I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

Again, not because she was female. Because she tried to breach that barricade. Had it been some dude and not her, he would have been shot.

Looks to me there were a bunch attempting to breach. Mostly men.
Read the posts again and you'll see.

Oh, wait, you’re not a thinking person so that might be a struggle for you.
Yep, I was wrong, you were slamming the dead lady for something she may never have known.

But yeah, I WAS WRONG!!! I'm humble and can admit when I'm wrong.
Actually, it was Trump who initially recommended the states shut down. And despite his initial request they reopen in 2 weeks, he revised that to 6 weeks. And not many states fully reopened then either. Most states, red and blue alike, reopened in phases over time.

As far as protesters, many did wear masks. The ones who didn't, should have been. As far as rioters not observing social distancing and masks, I agree, that was nuts. But then the riots themselves were wrong.
And I am not saying that Trump is not without critique. What I am concerned about in the next pandemic is the political factor. So much got exposed during COVID as an opportunity to push agendas as opposed to putting safety first. The message to protestors should have been the same message that was being delivered to religious organizations, social clubs, sports activities.
If you have to remind people you lose your entire point.

Hey, Joe, I don't want you to forget those 3 years we were in the army during WWII !!
Yep, I was wrong, you were slamming the dead lady for something she may never have known.

But yeah, I WAS WRONG!!! I'm humble and can admit when I'm wrong.


Huh? Ashes Targetpractice didn't know she was having an affair?
I see you have a mental block. Take care.
I see, remember back when cops shot “unarmed” black men? You snowflakes were all like “couldn’t you shoot em in the leg?” And 💩

Hell, time change when it’s a white WOMAN at close range, right?
I know you want them to because that is your language and somehow you feel you are important
That's idiotic.
Three of my grandparents came from Norway and one from Denmark. This was before the turn of the last century. All four learned English and were proud of their accomplishments. That isn't to say that at the huge dinners and parties when the Aquavit flowed, Norwegian wasn't the norm. As a tyke living in Chicago, I spoke as much Norwegian and Danish (very similar) as I did English. My parents were both first-generation Americans.

Like millions, they needed a sponsor and came through Ellis Island. All became naturalized Americans and couldn't be more proud. Those were the days...
Spot on. My great-grandparents learned English. My father-in-law learned English. My wife came here as a child, she learned English.
Immigrants of previous generations did not walk off the gangplank and magically speak fluent English. It took 2-3 generations for English to become the home language of those immigrant families just as it does today. There are some wannabe Know-Nothings today who lose their shit when they hear a word spoken in a language they don't understand. This attitude would be no less impatient or intolerant for the ancestors of some posting here. Make no mistake. Maybe think for a moment of your Swedish or Yiddish speaking ancestors when you curl your lip at immigrants today going through exactly the same process your own family did.
Put down the club, your straw man died last week.
Oh, yeah, they are fantastically stupid.

The fact that we have millions of undocumented immigrants is proof of that.
Yes, the borders need to be secured MUCH better and illegals need to be rounded up and deported.
Denial is no way to go through life.

YOu guys clearly learned nothing from the BLM riots.

quite the contrary.

Black people asked NICELY for police reform for a decade. Police Departments and Unions resisted.

Then they threatened to burn white people's stuff... and just like that, a lot of reforms got passed.
Only because nobody had the stones to deal with the riots properly.
I see, remember back when cops shot “unarmed” black men? You snowflakes were all like “couldn’t you shoot em in the leg?” And 💩

Hell, time change when it’s a white WOMAN at close range, right?

You're beyond deranged. I never said that.

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