I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

Kind of hard to get people to be upset about a virus when the popo are shooting their children in the street.
Kind of hard to believe Science is going to cut them a pass for not being a factor in spreading COVID. They didn’t Social Distance and a significant number of demonstrators did not mask up. Yet despite all of this, Trump had UnEmployment down to under 7% in six months from 14.7%.
Kind of hard to believe Science is going to cut them a pass for not being a factor in spreading COVID. They didn’t Social Distance and a significant number of demonstrators did not mask up. Yet despite all of this, Trump had UnEmployment down to under 7% in six months from 14.7%.
You don't get credit for fixing shit you fucked up.
You don't get credit for fixing shit you fucked up.
Trump did not cause COVID. COVID caused UnEmployment spike. Despite your best efforts to put this all on Trump, your flatten the curve theory already got shot down because of the social justice protestors whom you seem to think get a pass for not spreading COVID.

Science doesn’t give a shit about Trump and the social justice protestors.
Well, first, you guys have already established cops can use deadly force if they feel threatened. It's how you excuse cops shooting black children with boy scout knives and BB guns.

An investigation by the USCPD already cleared Byrd of wrongdoing. And the above stuff shows that Babbitt was nuts on the best of days.
There’s no statute of limitations on murder
That is such bullshit partisan rhetoric void of any economic substance. COVID was a global pandemic that caused mass unemployment spikes worldwide. What policies should Trump had pursued that would have resulted in lower unemployment during COVID? Can you point to any models showing what that UE would have been?

Remember, it was the Democrats at Federal, State, and Local levels that wanted to punish people for trying to earn livelihoods (eg barbers, restaurants, etc) yet it was the same Democrats that had no problem with social justice protestors gathering by the thousands standing right next to one another at the height of COVID.

Oh? Republicans didn't also shut down their states?
Kind of hard to believe Science is going to cut them a pass for not being a factor in spreading COVID. They didn’t Social Distance and a significant number of demonstrators did not mask up. Yet despite all of this, Trump had UnEmployment down to under 7% in six months from 14.7%.


I like how you absolve Trump of unemployment shooting up to 14.7% because the states shut down; but then give him credit for lowering the unemployment rate down to under 7% because the states reopened.

says you cause you're a usmessageboard poster. Hilarious shit.

So babbit was shot because some wife's husband cheated on her? hilarious, the wife hired the capital cop to end her life?

They do seem to love the idea that a woman was shot. Now bring up transgenders up to Joe and put 2 and 2 together.

Just crazy 💩
By and large, no. Look at Florida and Texas vs New York, California, and Illinois.

I'm in Florida. We didn't reopen right away. We reopened in phases, spanning many months. NY and CA were hit especially hard by covid. They remained partially closed the longest.

For calling an adulterer a piece of shit? Seems your morals are skewed to protest that observation.
you are just a sheep. someone told you something and you trust it. You know nothing of the man that is Trump. You are just a bloviated cuck who merely hates a person because the masters told you to.

"I think, therefore I am"--René Descartes’
you don't think, therefore you aren't.

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