I think our society should be more liberal

expecting government services already back to Ancient

Did the Egyptians have free health care?

Unless you're rich then you're accepting an ass fucking from the top 5% of our society. We're the hardest working workers on earth and our pay never goes up for the past 30 years...The top 5-10% of our society has gone up big time as they take it all.

Yep, we're all deadbeats for wanting better.

Well, there's always the other option:

Instead of being just another whining, class-envy, tell-me-I'm-A-Victim jackass who thinks the world is a pie that you are not getting your fair share that you are just somehow entitled to, you can do what they did, the top 5-10%, and work your ass off to be successful and make a really good living too! I bet those people aren't sitting home like you texting pointless complaints about what victims they are right now, they are out working hard to better themselves. Do that, then you can ass-fuck those under you too.

I lieu of that, just name me what country other than the USA that you can go to with better opportunity where you are more free to do more things while getting screwed over less by those better off.
We'd look like some kind of mixture of Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

Good examples ...

Both of which are total welfare states where the majority of the people are dependent on government for basic necessities and non-compliance with government means death.
Civilization has always been about paying taxes and expecting government services already back to Ancient Egypt(probably further).

So now you think Egyptian slavery was cool but you want Confederate monuments torn down. Sounds legit.


Move to Egypt and knock yourself out. The pyramids were built by the Egyptians, not slaves. Archeology has figured that out.
Liberals are born to be slaves. They love it. Everything comes from the master. If you lay around as a lazy slave, you might get beaten but the master will still feed you. He won't let you go naked. You will have shelter and what medical care the master gives, but its free.

Why are liberals such born to slavery?
The Egyptian Pharaohs didn't have slaves.

Wow. The things you learn on USMB.

Ancient Egypt: Slavery, its causes and practice

Hem (Hm), generally translated as 'slave' and originally meaning body, was seemingly a person with lessened rights dedicated to a certain task such as the service of a god (since the 1st dynasty) or the royal administration. The hemu (pl. of hem) are mentioned in the context of private persons only since the end of the Old Kingdom [27].
Since the Middle Kingdom foreign slaves mainly from Asia became increasingly numerous. They were either prisoners of war or traded by slave merchants. Their period of enslavement in Egypt was often limited. Debt slaves or prisoners of war were at times set free after serving for a certain period.

Part of the slaves were personal servants of individuals. Others belonged to estates of temples and noblemen, often taken during a military campaign or bestowed by the king. But how is one to interpret the following Old Kingdom inscription There were presented to him the things of his father, the judge and scribe Anubisemonekh; there was no grain or anything of the house, [but] there were people and small cattle.
The biography of Metjen, 3rd dynasty
J.H.Breasted Ancient Records of Egypt Part I § 171
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Civilization has always been about paying taxes and expecting government services already back to Ancient Egypt(probably further).

So now you think Egyptian slavery was cool but you want Confederate monuments torn down. Sounds legit.


Speaking of pyrmids , you see those three down in Antarctica? What's up with those and who made them?


One of the great things about more liberalism is more rock in roll
Longer hair
More sex
More freedom to be who you wish to be
More cure for diseases as science is looked up to and funded right.

Sounds good to me. Of course, I hate the fucking taliban or isis with a passion.

Yeah. You'll certainly get more educated "science" people if you pay them to ACHIEVE nothing, cover their food and medical care and promote a hippy revival.. Sure.. Good plan Matt. Carry on...
Now that we know there were no slaves in Egypt, someone needs to tell the Jews and Christians to edit the Old Testament.

Cause you know, we read it on USMB.
The Egyptian Pharaohs didn't have slaves.

Wow. The things you learn on USMB.

Ancient Egypt: Slavery, its causes and practice

Hem (Hm), generally translated as 'slave' and originally meaning body, was seemingly a person with lessened rights dedicated to a certain task such as the service of a god (since the 1st dynasty) or the royal administration. The hemu (pl. of hem) are mentioned in the context of private persons only since the end of the Old Kingdom [27].
Since the Middle Kingdom foreign slaves mainly from Asia became increasingly numerous. They were either prisoners of war or traded by slave merchants. Their period of enslavement in Egypt was often limited. Debt slaves or prisoners of war were at times set free after serving for a certain period.

Part of the slaves were personal servants of individuals. Others belonged to estates of temples and noblemen, often taken during a military campaign or bestowed by the king. But how is one to interpret the following Old Kingdom inscription There were presented to him the things of his father, the judge and scribe Anubisemonekh; there was no grain or anything of the house, [but] there were people and small cattle.
The biography of Metjen, 3rd dynasty
J.H.Breasted Ancient Records of Egypt Part I § 171

You want to change the subject but you can't.

It is widely accepted by archeologists that it wasn't slaves that built the pyramids.
Yep, I said it.

I want Single payer
I want UBI(Univeral basic income) of at least 5,000 per year.
I want more funding for science, infrastructure and education
I bet we'd have a stronger economy and people would be better off for it. The 19th century was ran away from for a damn good reason...Time to do so again!

Leave America then. There are many socialist countries that will be glad to have you. You're not wanted here, deadbeat.

What makes you think that any other country would want the lowest of our losers and rejects, such as Matthew?

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