I think members should be allowed to be openly critical of mods inside of threads

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I would like to know what mods are afraid of?
Members are openly criticized, made fun of, etc, and we all take it in stride.
Why can't mods endure the same as regular members do, when they perform actions on the board that others may not agree with?
This place would be in jeopardy of loosing business if it were allowed to be scrutinized publicly

and it IS a business

I would like to know what mods are afraid of?
Members are openly criticized, made fun of, etc, and we all take it in stride.
Why can't mods endure the same as regular members do, when they perform actions on the board that others may not agree with?
It would never stop. That would be all that was discussed.

I've had more than my fair share of issues with the mods and even I think that's a terrible idea.
I would like to know what mods are afraid of?
Members are openly criticized, made fun of, etc, and we all take it in stride.
Why can't mods endure the same as regular members do, when they perform actions on the board that others may not agree with?
You are free to post whatever in the flame zone..that's what it's for.
But if you want the right to play courtroom on every one of the Mods decisions you don't agree with....that's probably not going to happen~

All boards moderate in private..the whiners would eat them otherwise.
I would like to know what mods are afraid of?
Members are openly criticized, made fun of, etc, and we all take it in stride.
Why can't mods endure the same as regular members do, when they perform actions on the board that others may not agree with?

What are they afraid of?

I mean, I have loads of people on my ignore list, people who insult at the drop of a hat.

What's to be afraid of? Everything. Getting into pointless fights with the mods in the open every day....
What are they afraid of?

I mean, I have loads of people on my ignore list, people who insult at the drop of a hat.

What's to be afraid of? Everything. Getting into pointless fights with the mods in the open every day....

Certain issues are not "pointless", and I believe we should be allowed to engage them WHEN THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO YOUR PM's!
You are free to post whatever in the flame zone..that's what it's for.
But if you want the right to play courtroom on every one of the Mods decisions you don't agree with....that's probably not going to happen~

All boards moderate in private..the whiners would eat them otherwise.

I sincerely doubt it will be EVERY decision that is made, will be questioned.
Mods should not be able to infract posters they are engaged with in a thread.

One, especially, loves to abuse her power in this way.
Prostate Stretched said:

Really? What else is on your mind? Are you an anarchist? I ask because you are inviting anarchy.​

Not really, just would like to be able to openly call them out when necessary.
Certain issues are not "pointless", and I believe we should be allowed to engage them WHEN THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO YOUR PM's!
Have you ever noticed how the authoritarian leftists always line up in support of one-sided mod censorship, here?

They are the ones always favored and enjoy the privileges that come with being a Stalinist.
Meh, if I have something to say I'll say it....Mod or not.

I got somethin' to say....Yeah....It's better to burn out....Yeah....than fade away. ;)

"The RULES state issues with moderation should be taken up by PM with the mods. There is also mention that harassment will not be tolerated. This includes any form of harassment aimed at moderators.

The mods have been very lenient in the past with allowing some of you to question us about decisions we have made on the open board and also with the harassment we receive whether as replies in threads, having threads started about us, mocking us in threads we participate in as members, etc. We have answered questions some of you have had regarding why threads were moved, posts deleted, etc. We have taken time to explain why we do what we do and how we go about it. We have played "nice" while taking heat and threats from many of you on the open board and also in PMs. Those days are over!"
I disagree with the OP. If whaling on mods is allowed in threads will lead to the end of USMB. You can now tell them they are wrong and why.
I would like to know what mods are afraid of?
Members are openly criticized, made fun of, etc, and we all take it in stride.
Why can't mods endure the same as regular members do, when they perform actions on the board that others may not agree with?
Think of moderators as to why USMB is THE top political debate site in this country and likely in the world. . They keep the peace and they do it effectively so that reasonably good debates can happen.
I cannot believe that a forum that operates in such a free ad open manner, with whatever little meddling by mods being nothing more than a minor inconvenience, still gets certain members crying every time.

You wonder if these people ever left mom's basement.
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