going on.
You dumb bunny, racist BLACK lesbians are attacking her because she is WAAAAAY the fuck better than they are, and they are jealous bitches.

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