I think our society should be more liberal

One of the great things about more liberalism is more rock in roll
Longer hair
More sex
More freedom to be who you wish to be
More cure for diseases as science is looked up to and funded right.

Sounds good to me. Of course, I hate the f•••ing taliban or isis with a passion.

There is not any plausible political climate in which anyone would want to have sex with you. No matter how you imagine society may be restructured to your political liking, you will still be universally seen as a worthless, unproductive parasite, unworthy of society's support or of anyone's affections.
One of the great things about more liberalism is more rock in roll
Longer hair
More sex
More freedom to be who you wish to be
More cure for diseases as science is looked up to and funded right.

Sounds good to me. Of course, I hate the fucking taliban or isis with a passion.

I wish Vikander would sit on my face and let me guess her weight, so we both have wild ass wishes that will never come true... Now think of something more realistic, wait that was realistic for you!
Would like to see every one who posts here, get there dictionary and look up the word TOLERANCE, and start to use it.
Unless you're rich then you're accepting an ass fucking from the top 5% of our society. We're the hardest working workers on earth and our pay never goes up for the past 30 years...The top 5-10% of our society has gone up big time as they take it all.

Yep, we're all deadbeats for wanting better.

If you're not producing more for your employer, why do you think you should be paid more?

Have you considered the fact that the top 5-10% of our society has worked for a higher education? Have saved and risked everything they have to start their own business working 60-70 hours a week to succeed? Does it not make sense to you that perhaps someone who has worked to become a lawyer, accountant, CPA or another professional will likely marry another professional? What entitles someone who has little or no education to the money earned by those who have worked for years to attain that lifestyle?

A household in the 90 percentile and above only earns $160,000 or more. As a Realtor for more than 40 years, there have been many decades I've earned that much by myself. My wife was a PA having commuted between Tallahassee and the medical school at the University of Florida for two years and then a residency in Jacksonville. Why did we owe someone who has made bad choices, has little or no education, refuses to work more than 40 hours a week anything?
And you want the top 5% of our society to own all the wealth....Me, I want everyone to have a chance in life.

Everyone has a fair chance. The fact that many make terrible choices is not my problem, it is their problem.

One of the great things about more liberalism is more rock in roll
Longer hair
More sex
More freedom to be who you wish to be
More cure for diseases as science is looked up to and funded right.

Sounds good to me. Of course, I hate the fucking taliban or isis with a passion.

You're not real bright because what you espouse has not a damn thing to do with intelligence or accountability.....only irrational and irresponsible behavior.
I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT...never mind your wants, your wants make me SICK, your wants are nothing more than little piles of dogshit in the gutter. Why not leave the US and find another society run in the manner you find acceptable? You will never be happy here.
Yep, I said it.

I want Single payer
I want UBI(Univeral basic income) of at least 5,000 per year.
I want more funding for science, infrastructure and education

Less war

More acceptance of Gays and trans
More love within our society
More people caring about other people
More rich paying their taxes and staying here in America!!!
More workers rights!
More rock and roll
More freedom to smoke and party
Less laws
Less prisoners

Now that is the America I wish for...

I bet we'd have a stronger economy and people would be better off for it. The 19th century was ran away from for a damn good reason...Time to do so again!
I want to win the lottery.
I want Single payer

There are plenty of great countries which have single payer, and you are free to pick which one you will move to...

North Korea

In Zimbabwe, even Matthew would have a fair chance at becoming a millionaire.

He wouldn't like it, gay male sex is illegal there.

I aint gay but guys that do like it shouldn't be treated as criminals.

Those countries you listed are dicatorships and have nothing to do with mixed economies that provide services to their people.....

yes, I want infrastructure, clean air, water and food. That is civilization...

Why do you hate civilization so much?

I am all for cutting the non-violent federal law book in half and releasing a few millions prisoners that don't belong in prison onto the streets. I am for treating people with respect and being a humane society.

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