I think Romney is reaping the rewards for being the GOP's fall guy in 2012


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
Christie, Jeb, etc, none of these guys wanted to face off against President Obama in 2012. It was a fool's errand they all knew they'd lose. They were all more popular than Mitt, but they weren't willing to run in 2012. No serious GOP contender other than Mitt was willing to run in 2012.

I kind of feel like the improved views on Mitt's image stem partly from his 2012 loss. Whether you agree or disagree, people across America do say he was right on some comments he was mocked for at the time of his 2012 campaign and Mitt is seen as a more likable person now than he was in 2012. I think this is a benefit he's getting because he was the only worthwhile GOP candidate who did choose to put in the work and effort to run against Pres Obama in 2012.

There is speculation he is going to run to the right of Jeb. Wouldn't that be ironic? The admittedly center-right/moderate Mitt having a GOP opponent he can confidently look more conservative against. Is Mitt about to beat a Bush and a Clinton for 2016? This could be one for the history books folks.

Not saying he's awesome or perfect, but he really was the only worthwhile candidate who stepped up to be the GOP's fall guy in 2012 (imagine the beating Santorum or Gingrich would have had in a general election against Pres. Obama), and I'm glad to see his image has improved after putting in that work to give the GOP someone to run in 2012

Romney’s national finance network — which raised roughly $1 billion on his behalf for the 2012 campaign — came alive in the hours after Romney declared his interest in a 2016 bid.

“When the news broke Friday, my phone started blowing up with texts, calls and e-mails from people that had donated to the campaign before and pledging their help,” said Travis Hawkes, a Republican donor in Idaho who served on Romney’s national finance council. “They say, ‘Let me know when you need my credit card number.’ My response to everyone has been, ‘Let’s just slow down and see what happens.’ ”
Romney moves to reassemble campaign apparatus for 2016 - The Washington Post
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