I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

They do seem to love the idea that a woman was shot. Now bring up transgenders up to Joe and put 2 and 2 together.

Just crazy 💩

Has nothing to do with her sex and everything to do with her attempt to climb over a police barricade. You think these officers wouldn't have fired had any of these Trump idiots broken out that window and attempted to climb over their barricade?

you are just a sheep. someone told you something and you trust it. You know nothing of the man that is Trump. You are just a bloviated cuck who merely hates a person because the masters told you to.

"I think, therefore I am"--René Descartes’
you don't think, therefore you aren't.


I said nothing about Trump. Your mental derangement is getting worse.
Has nothing to do with her sex and everything to do with her attempt to climb over a police barricade. You think these officers wouldn't have fired had any of these Trump idiots broken out that window and attempted to climb over their barricade?

Ohhhhhh, I see, no men broke through barriers that day?

Got it.

Why don’t you post a pick of all that violent wall climbing again. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Cultist are sooooooo lame.
Kind of hard to get people to be upset about a virus when the popo are shooting their children in the street.
one living in a demofk plantation is fking screwed since demfok leaders don't value their lives.

I said nothing about Trump. Your mental derangement is getting worse.
The thinking people in here know you were talking Trump. Only sheep hide in the fields to avoid their own words.
The thinking people in here know you were talking Trump. Only sheep hide in the fields to avoid their own words.

But you're not a thinking person. As evidenced by you you thinking I'm talking about Trump in a post where I'm not talking about Trump.

But you're not a thinking person. As evidenced by you you thinking I'm talking about Trump in a post where I'm not talking about Trump.

Well here, reference the adulterer you were referring to?

I like how you absolve Trump of unemployment shooting up to 14.7% because the states shut down; but then give him credit for lowering the unemployment rate down to under 7% because the states reopened.

Trump pushed for states/businesses to reopen ASAP while Democrats pushed for states and businesses to stay shut in the name of “stay safe”. Democrats then exposed their hypocrisy by losing their shit over people trying to keep their livelihood yet thought nothing of people by the mass thousands standing cheek-to-cheek for social justice protests and riots….. as if science was going to give the protesters and rioters a pass and not include them in the spread.
I'm in Florida. We didn't reopen right away. We reopened in phases, spanning many months. NY and CA were hit especially hard by covid. They remained partially closed the longest.
By comparison, Florida opened up more than the other states. The News Media lost their shit over people hitting Florida beaches yet thought nothing of mass protests in NY, Chicago, DC, Seattle, San Francisco…. Cities and States with some of the more strict COVID regulations.
Trump pushed for states/businesses to reopen ASAP while Democrats pushed for states and businesses to stay shut in the name of “stay safe”. Democrats then exposed their hypocrisy by losing their shit over people trying to keep their livelihood yet thought nothing of people by the mass thousands standing cheek-to-cheek for social justice protests and riots….. as if science was going to give the protesters and rioters a pass and not include them in the spread.

Actually, it was Trump who initially recommended the states shut down. And despite his initial request they reopen in 2 weeks, he revised that to 6 weeks. And not many states fully reopened then either. Most states, red and blue alike, reopened in phases over time.

As far as protesters, many did wear masks. The ones who didn't, should have been. As far as rioters not observing social distancing and masks, I agree, that was nuts. But then the riots themselves were wrong.
Only the one a woman broke through. They picked on a woman because certain barrier. Got it.

The hatred of women run deep in your cult.

That "certain barrier" was the last barricade separating that violent mob from the House chamber where some lawmakers and staff were still holed up. Police were not letting anyone breach that, or the other barricade on the other side of the chamber, break in.
And female, so that makes the demcult say it’s a just shooting.

Again, not because she was female. Because she tried to breach that barricade. Had it been some dude and not her, he would have been shot.

That "certain barrier" was the last barricade separating that violent mob from the House chamber where some lawmakers and staff were still holed up. Police were not letting anyone breach that, or the other barricade on the other side of the chamber, break in.

Because violent wall climbing?

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